Invokationer till boken "Vägen till kvinnas sanna frigärelse"
2. Väck kvinnor att ifrågasätta ofelbar sanning
(del 1)
I namn av JAG ÄR DEN JAG ÄR, i namn av Jesus Kristus, använder jag den rätt som jag har som varelse i förkroppsligande på Jorden för att uppmana Moder Maria att förstärka min åkallan och använda mina chakran för att projicera uttalandena i denna kallelse in i det kollektiva medvetandet och väcka människor till medvetenheten som kommer att befria både män och kvinnor från alla psykiska och andliga träldom till de fallna varelserna. Vakna människor till verkligheten att vi är andliga varelser och att vi kan samskapa en ny framtid genom att arbeta med de uppstigna mästarna. Jag åkallar särskilt ...
[Gör din egen åkallan här]
Del 1
1. Moder Maria, uppväck kvinnor till nödvändigheten att fokusera uppmärksamhet på sin situation, att debattera varierande frågor angående kvinnors situation och att skapa genomgripande förändringar i samhället för att förbättra kvinnors situation.
O saliga Maria, Moder min,
ingen kärlek större finns, än din,
då vi är ett i hjärta och sinne,
min plats i himmelsk hierarki jag finner.
O Moder Maria, generera,
sången som accelererar,
Jorden till en högre era,
det gnistrar nu om all materia.
2. Moder Maria, uppväck kvinnor till att inse att uppstigna mästare ligger bakom, och är involverade i alla framsteg på Jorden, eftersom de är de andliga väktarna för denna Planet.
Från himlen till jorden jag kom,
då jag är i min mänskliga form,
Helig auktoritet jag bär,
ber dig befria denna sfär.
O Moder Maria, generera,
sången som accelererar,
Jorden till en högre era,
det gnistrar nu om all materia.
3. Moder Maria, uppväck kvinnor inför de energier och idéer som mästarna sänder in i det kollektiva medvetandet och Planetens energifält.
Guds heliga namn befalla,
din Moderslåga anamma,
tills all rädsla brunnit har,
harmonin på nytt du upptar.
O Moder Maria, generera,
sången som accelererar,
Jorden till en högre era,
det gnistrar nu om all materia.
4. Moder Maria, uppväck kvinnor att ta upp idéer, känna energier och ta initiativ att debattera olika frågor som de inte kan debattera på egen hand.
Ditt heliga namn jag härmed lovordar,
kollektivt medvetande du befordrar,
ej mer av
tvivel, skam och räddhåga,
förtär det i Modersflammans låga.
O Moder Maria, generera,
som accelererar,
Jorden till en högre era,
det gnistrar nu om all materia.
5. Moder Maria, uppväck kvinnor inför faktum att denna Planet har blivit så kraftigt influerad av de fallna varelserna, att det finns så mycket rädslobaserad, lägre energi i Planetens identitets- de mentala och emotionella-kropparna att det är omöjligt för mänskliga varelser att befria sig om det inte vore för de uppstigna mästarna.
Allt mörker från Jorden töm,
ditt Ljus går fram som en mäktig ström,
mörkrets makter kan ej längre kriga,
mot spiralen som bara uppåt kan stiga.
O Moder Maria, generera,
sången som accelererar,
Jorden till en högre era,
det gnistrar nu om all materia.
6. Moder Maria, uppväck kvinnor att inse hur viktigt det är att göra åkallan, att förstärka energierna, att sända energier och idéer in i det kollektiva medvetandet så att alltfler människor kan ta till sig dem.
Alla naturens andar under press,
du välsignar, och helar från mänsklig stress,
naturens ande nu är fri,
iscensätta Himmelsk regi.
O Moder Maria, generera,
sången som accelererar,
Jorden till en högre era,
det gnistrar
nu om all materia.
7. Moder Maria, uppväck de kvinnor som kan verka som spjutspetsar, som förelöpare, som är på poster i samhället där de kan fatta beslut och agera, så att det blir möjligt att göra det som de kom hit för att göra.
Jag höjer min röst och markerar,
ett stopp för
krig jag kommenderar,
ej mer skall av krigande Jorden ödas,
en Gyllene Era ska nu födas.
O Moder Maria,
sången som accelererar,
Jorden till en högre era,
det gnistrar nu om all materia.
8. Moder Maria, uppväck kvinnor att inse att kvinnans frigörelse, jämställdhet mellan man och kvinna, inte är en rättslig process. Det är ej heller en fysisk process. Det är en psykologisk process.
När Moder Jord en gång är fri,
katastrofernas tid är förbi,
Din Moders Ljus är så intensivt,
det gör materien långt mindre massiv.
O Moder Maria, generera,
sången som accelererar,
Jorden till en högre era,
det gnistrar nu om all materia.
9. Moder Maria, uppväck kvinnor att inse att jämlikhet kräver förändring i den emotionella- mentala och identitets-kroppen på samhälls och individnivå.
I Moderns Ljus, Jorden ser sin rena källa,
den uppgående spiralen ska nu gälla,
blomstring är nu vår norm,
Guds vision förverkligad, som form.
O Moder Maria, generera,
som accelererar,
Jorden till en högre era,
det gnistrar nu om all materia.
Del 2
1. Moder Maria, uppväck kvinnor att inse, att även om samhället genomdrev en serie lagar som åstadkom total jämlikhet mellan män och kvinnor, eller som skulle befria kvinnor från allt förtryck eller begränsningar, så skulle inte detta kunna ske genom lag eftersom det inte är en rättslig eller politisk process. Vad som behövs är en förändring i medvetande.
saliga Maria, Moder min,
ingen kärlek större finns, än din,
då vi är ett i hjärta och sinne,
plats i himmelsk hierarki jag finner.
O Moder Maria, generera,
sången som accelererar,
Jorden till en högre era,
gnistrar nu om all materia.
2. Moder Maria, uppväck kvinnor att inse, att det kommer att ta tid innan en förändring tränger in i det kollektiva medvetandet och det individuella medvetandet hos människor som lever i samhället. Det är en psykologisk process.
Från himlen till jorden jag kom,
då jag är i min mänskliga
Helig auktoritet jag bär,
ber dig befria denna sfär.
O Moder Maria, generera,
sången som accelererar,
Jorden till en högre era,
det gnistrar nu om all materia.
3. Moder Maria, uppväck kvinnor att inse, att kvinnor behöver släppa föreställningen om att det finns en slutlig sanning. Kvinnor behöver göra sig av med denna dröm om en absolut sanning, en slutlig uppenbarelse, eftersom endast kvinnor har potentialen att göra det.
Guds heliga namn befalla,
din Moderslåga anamma,
tills all rädsla brunnit har,
harmonin på nytt du upptar.
O Moder Maria, generera,
sången som accelererar,
Jorden till en högre era,
det gnistrar nu om all materia.
4. Moder Maria, uppväck kvinnor att inse att en av de primära metoderna som används för att förtrycka kvinnor världen över, och för att hålla dom på en fixerad plats i samhället, är idén om att det finns något slags slutlig sanning.
Ditt heliga namn jag härmed lovordar,
kollektivt medvetande du befordrar,
ej mer av tvivel, skam och räddhåga,
förtär det i Modersflammans låga.
O Moder Maria, generera,
sången som accelererar,
Jorden till en högre era,
det gnistrar nu om all materia.
5. Moder Maria, uppväck kvinnor att inse, att många kvinnor världen över hålls i en fixerad position i därför att deras samhälle tror att Kristendomen har frambringat den slutliga uppenbarelsen och att Bibeln är Guds ord, och att detta inte behöver utvecklas mera idag.
Allt mörker från Jorden töm,
ditt Ljus går
fram som en mäktig ström,
mörkrets makter kan ej längre kriga,
mot spiralen som bara uppåt kan stiga.
O Moder Maria, generera,
sången som accelererar,
Jorden till en högre era,
det gnistrar nu om all materia.
6. Moder Maria, uppväck kvinnor att inse att många kvinnor är fast i tron att det som sagts om kvinnor i Bibeln är en absolut sanning som gäller för alltid. Sålunda att kvinnor ska hålla sig tysta i kyrkan, att kvinnor bär skulden för syndafallet och att de ska hållas utanför beslutsfattande poster därför att kvinnor är farliga och skulle kunna äventyra Guds plan att rädda världen.
Alla naturens andar under press,
du välsignar, och helar från mänsklig stress,
naturens ande nu är fri,
iscensätta Himmelsk regi.
O Moder Maria, generera,
sången som accelererar,
Jorden till en högre era,
det gnistrar
nu om all materia.
7. Moder Maria, uppväck kvinnor att inse att miljontals kristna håller fast vid denna tro därför att de tror att Bibeln är Guds ord. Många muslimer har samma tro om Koranen.
Jag höjer min röst och markerar,
ett stopp för krig jag kommenderar,
mer skall av krigande Jorden ödas,
en Gyllene Era ska nu födas.
O Moder Maria, generera,
sången som accelererar,
Jorden till en högre era,
det gnistrar nu om all materia.
8. Moder Maria, uppväck kvinnor att inse att inom Hinduismen och i Kina har man vissa trossatser, som definierar kvinnors situation i samhället, deras plats i samhället. Även vissa materialister tror att evolutionen definierade skillnader mellan män och kvinnor så att kvinnor är underlägsna männen eftersom evolution har gjort det så.
När Moder Jord en gång är fri,
katastrofernas tid är förbi,
Din Moders
Ljus är så intensivt,
det gör materien långt mindre massiv.
O Moder Maria, generera,
sången som
Jorden till en högre era,
det gnistrar nu om all materia.
9. Moder Maria, uppväck kvinnor att inse att en av de primära milstenarna på vägen mot kvinnors frigörelse är att utmana idén att det finns någon sanning på Jorden som är absolut, eller definitiv. Män kan inte göra detta, men kvinnor kan stå upp och utmana denna idé om en absolut, slutgiltig sanning.
I Moderns Ljus, Jorden ser sin rena källa,
den uppgående spiralen ska nu gälla,
blomstring är nu vår norm,
Guds vision förverkligad, som form.
O Moder Maria, generera,
som accelererar,
Jorden till en högre era,
det gnistrar nu om all materia.
Del 3
1. Moder Maria, uppväck kvinnor att inse att denna idé också håller män i en fixerad position eftersom dessa absoluta sanningar också definierar fasta roller för män, som män sitter fast i eftersom de inte medvetet inser det.
O saliga Maria, Moder min,
ingen kärlek större finns, än din,
då vi är ett i hjärta och sinne,
min plats i himmelsk hierarki jag finner.
O Moder Maria, generera,
sången som accelererar,
Jorden till en högre era,
det gnistrar nu om all materia.
2. Moder Maria, uppväck kvinnor att inse att under detta årtionde, 2020-30, behöver kvinnor avslöja hur idén om en absolut sanning begränsar inte bara kvinnor utan samhällen likaså.
Från himlen till
jorden jag kom,
då jag är i min mänskliga form,
Helig auktoritet jag bär,
ber dig befria denna sfär.
O Moder Maria, generera,
sången som accelererar,
Jorden till en högre era,
det gnistrar nu om all materia.
3. Moder Maria, uppväck kvinnor att inse att ideologiernas epok är över. Vi kan inte längre tillåta oss tro, att om ett samhälle baseras på en specifik ideologi, och lever upp till någon absolut sanning, kommer alla problem att lösas och vi får ett idealiskt samhälle.
Guds heliga namn befalla,
din Moderslåga anamma,
tills all rädsla brunnit har,
harmonin på nytt du upptar.
O Moder Maria, generera,
som accelererar,
Jorden till en högre era,
det gnistrar nu om all materia.
4. Moder Maria, uppväck kvinnor att inse att detta är en falsk idé. Det är en farlig, icke-konstruktiv idé som har lett till flertalet av de konflikter vi sett genom historien, till världskrig, skoningslösa grymheter och förföljelser.
Ditt heliga namn jag härmed lovordar,
kollektivt medvetande du befordrar,
ej mer av tvivel, skam och räddhåga,
förtär det i Modersflammans låga.
O Moder Maria, generera,
sången som accelererar,
Jorden till en högre era,
det gnistrar nu om all materia.
5. Moder Maria, uppväck kvinnor att inse att om ett land, eller en grupp av länder tror de har den absoluta idén och att den idén kan frambringa idealsamhället, så hamnar de automatiskt i konflikt med dem som inte delar den idén.
Allt mörker från Jorden töm,
Ljus går fram som en mäktig ström,
mörkrets makter kan ej längre kriga,
mot spiralen som bara uppåt kan stiga.
O Moder Maria, generera,
sången som accelererar,
Jorden till en högre era,
det gnistrar nu om all materia.
6. Moder Maria, uppväck kvinnor att inse att i den kommande era kommer det inte att finnas en ideologi, en religion, en politisk filosofi som dominerar Jorden. Ej heller kommer det existera flera rivaliserande ideologier som kämpar om världsdominans med varandra.
Alla naturens andar under press,
du välsignar, och helar från mänsklig stress,
naturens ande
nu är fri,
att iscensätta Himmelsk regi.
O Moder Maria, generera,
sången som accelererar,
till en högre era,
det gnistrar nu om all materia.
7. Moder Maria, uppväck kvinnor att inse, att inverkan från tankesystem och ideologier kommer att försvinna så snart människor vaknar upp och inser hur fångade de varit, hur fångade våra samhällen varit i dessa ideologier och tankesystem.
Jag höjer min röst
och markerar,
ett stopp för krig jag kommenderar,
ej mer skall av krigande Jorden ödas,
en Gyllene Era ska nu födas.
O Moder Maria, generera,
sången som accelererar,
Jorden till en högre era,
det gnistrar nu om all materia.
8. Moder Maria, uppväck kvinnor att göra en medveten, övervägd ansträngning att överge dessa idéer som tros vara absoluta.
När Moder
Jord en gång är fri,
katastrofernas tid är förbi,
Din Moders Ljus är så intensivt,
det gör
materien långt mindre massiv.
O Moder Maria, generera,
sången som accelererar,
Jorden till en högre era,
gnistrar nu om all materia.
9. Moder Maria, uppväck kvinnor att inse, att den Katolska kyrkan, den katolska mentaliteten, baserar sig på idén om en absolut sanning. Den baseras på en fix idé om kvinnan som ansvarig för syndafallet och att kvinnor därför inte skall tillåtas ha beslutsfattande poster.
I Moderns Ljus, Jorden ser sin rena källa,
den uppgående spiralen ska nu gälla,
blomstring är nu vår norm,
Guds vision förverkligad, som form.
O Moder Maria, generera,
sången som accelererar,
Jorden till en högre era,
det gnistrar nu om all materia.
Del 4
1. Moder Maria, uppväck kvinnor att inse, att i alla länder som domineras av den katolska religionen, finns ett underliggande, ofta outtalat medvetande om att kvinnor borde hållas utanför alla beslutsfattande poster, därför att om de inte är betrodda av kyrkan, hur kan de då vara betrodda på beslutsfattande poster eller i affärsliv?
O saliga Maria, Moder min,
ingen kärlek större finns, än din,
vi är ett i hjärta och sinne,
min plats i himmelsk hierarki jag finner.
O Moder Maria, generera,
sången som
Jorden till en högre era,
det gnistrar nu om all materia.
2. Moder Maria, uppväck kvinnor att inse, att detta också återfinns i några kristna, protestantiska och lutheranska samhällen där vi finner samma underliggande attityd.
Från himlen till jorden jag kom,
då jag är i min mänskliga form,
Helig auktoritet jag bär,
ber dig befria denna sfär.
Moder Maria, generera,
sången som accelererar,
Jorden till en högre era,
det gnistrar nu om all materia.
3. Moder Maria, uppväck kvinnor att se, att det finns en uppsättning av övertygelser i Afrika som går tillbaka till folkstammarnas religioner och att de är mycket begränsande mot kvinnor, särskilt mot kvinnor som har kraft.
Guds heliga namn befalla,
din Moderslåga anamma,
tills all rädsla brunnit har,
på nytt du upptar.
O Moder Maria, generera,
sången som accelererar,
Jorden till en högre era,
det gnistrar
nu om all materia.
4. Moder Maria, uppväck kvinnor att inse, att det ännu existerar en underliggande övertygelse att alla kvinnor med kraft måste vara häxor, och att samhället således inte kan ge kvinnor någon makt.
Ditt heliga namn jag härmed lovordar,
kollektivt medvetande du befordrar,
ej mer av tvivel, skam och räddhåga,
förtär det i Modersflammans låga.
O Moder Maria, generera,
sången som accelererar,
Jorden till en högre era,
det gnistrar nu om all materia.
5. Moder Maria, uppväck kvinnor att inse, att i många afrikanska områden finns det en attityd mot kvinnor som baserar sig på ”ofelbara” idéer bortom ifrågasättande: ”Kvinnor bara är sådana”, ”män bara är sådana”, och ”så skall relationen mellan män och kvinnor vara.”.
Allt mörker från Jorden töm,
ditt Ljus går fram som en mäktig
mörkrets makter kan ej längre kriga,
mot spiralen som bara uppåt kan stiga.
O Moder
Maria, generera,
sången som accelererar,
Jorden till en högre era,
det gnistrar nu om all materia.
6. Moder Maria, uppväck kvinnor att inse, att det kan vara svårt att peka på någon skrift eller någon specifik, klart uttalad övertygelse, som bara finns där, i det kollektiva medvetandet, ofta så subtil att få människor kommer på tanken att ifrågasätta den.
Alla naturens andar under press,
du välsignar, och helar från mänsklig stress,
naturens ande nu är fri,
att iscensätta Himmelsk regi.
O Moder Maria, generera,
som accelererar,
Jorden till en högre era,
det gnistrar nu om all materia.
7. Moder Maria, uppväck kvinnor att identifiera dessa övertygelser och ifrågasätta dem, uttala vad som sällan sagts, utmana och ifrågasätta dessa trossystem.
Jag höjer min röst och markerar,
stopp för krig jag kommenderar,
ej mer skall av krigande Jorden ödas,
en Gyllene Era ska nu födas.
Moder Maria, generera,
sången som accelererar,
Jorden till en högre era,
det gnistrar nu om all materia.
8. Moder Maria, uppväck kvinnor att inse, att det finns många mogna själar som valt att inkarnera i alla nationer runt världen i klart syfte att bringa dessa samhällen framåt.
Moder Jord en gång är fri,
katastrofernas tid är förbi,
Din Moders Ljus är så intensivt,
det gör
materien långt mindre massiv.
O Moder Maria, generera,
sången som accelererar,
Jorden till en högre era,
gnistrar nu om all materia.
9. Moder Maria, uppväck kvinnor att inse, att i varje nation, oavsett hur bakåtsträvande den tycks vara, finns några mycket modiga själar som inkarnerat där som kvinnor för att kunna växa upp i dessa förhållanden.
I Moderns Ljus, Jorden ser sin rena källa,
den uppgående
spiralen ska nu gälla,
blomstring är nu vår norm,
Guds vision förverkligad, som form.
O Moder
Maria, generera,
sången som accelererar,
Jorden till en högre era,
det gnistrar nu om all materia.
I nam av JAG ÄR SOM JAG ÄR, accepterar jag att ärkeängeln Michael, Astrea och Shiva bildar en ogenomtränglig sköld runt mig själv och alla konstruktiva människor och förseglar oss från alla rädslobaserade energier i alla fyra oktaverna. Jag accepterar att Guds Ljus förtär och omvandlar alla rädslobaserade energier som utgör de mörka krafterna som arbetar mot kvinnors befrielse på Jorden!
Uppväck kvinnor för att ifrågasätta ofelbar sanning
(del 2)
I namn av JAG ÄR DEN JAG ÄR, i namn av Jesus Kristus, använder jag den auktoritet jag har såsom inkarnerad på Jorden, att be Moder Maria att förstärka min åkallan och att använda mina chakran att projicera uttalandena i denna invokation in i det kollektiva medvetandet samt väcka människor till det medvetande som kommer att befria både män och kvinnor från all psykisk och andlig träldom under de fallna varelserna. Uppväck människor till verkligheten att vi alla är andliga varelser och att vi med-skapar en ny framtid genom att arbeta med de uppstigna mästarna. Jag vill rikta särskild åkallan för…
[Gör din egen åkallan här]
Del 1
1. Moder Maria, uppväck kvinnor att övervinna den kollektiva programmeringen i de emotionella, de mentala och identitetkropparna, så att kvinnor frigör sig från den och därigenom demonstrerar att det kan göras.
O saliga Maria, Moder min,
ingen kärlek större finns, än din,
då vi är ett i hjärta och sinne,
min plats i himmelsk hierarki jag finner.
O Moder Maria, generera,
som accelererar,
Jorden till en högre era,
det gnistrar nu om all materia.
2. Moder Maria, uppväck kvinnor att avancera till positioner där de kan börja utmana sina samhällen med nya idéer.
Från himlen till jorden jag kom,
då jag är i min mänskliga form,
Helig auktoritet jag bär,
ber dig befria denna sfär.
O Moder Maria, generera,
som accelererar,
Jorden till en högre era,
det gnistrar nu om all materia.
3. Moder Maria, uppväck kvinnor i alla nationer att fullfölja vad de har i sina Gudomliga Planer. Hjälp dem bryta igenom det kollektiva motståndet i sina nationer.
Guds heliga namn befalla,
din Moderslåga anamma,
tills all rädsla brunnit har,
harmonin på nytt du upptar.
O Moder Maria, generera,
som accelererar,
Jorden till en högre era,
det gnistrar nu om all materia.
4. Moder Maria, uppväck de mest andligt mogna kvinnorna att fullfölja den högsta potentialen de har i sina Gudomliga Planer, även att gå bortom vad de vågat föreställa sig innan de inkarnerade på Jorden.
Ditt heliga namn jag
härmed lovordar,
kollektivt medvetande du befordrar,
ej mer av tvivel, skam och räddhåga,
förtär det
i Modersflammans låga.
O Moder Maria, generera,
sången som accelererar,
Jorden till en högre era,
det gnistrar
nu om all materia.
5. Moder Maria, uppväck de människor som kan stämma in och emotta de högre idéerna för kvinnors befrielse, för mäns befrielse, och för likhet mellan könen.
Allt mörker från Jorden töm,
ditt Ljus går fram som en mäktig ström,
mörkrets makter kan ej längre kriga,
mot spiralen som bara uppåt kan stiga.
O Moder Maria, generera,
som accelererar,
Jorden till en högre era,
det gnistrar nu om all materia.
6. Moder Maria, uppväck kvinnor att finna sätt att dela denna undervisning och att bli de pionjärer som kan göra det kommande årtiondet 2020-30 till ett verkligt steg framåt för att förbättra kvinnors situation på denna Planet.
Alla naturens andar under press,
du välsignar, och helar från mänsklig stress,
naturens ande nu är fri,
iscensätta Himmelsk regi.
O Moder Maria, generera,
sången som accelererar,
Jorden till en högre era,
det gnistrar
nu om all materia.
7. Moder Maria, uppväck kvinnor att komma till den perfekta visionen att se det realistiska, praktiskt genomförbara målet för kvinnors frigörelse under detta årtionde.
Jag höjer min röst och markerar,
ett stopp för krig jag kommenderar,
ej mer
skall av krigande Jorden ödas,
en Gyllene Era ska nu födas.
O Moder Maria, generera,
sången som accelererar,
Jorden till en högre era,
det gnistrar nu om all materia.
8. Moder Maria, uppväck det stora antal mogna själar som valt att inkarnera i mindre utvecklade länder, att frambringa kvinnors frigörelse där.
När Moder Jord en gång är fri,
katastrofernas tid är förbi,
Din Moders Ljus är så intensivt,
det gör materien långt mindre massiv.
O Moder Maria, generera,
sången som accelererar,
Jorden till en högre era,
det gnistrar nu om all materia.
9. Moder Maria, uppväck de mogna själar som valt att inkarnera i mer utvecklade länder, eller i de som ligger något däremellan, för att bringa dessa samhällen framåt.
I Moderns Ljus, Jorden ser sin rena källa,
den uppgående spiralen ska nu gälla,
blomstring är nu vår norm,
Guds vision förverkligad, som form.
O Moder Maria, generera,
sången som accelererar,
Jorden till en högre era,
det gnistrar nu om all materia.
Del 2
1. Moder Maria, uppväck kvinnor i de länder som inte är så långt komna vad gäller kvinnors frigörelse, så att de kan komma ikapp under nästa årtionde och komma i närheten av de mest utvecklade länderna vad gäller likhet mellan könen och kvinnors frigörelse.
O saliga Maria, Moder min,
ingen kärlek större finns, än din,
då vi är ett i hjärta och sinne,
min plats i himmelsk hierarki jag finner.
O Moder Maria, generera,
sången som accelererar,
Jorden till en
högre era,
det gnistrar nu om all materia.
2. Moder Maria, uppväck kvinnor som valt att inkarnera i de mer utvecklade nationerna, att bringa dessa nationer vidare framåt, mot ett högre medvetande om kvinnors frigörelse, ett högre medvetande om behovet av likhet mellan könen.
Från himlen till jorden jag kom,
då jag är i min mänskliga form,
Helig auktoritet jag bär,
ber dig befria denna sfär.
Moder Maria, generera,
sången som accelererar,
Jorden till en högre era,
det gnistrar nu om all materia.
3. Moder Maria, uppväck kvinnor att se vägar för att skapa rättslig likhet mellan könen så att lagar appliceras lika mellan män och kvinnor.
Guds heliga namn befalla,
din Moderslåga anamma,
tills all rädsla brunnit har,
harmonin på nytt du upptar.
O Moder Maria, generera,
sången som accelererar,
Jorden till en högre era,
det gnistrar nu om all materia.
4. Moder Maria, uppväck kvinnor att inse hur man kan uppnå samma möjligheter på arbetsplatsen, samma lön för samma arbete och där kvinnor inte är hänvisade till vissa typer av arbete med mindre lön.
Ditt heliga namn jag härmed lovordar,
kollektivt medvetande du befordrar,
ej mer av tvivel, skam och räddhåga,
förtär det i Modersflammans låga.
O Moder Maria, generera,
sången som accelererar,
till en högre era,
det gnistrar nu om all materia.
5. Moder Maria, uppväck kvinnor att inse att jämlikhet inte nödvändigtvis betyder enformighet. Vad det betyder är ett paradigmskifte där vi kan se samma värde mellan män och kvinnor och att kvinnor har ett lika stort bidrag att ge till samhället.
Allt mörker från
Jorden töm,
ditt Ljus går fram som en mäktig ström,
mörkrets makter kan ej längre kriga,
mot spiralen
som bara uppåt kan stiga.
O Moder Maria, generera,
sången som accelererar,
Jorden till en högre era,
det gnistrar
nu om all materia.
6. Moder Maria, uppväck kvinnor för att inse att det är därför vi måste övervinna tanken att det finns en viss sanning från det förflutna som är en absolut uppenbarelse från Gud som bör definiera mäns och kvinnors roll och förhållandet mellan män och kvinnor.
Alla naturens andar under press,
du välsignar, och helar från mänsklig stress,
naturens ande nu är fri,
att iscensätta Himmelsk regi.
O Moder Maria, generera,
sången som accelererar,
Jorden till en högre era,
det gnistrar nu om all materia.
7. Moder Maria, uppväck kvinnor att inse att samhällen i det förflutna oftast hade en patriarkalisk mentalitet. De dominerades av män och hade redan då en viss attityd gentemot kvinnor.
Jag höjer min röst och markerar,
ett stopp för krig jag kommenderar,
ej mer skall av krigande Jorden ödas,
en Gyllene Era ska nu födas.
O Moder Maria, generera,
sången som accelererar,
Jorden till en högre
det gnistrar nu om all materia.
8. Moder Maria, uppväck kvinnor att inse att just dessa samhällen har gjort enorma teknologiska framsteg, så varför leva som om tiden stått stilla vad gäller synen på kvinnor och män och deras roller?
När Moder Jord en gång är fri,
tid är förbi,
Din Moders Ljus är så intensivt,
det gör materien långt mindre massiv.
Moder Maria, generera,
sången som accelererar,
Jorden till en högre era,
det gnistrar nu om all materia.
9. Moder Maria, uppväck kvinnor att inse, att såsom teknologin har gått framåt, så behöver samhället gå framåt vad gäller synen på män och kvinnor.
I Moderns Ljus, Jorden ser sin rena källa,
den uppgående spiralen ska nu gälla,
blomstring är nu vår norm,
Guds vision förverkligad, som form.
O Moder Maria, generera,
sången som accelererar,
Jorden till en högre era,
det gnistrar nu om all materia.
Del 3
1. Moder Maria, uppväck kvinnor att ifrågasätta, och eventuellt överge idén om att det någonsin skulle kunna finnas en /religiös/ skrift som är absolut, ofelbar sanning som står sig i alla tider.
O saliga Maria, Moder min,
ingen kärlek större finns, än din,
då vi är ett i hjärta och sinne,
min plats i himmelsk hierarki jag finner.
O Moder Maria, generera,
sången som accelererar,
Jorden till en högre era,
det gnistrar nu om all materia.
2. Moder Maria, uppväck kvinnor att inse att Bibeln, Koranen och Torah frambringades under en tid då människor såg livet genom en patriarkalisk, mansdominerad mentalitet.
Från himlen till jorden jag kom,
då jag är i min mänskliga form,
Helig auktoritet jag bär,
ber dig befria denna sfär.
O Moder Maria, generera,
sången som accelererar,
Jorden till en högre era,
det gnistrar nu om all materia.
3. Moder Maria, uppväck kvinnor att inse att inte ens Gud Den Allsmäktige kunde föra fram en ultimat uppenbarelse eftersom människor aldrig skulle ha förmått acceptera den, då de var fångade i denna mansdominerad mentalitet.
Guds heliga namn befalla,
din Moderslåga anamma,
tills all rädsla brunnit har,
harmonin på nytt du upptar.
Moder Maria, generera,
sången som accelererar,
Jorden till en högre era,
det gnistrar nu om all materia.
4. Moder Maria, uppväck kvinnor att inse att Gud inte hade kunnat befalla Moses eller Abraham att skapa likhet mellan könen.
Ditt heliga namn jag härmed lovordar,
kollektivt medvetande du befordrar,
ej mer av tvivel, skam och räddhåga,
förtär det i Modersflammans låga.
O Moder Maria, generera,
sången som accelererar,
Jorden till en högre era,
det gnistrar nu om all materia.
5. Moder Maria, uppväck kvinnor att inse att Jesus inte diskriminerade män och kvinnor. Detta är dock inte korrekt framfört i de kristna skrifterna eftersom de människor som skrev ner dem ännu var fångna i den mansdominerande mentalitet.
Allt mörker från Jorden töm,
ditt Ljus går fram som en mäktig ström,
makter kan ej längre kriga,
mot spiralen som bara uppåt kan stiga.
O Moder Maria, generera,
sången som accelererar,
Jorden till en högre era,
det gnistrar nu om all materia.
6. Moder Maria, uppväck den stora grupp av människor som är redo att stå upp emot, och medvetet släppa, föreställningen att vi inte kan ifrågasätta en skrift som nedtecknades för århundraden eller årtusenden sedan, eftersom den på något sätt var given av Gud och att den därför måste vara ofelbar.
Alla naturens andar under press,
du välsignar, och helar från mänsklig stress,
naturens ande nu är fri,
att iscensätta Himmelsk regi.
O Moder Maria, generera,
sången som accelererar,
Jorden till en högre era,
det gnistrar nu om all materia.
7. Moder Maria, uppväck kvinnor att inse att även om Gud är ofelbar, så är inte människor som emottar en uppenbarelse ofelbara. Det har aldrig funnits, kommer aldrig att finnas, någon absolut uppenbarelse på denna Planet.
Jag höjer min röst och
ett stopp för krig jag kommenderar,
ej mer skall av krigande Jorden ödas,
en Gyllene Era ska nu födas.
O Moder Maria, generera,
sången som accelererar,
Jorden till en högre era,
det gnistrar nu om all materia.
8. Moder Maria, uppväck kvinnor att se den progressiva uppenbarelsens verklighet, och att de uppstigna mästarna har mycket mera att ge än vad som är möjligt att tas emot idag.
När Moder Jord en gång är fri,
katastrofernas tid är förbi,
Din Moders Ljus är så intensivt,
det gör materien långt mindre massiv.
O Moder Maria, generera,
sången som accelererar,
Jorden till en högre
det gnistrar nu om all materia.
9. Moder Maria, uppväck kvinnor att inse att på grund av det kollektiva medvetandet har det aldrig funnits en tid på Jorden där perfekt progressiv uppenbarelse kunnat ges.
I Moderns Ljus, Jorden ser sin rena källa,
den uppgående spiralen ska nu gälla,
blomstring är nu vår norm,
Guds vision förverkligad, som form.
O Moder Maria, generera,
sången som accelererar,
Jorden till en högre era,
det gnistrar nu om all materia.
Del 4
1. Moder Maria, uppväck kvinnor att inse att de som manipulerar mänskligheten har blandat samman idéerna om uppenbarelse och Gudomlig skrift med idén om ofelbarhet. De vill få människor att tro att det inte kan finnas några fel i skrifterna för detta stänger dörren till progressiv uppenbarelse.
O saliga Maria,
Moder min,
ingen kärlek större finns, än din,
då vi är ett i hjärta och sinne,
min plats i himmelsk
hierarki jag finner.
O Moder Maria, generera,
sången som accelererar,
Jorden till en högre era,
det gnistrar nu
om all materia.
2. Moder Maria, uppväck kvinnor ur tron att om något ytterligare sagts efter att de kristna skrifterna nedtecknades, så kunde det betyda att skrifterna inte var ofelbara och att det måste finnas fel i dem.
Från himlen till jorden jag kom,
då jag är i min mänskliga form,
Helig auktoritet jag bär,
ber dig befria denna sfär.
O Moder Maria, generera,
sången som accelererar,
Jorden till en högre era,
det gnistrar nu om all materia.
3. Moder Maria, uppväck kvinnor från behovet av säkerheten, som får dem att tro att de har ett ofelbart trossystem, och bara de tror på det systemet och följer dess regler, garanteras de frälsning efter denna livstid.
Guds heliga namn befalla,
din Moderslåga anamma,
tills all rädsla brunnit har,
harmonin på nytt du upptar.
Moder Maria, generera,
sången som accelererar,
Jorden till en högre era,
det gnistrar nu om all materia.
4. Moder Maria, uppväck kvinnor att inse att människor som inte är villiga att ge upp denna tro, blir fanatiker på grund av sin outhärdliga rädsla.
Ditt heliga namn jag härmed
kollektivt medvetande du befordrar,
ej mer av tvivel, skam och räddhåga,
förtär det i Modersflammans
O Moder Maria, generera,
sången som accelererar,
Jorden till en högre era,
det gnistrar nu om all materia.
5. Moder Maria, uppväck människor som i tidigare liv har vuxit upp i ett av dessa ofelbara trossystem och som direkt har upplevt att löftet om en yttre frälsning är falskt.
Allt mörker från Jorden töm,
ditt Ljus går fram som en mäktig ström,
mörkrets makter kan ej längre kriga,
mot spiralen som bara uppåt kan stiga.
O Moder Maria, generera,
sången som accelererar,
Jorden till
en högre era,
det gnistrar nu om all materia.
6. Moder Maria, uppväck människor till ett genombrott på medveten nivå och ta in i sin medvetna medvetenhet vad de redan vet i sina högre mentala- och identitets kroppar. Hjälp dem övervinna rädslan i den emotionella kroppen, som blockerar dessa insikter att tränga igenom till det fysiska sinnet.
Alla naturens andar under press,
du välsignar, och helar från mänsklig stress,
naturens ande nu är fri,
iscensätta Himmelsk regi.
O Moder Maria, generera,
sången som accelererar,
Jorden till en högre era,
det gnistrar
nu om all materia.
7. Moder Maria, uppväck människor till insikten att vi inte längre behöver tro att en skrift är ofelbar. Vi kan vara öppna för nya idéer. Vi kan vara öppna för möjligheten att vi inte längre behöver behandla kvinnor i vårt samhälle på det sätt de behandlats i det förflutna.
Jag höjer min
röst och markerar,
ett stopp för krig jag kommenderar,
ej mer skall av krigande Jorden ödas,
en Gyllene Era ska
nu födas.
O Moder Maria, generera,
sången som accelererar,
Jorden till en högre era,
det gnistrar nu om all
8. Moder Maria, uppväck kvinnor att inse att vi inte behöver, i detta moderna samhälle, behandla kvinnor på det sätt de behandlades för tusentals år sedan. Jag gör åkallan för att denna insikt ska bryta igenom under det kommande årtiondet.
När Moder Jord en gång är fri,
tid är förbi,
Din Moders Ljus är så intensivt,
det gör materien långt mindre massiv.
Moder Maria, generera,
sången som accelererar,
Jorden till en högre era,
det gnistrar nu om all materia.
9. Moder Maria, uppväck kvinnor att se att män är mera benägna att bli offer för dessa absolutistiska övertygelsesystem och den episka mentaliteten. Därför är det kvinnor som har den största potentialen att bli pionjärer för detta genombrott där samhällen kommer att börja överge denna absolutistiska aspekt av den episka mentaliteten.
I Moderns Ljus, Jorden ser sin rena källa,
den uppgående spiralen ska nu gälla,
blomstring är nu vår norm,
Guds vision förverkligad, som form.
O Moder Maria, generera,
sången som accelererar,
Jorden till en högre era,
det gnistrar nu om all materia.
I namn av JAG ÄR DEN JAG ÄR, accepterar jag att Ärkeängeln Mikael, Astrea och Shiva, omsluter mig samt alla konstruktiva människor i en ogenomtränglig sköld, som skyddar oss från all rädslobaserad energi i alla fyra oktaver. Jag accepterar att Guds Ljus upphäver och transformerar all rädslobaserad energi som skapar de mörka krafter som motarbetar kvinnors frigörelse på Jorden.
4. De okända krafterna bakom
undertryckandet av kvinnor
(Under förberedelse)
En anna bok att läsa om och beställa:
Det minsta du bör veta om livet
Frigörelse - sammanfattning av teser i två fristående invokationer rörande kvinnor
5. Åkallan
om medvetande om dolda krafter
(Del 1)
I namn av JAG ÄR DEN JAG ÄR, i namn avJesus Kristus, använder jag den auktoritet jag har såsom inkarnerad på Jorden, till att mana Portia att förstärka min åkallan och att använda mina chakran att projicerauttalandenai denna invokation in i det kollektiva medvetandet samt väcka människor till det medvetande som kommer att befria både män och kvinnor från all psykologisk och andlig träldom under de fallna varelserna. äck människor till verkligheten att vi är andliga varelser och att vi med-skapar en ny framtid genom att arbeta med de Uppstigna Mästarna. Jag vill särskild rikta åkallan för…
[Gör här din egen åkallan]
Del 1
1. Älskade Portia, väck kvinnor till medvetandet att mänskligheten är fångad i perspektivet av att vara mycket fokuserade på sig själva, sina tankar, känslor och upplevelser, och att det inte existerar någonting bortom denna nuvarande nivå av medvetande.
O Portia, till din stilla retreat,
Moderns Kärlek för mig dit.
Alla prov jag nu klarar,
mönster ej mer bevarar
O Portia, Möjlighetens Gudinna,
jag är bortom dualismens hinna.
När jag i mitt inre fokus är,
jag växer och blir dig evigt
2. Älskade Portia, väck kvinnor att se att vi är fångade i en oförmåga att medge att det existerar ett högre tillstånd av medvetande än det vi har just nu – och att det existerrarett högre perspektiv på allting.
O Portia, Rättvisan du är,
Den Kosmiska Ärans Flamma högt du bär
Ej längre jag det spelet när,
Att söka förbli den jag är.
O Portia, Möjlighetens Gudinna,
är bortom dualismens hinna.
När jag i mitt inre fokus är,
jag växer och blir dig evigt när.
3. Älskade Portia, väck kvinnor till insikten att detta narcissistiska medvetandetillstånd får oss att projicera - baserat på vårt nuvarande medvetandetillstånd - bortom oss själva och vår omedelbara omgivning.
Portia, i kosmiskt flöde,
i enhet med dig, jag formar mitt öde.
Jag är bägaren på vår Jord
kosmisk rättvisa du fyller vårt bord.
O Portia, Möjlighetens Gudinna,
jag är bortom dualismens hinna.
När jag i mitt inre fokus är,
jag växer
och blir dig evigt när.
4. Älskade Portia, väck kvinnor att se att mänskliga varelser är fångade i tanken att vi kan se på nuvarande omständigheter på Jorden, och att vi baserat på dessa omständigheter, kan projicera vad verkligheten är bortom världen, hur universum fungerar, hur den andliga dimensionen är.
O Portia, kosmisk balans du bringar
evigt hopp och mitt hjärta till sång.
I skydd av din Moders vinge,
jag är ett med allt du bringar fram.
O Portia, Möjlighetens Gudinna,
jag är bortom dualismens hinna.
När jag i mitt inre fokus är,
jag växer
och blir dig evigt när.
5. Älskade Portia, väck kvinnor att se att vi tänker att detvi observerar på Jorden har någon verklighet i sig, och att det därför kan säga något om hela världsalltet, och att det är en absolut, universell, evig sanning.
O Portia, kom med Moderns Låga,
att fria mig från mörkrets
Din Kärleksflammas för alltid värmer,
nu med Saint Germain jag kommer närmre.
O Portia,
Möjlighetens Gudinna,
jag är bortom dualismens hinna.
När jag i mitt inre fokus är,
jag växer och blir dig evigt när.
6. Älskade Portia, väck kvinnor till möjligheten att vårt medvetande kan vara felaktigt, kan vara begränsat, färgat, kan vara subjektivt, att det kan vara totalt i strid med verkligheten.
O Portia i ditt
gudomliga mästerskap,
jag känner transformerad kemi.
I ditt verklighetslandskap,
Jag finner den gyllene alkemin.
O Portia, Möjlighetens Gudinna,
jag är bortom dualismens hinna.
När jag i mitt inre fokus är,
jag växer och blir dig evigt när.
7. Älskade Portia, väck kvinnor att se, att Jordens folk är fångade i en sluten cirkel. De befinner sig i ett mycket begränsat medvetandetillstånd, men de förmår inte inse denna begränsning, och därför tror de att de kan känna igen absolut sanning.
O Portia, i den kosmiska strömmen,
Jag väcks ur mänskliga drömmen.
När jag nu tar bjälken ur mitt öga.
jag tjänar min plats i kosmos det höga.
O Portia, Möjlighetens
jag är bortom dualismens hinna.
När jag i mitt inre fokus är,
jag växer och blir dig evigt när.
8. Älskade Portia, väck kvinnorna till insikten att människor tror att baserat på vad de kan se, eller på vad de har i sina sinnen, kan de projicera den absoluta sanningen om Gud, hela världsalltet, naturens lagar eller politiska och historiska nödvändigheter.
O Portia, kommen från fjärran
du är en kosmisk avatar.
Så oändlig din repertoar,
en ledande stjärna för Jorden vi har.
O Portia, Möjlighetens Gudinna,
jag är bortom dualismens hinna.
När jag i mitt inre fokus
jag växer och blir dig evigt när.
9. Älskade Portia, jag åkallar dig att splittra detta falska mönster! Splittra, splittra, splittra, splittra, splittra, splittra, splittra, splittra detta mönster i identitets-, mentalaoch emotionella oktaverna!
O Portia, jag är tillfreds,
som kosmiskt instrument.
Jag kom till Jorden ner,
att bringa hennes himmelska advent.
O Portia, Möjlighetens Gudinna,
jag är bortom dualismens hinna.
När jag i mitt inre fokus är,
jag växer och blir dig evigt när.
Del 2
1. Älskade Portia, splittra mönstret så att det skapas en möjlighet för människor att se bortom det, så att slöjan framför deras ögon faller, så att de ser hur begränsat, hur meningslöst, hur verklighetsfrämmande detta synsätt verkligen är.
O Portia, till din stilla retreat,
Moderns Kärlek för mig dit.
Alla prov jag nu klarar,
gamla mönster ej mer bevara.
O Portia, Möjlighetens Gudinna,
jag är bortom dualismens
När jag i mitt inre fokus är,
jag växer och blir dig evigt när.
2. Älskade Portia, hjälp kvinnor till insikten att vi lever på en liten planet, liknande ett sandkorn på en oändlig strand. Detta lilla sandkorn, och hur allt är på det, kan inte säga oss något om totaliteten av världsalltet, eller vad som finns bortom världsalltet, nämligen Skaparen själv.
O Portia, Rättvisan du är,
Den Kosmiska Ärans Flamma högt du bär
Ej längre jag det
spelet när,
Att söka förbli den jag är.
O Portia, Möjlighetens Gudinna,
jag är bortom dualismens hinna.
jag i mitt inre fokus är,
jag växer och blir dig evigt när.
3. Älskade Portia, befria kvinnor från illusionen att vi kan sitta här på denna Planetoch se hur begränsad den är, och att vi kan tro att det kan säga oss något om världsalltet, eller om Gud, eller om den andliga dimensionen.
O Portia, i ditt kosmiska flow,
Portia, i kosmiskt flöde,
i enhet med dig, jag formar mitt öde.
Jag är bägaren på vår Jord
kosmisk rättvisa du fyller vårt bord.
O Portia, Möjlighetens Gudinna,
jag är bortom dualismens hinna.
När jag i mitt inre fokus är,
jag växer
och blir dig evigt när.
4. Älskade Portia, väck kvinnor att förstå att när vi ser hur kvinnor behandlas illa överallt på Planeten, kan vi inte tillåta oss själva att tycka det är naturligt, att detta är det högsta tillståndet man kan finna var som helsti universum.
O Portia, kosmisk balans du bringar
evigt hopp och mitt hjärta till sång.
I skydd av din Moders vinge,
jag är ett med allt du bringar fram.
Portia, Möjlighetens Gudinna,
jag är bortom dualismens hinna.
När jag i mitt inre fokus är,
jag växer och blir dig evigt när.
5. Älskade Portia, väck kvinnor till insikten att denna planet inte är en avancerad planet. När vi ser hur kvinnor behandlas överallt, kan vi inte tro på att det är en avancerad planet. Därför kan inte en primitiv planet som denna säga oss något om resten av världsalltet.
O Portia, kom med Moderns Låga,
att fria mig från mörkrets plåga.
Din Kärleksflammas för alltid värmer,
nu med Saint Germain jag kommer närmre.
O Portia, Möjlighetens Gudinna,
jag är bortom
dualismens hinna.
När jag i mitt inre fokus är,
jag växer och blir dig evigt när.
6. Älskade Portia, väck kvinnor till insikten att detta är ett obalanserat medvetandetillstånd. Det är helt ur samklang med verkligheten.
O Portia i ditt gudomliga mästerskap,
jag känner transformerad kemi.
I ditt verklighetslandskap,
Jag finner den gyllene alkemin.
O Portia, Möjlighetens Gudinna,
jag är bortom dualismens
När jag i mitt inre fokus är,
jag växer och blir dig evigt när.
7. Älskade Portia, hjälp kvinnor inse att orsaken till varför vi har de nuvarande förhållandena på Jorden är att vi kollektivt har valt att träda in i en viss medvetandenivå.
O Portia, i den kosmiska strömmen,
Jag väcks ur mänskliga drömmen.
När jag nu tar bjälken ur mitt öga.
jag tjänar min plats i kosmos det höga.
O Portia, Möjlighetens Gudinna,
jag är bortom dualismens hinna.
När jag i mitt inre fokus är,
jag växer och blir dig evigt när.
8. Älskade Portia, hjälp kvinnor se att de nuvarande förhållandena, inklusive diskrimineringen av kvinnor, helt enkelt är fysiska uttryck för detta medvetandetillstånd.
Portia, kommen från fjärran
du är en kosmisk avatar.
Så oändlig din repertoar,
en ledande stjärna
för Jorden vi har.
O Portia, Möjlighetens Gudinna,
jag är bortom dualismens hinna.
När jag i mitt inre fokus är,
jag växer och blir dig evigt
9. Älskade Portia, väck kvinnor till insikten att vi behöver höja det kollektiva och individuella medvetandet, så att åtminstone en kritisk massa av människor kan välja att stiga upp till en nivå där dessa manifestationer kan avlägsnas från Jorden.
O Portia, jag är tillfreds,
som kosmiskt
Jag kom till Jorden ner,
att bringa hennes himmelska advent.
O Portia, Möjlighetens Gudinna,
är bortom dualismens hinna.
När jag i mitt inre fokus är,
jag växer och blir dig evigt när.
Del 3
1. Älskade Portia, väck kvinnor att se att på jorden har den fria viljan tillåtits spela ut sig själv i mycket extrem grad. Det är därför planeten inneslutits i denna dimma, ochdet kollektiva medvetandet befinner sig i denna bubbla, där ingen kan se klart.
O Portia, till din stilla retreat,
Moderns Kärlek för mig
Alla prov jag nu klarar,
gamla mönster ej mer bevarar.
O Portia, Möjlighetens Gudinna,
jag är
bortom dualismens hinna.
När jag i mitt inre fokus är,
jag växer och blir dig evigt när.
2. Älskade Portia, väck kvinnor till insikten att vi inte kan se bortom vårt medvetande, och att vi tror att vad vi kan se har någon universell, absolut sannng och verklighet. Det är ett missförstånd, en total illusion!
O Portia, Rättvisan du är,
Den Kosmiska Ärans Flamma högt du bär
Ej längre jag det spelet när,
Att söka förbli den jag är.
O Portia, Möjlighetens Gudinna,
jag är bortom dualismens hinna.
När jag i mitt inre fokus
jag växer och blir dig evigt när.
3. Älskade Portia, splittra, splittra, splittra denna illusion i identitetsoktaven! Splittra, splittra, splittra denna illusion i den mentala oktaven! Splittra, splittra, splittra denna illusion i den emotionella oktaven! Splittra, splittra, splittra denna illusion i den fysiska oktaven!
O Portia, i kosmiskt flöde,
enhet med dig, jag formar mitt öde.
Jag är bägaren på vår Jord
för kosmisk rättvisa du fyller vårt bord.
O Portia, Möjlighetens Gudinna,
jag är bortom dualismens hinna.
När jag i mitt inre fokus är,
jag växer och blir dig evigt när.
4. Älskade Portia, väck kvinnor till insikten att vi mänskliga varelser är i ett sådant begränsat medvetandetillstånd att vi inte kan känna igen en högre verklighet eller högre sanning.
O Portia, kosmisk balans du bringar
evigt hopp och mitt hjärta till sång.
I skydd av din Moders vinge,
jag är
ett med allt du bringar fram.
O Portia, Möjlighetens Gudinna,
jag är bortom dualismens hinna.
När jag i mitt inre fokus är,
jag växer och blir dig
evigt när.
5. Älskade Portia, väck kvinnor att se det meningslösa i diskussionen om vad som är sant, och verkligt. Det baserar sig på antagandet att det måste finnas något på Jorden som är sant, i en fulländad bemärkelse, något som är ofelbart, sprunget ur en högre källa.
O Portia, kom med Moderns Låga,
att fria mig från mörkrets plåga.
Din Kärleksflammas för alltid värmer,
nu med Saint Germain jag kommer närmre.
O Portia, Möjlighetens Gudinna,
jag är bortom dualismens hinna.
När jag i mitt inre fokus är,
jag växer och blir dig evigt när.
6. Älskade Portia, väck kvinnor till insikt att detta är en total illusion! Det finns ingen absolut sanning någonstans på Jorden eftersom det kollektiva medvetandet är för begränsat.
O Portia i ditt gudomliga mästerskap,
jag känner transformerad kemi.
I ditt verklighetslandskap,
Jag finner den gyllene alkemin.
O Portia, Möjlighetens Gudinna,
jag är bortom dualismens hinna.
jag i mitt inre fokus är,
jag växer och blir dig evigt när.
7. Älskade Portia, hjälp kvinnor se, att det inte handlar om att bestämma vilken av de befintliga sanningarna som är den absoluta anningen. Det handlar inte om skapa en ny lära som är den absoluta sanningen.
O Portia, i den kosmiska strömmen,
Jag väcks ur mänskliga drömmen.
När jag nu tar bjälken ur mitt öga.
jag tjänar min plats i kosmos det höga.
O Portia, Möjlighetens Gudinna,
jag är bortom dualismens hinna.
När jag i mitt
inre fokus är,
jag växer och blir dig evigt när.
8. Älskade Portia, hjälp kvinnor sinse, att vad det handlar om är att se att nyckeln till att förbättra tillståndet är att höja medvetandet, och att detta sker genom flera steg. Det är en mycket lång väg att gå innan det kollektiva medvetandet kommer till en nivå där en högre sanning kan bryta igenom.
O Portia, kommen från fjärran
du är en kosmisk avatar.
Så oändlig din repertoar,
en ledande stjärna
för Jorden vi har.
O Portia, Möjlighetens Gudinna,
jag är bortom dualismens hinna.
När jag i mitt inre fokus är,
jag växer och blir dig evigt
9. Älskade Portia, väck kvinnor till insikten att det i den nuvarande nivån av kollektivt medvetande inte är möjligt för människor att upptäcka en absolut sanning. Det är inte möjligt att frambringaen absolut sanning på Jorden.
O Portia, jag är tillfreds,
som kosmiskt instrument.
Jag kom till Jorden ner,
att bringa hennes himmelska advent.
O Portia, Möjlighetens Gudinna,
jag är bortom dualismens hinna.
jag i mitt inre fokus är,
jag växer och blir dig evigt när.
Del 4
1. Älskade Portia, väck kvinnor till insikten att vad vi kan känna igen i denna stund, vad vi kan begripa, och förstå, begränsas endast av vårt nuvarande medvetandetillstånd.
Portia, till din stilla retreat,
Moderns Kärlek för mig dit.
Alla prov jag nu klarar,
gamla mönster ej mer bevarar.
O Portia, Möjlighetens Gudinna,
jag är bortom dualismens hinna.
När jag i mitt inre fokus är,
jag växer och blir dig evigt när.
2. Älskade Portia, väck kvinnor till insikt att många människor tror de kan skapa en [mental] bild av Gud, och att när de sedan projicerar den bilden, har den en inverkan på Gud eller på verkligheten. Det är en ren illusion.
O Portia, Rättvisan du är,
Den Kosmiska Ärans Flamma högt du bär
Ej längre
jag det spelet när,
Att söka förbli den jag är.
O Portia, Möjlighetens Gudinna,
jag är bortom dualismens hinna.
jag i mitt inre fokus är,
jag växer och blir dig evigt när.
3. Älskade Portia, hjälp kvinnor att se, att projicering av en bild, en idol, visst har en verkan, men att den primärt har effekt på vårt eget medvetandetillstånd.
O Portia, i kosmiskt flöde,
i enhet med dig, jag formar mitt öde.
Jag är bägaren på vår Jord
för kosmisk rättvisa du fyller vårt bord.
O Portia, Möjlighetens Gudinna,
jag är bortom dualismens hinna.
När jag i mitt inre fokus är,
jag växer och blir dig evigt när.
4. Älskade Portia, väck kvinnor till insikten att så snart vi skapar en bild i våra sinnen, som vi tror representerar någon absolut sanning, och projicerar ut den bilden, stänger vi våra sinnen för en högre förståelse, en rikare upplevelse.
O Portia, kosmisk balans du bringar
evigt hopp och mitt hjärta till sång.
skydd av din Moders vinge,
jag är ett med allt du bringar fram.
O Portia, Möjlighetens Gudinna,
jag är bortom dualismens hinna.
jag i mitt inre fokus är,
jag växer och blir dig evigt när.
5. Älskade Portia, hjälp kvinnor att inse, att den illusion - som sedan mycket lång tid tillbaka har hängt över denna planet, och som förstärkts av många nationer, som blivit mycket intellektuella och linjärt tänkande - göratt vi tror att vikan förstå verkligheten.
O Portia,
kom med Moderns Låga,
att fria mig från mörkrets plåga.
Din Kärleksflammas för alltid värmer,
med Saint Germain jag kommer närmre.
O Portia, Möjlighetens Gudinna,
jag är bortom dualismens hinna.
När jag i mitt inre fokus är,
jag växer
och blir dig evigt när.
6. Älskade Portia, hjälp kvinnor att inse,att det finns saker vi kan förstå. Vi kan förstå saker i vår egen omgivning, men det bestäms av vår nivå av medvetande.
O Portia i ditt gudomliga mästerskap,
jag känner transformerad kemi.
I ditt
Jag finner den gyllene alkemin.
O Portia, Möjlighetens Gudinna,
jag är bortom dualismens hinna.
jag i mitt inre fokus är,
jag växer och blir dig evigt när.
7. Älskade Portia, hjälp kvinnor att inse att det som ligger bortom det jordiska, vår omedelbara omgivning, kan vi inte förstå fullt ut. Vi kan uppfatta det, vi kan uppleva det, men vi kan inte förstå det.
O Portia, i den kosmiska strömmen,
Jag väcks
ur mänskliga drömmen.
När jag nu tar bjälken ur mitt öga.
jag tjänar min plats i kosmos det höga.
O Portia, Möjlighetens Gudinna,
jag är bortom dualismens hinna.
När jag i mitt inre fokus är,
jag växer och blir dig evigt när.
8. Älskade Portia, väck kvinnor till insikt att det vi kan förstå med våra sinnen, inbegriper en fundamental dualitet mellan den som vet och det vetbara, mellan subjektet som försöker veta, och objektet som det försöker veta något om.
O Portia, kommen från fjärran
du är en kosmisk avatar.
Så oändlig din repertoar,
en ledande stjärna för Jorden vi har.
O Portia, Möjlighetens Gudinna,
jag är bortom dualismens hinna.
När jag i mitt inre
fokus är,
jag växer och blir dig evigt när.
9. Älskade Portia, väck kvinnor till insikten att det finns en fundamental subjekt-objekt-dualismsom alltid existerar i det mentala sinnet. Vi kan inte nå bortom det med våra fyra lägre oktaver.
O Portia, jag är tillfreds,
som kosmiskt instrument.
Jag kom till Jorden ner,
att bringa hennes himmelska advent.
O Portia, Möjlighetens Gudinna,
jag är bortom dualismens hinna.
jag i mitt inre fokus är,
jag växer och blir dig evigt när.
I namn av JAG ÄR DEN JAG ÄR, accepterar jag att Ärkeängeln Mikael, Elohim Astrea och Shiva omsluter mig samt alla konstruktiva människor i en ogenomtränglig sköld, som skyddar oss från all rädslobaserad energi i alla fyra oktaver. Jag accepterar att Guds Ljus upphäver och transformerar all rädslobaserad energi som skapat de mörka krafter som motarbetat kvinnors frigörelse på Jorden.
6. Åkallan om medvetande om dolda krafter
(Del 2)
I namn av JAG ÄR DEN JAG ÄR, i namn avJesus Kristus, använder jag den auktoritet jag har såsom inkarnerad på Jorden,till att mana Portia att förstärka min åkallan och att använda mina chakran att projicera uttalandena i denna invokation in i det kollektiva medvetandet samt väcka människor till det medvetande som kommer att befria både män och kvinnor från all psykologisk och andlig träldom under de fallna varelserna. Väck människor till verkligheten att vi är andliga varelser och att vi med-skapar en ny framtid genom att arbeta med de Uppstigna Mästarna. Jag vill särskild rikta åkallan för…
[Gör här din egen åkallan]
Del 1.
1. Älskade Portia, väck kvinnor till insikten att när vi ser oss själva som subjekt, så observerar vi och förstår påavstånd. Detta kan aldrig ge oss en full upplevelse av Sanning.
O Portia, till din stilla retreat,
Moderns Kärlek för mig dit.
Alla prov jag nu klarar,
mönster ej mer bevarar.
O Portia, Möjlighetens Gudinna,
jag är bortom dualismens hinna.
När jag i mitt inre fokus är,
jag växer och blir dig
evigt när.
2. Älskade Portia, väck kvinnor till insikten att det finns en kärna i vårt väsen, och att den ger oss möjlighet att stiga utanför vårt nuvarande sinnestillstånd, vår nuvarande uppfattningsförmåga, våra fyra lägre kroppar. Vi kan förnimma en verklighet som ligger bortom detta, och det är så vi kan uppfatta, uppleva Sanning.
O Portia, Rättvisan du är,
Den Kosmiska Ärans Flamma högt du bär
Ej längre jag det spelet när,
Att söka förbli den jag är.
O Portia, Möjlighetens Gudinna,
jag är bortom dualismens hinna.
När jag i mitt inre fokus är,
jag växer
och blir dig evigt när.
3. Älskade Portia, hjälp kvinnor till insikt att vi upplever Sanning när subjekt-objekt-dualismensätts ur spel. Vi upplever enhet mellan den som vet och det vetbara. Det är så vi kan uppleva en verklighet.
O Portia, i kosmiskt flöde,
i enhet med dig, jag formar mitt öde.
Jag är bägaren på vår Jord
för kosmisk rättvisa du fyller vårt bord.
O Portia, Möjlighetens Gudinna,
är bortom dualismens hinna.
När jag i mitt inre fokus är,
jag växer och blir dig evigt när.
4. Älskade Portia, väck kvinnor till insikten att vi inte kan beskriva vår upplevelse genom att använda ord och koncept som tillhör vårt normala medvetandetillstånd. Vi fjärmar oss från upplevelsen, och all beskrivning blir mindre än upplevelsen.
O Portia, kosmisk balans du bringar
evigt hopp och mitt hjärta till sång.
I skydd av din Moders vinge,
jag är ett med allt du bringar fram.
O Portia, Möjlighetens Gudinna,
jag är bortom dualismens hinna.
När jag i mitt inre fokus är,
jag växer
och blir dig evigt när.
5. Älskade Portia, väck kvinnor till insikten att vi inte kan frigöra kvinnorna utan att utmana idén om att det finns någon absolut skrift från det förflutna, eller någon naturbetingad nödvändighet, som definierar vad som är en man och vad som är en kvinna.
O Portia, kom med Moderns Låga,
att fria mig från mörkrets plåga.
Din Kärleksflammas för alltid värmer,
nu med Saint Germain jag kommer närmre.
O Portia, Möjlighetens Gudinna,
jag är bortom dualismens hinna.
När jag i mitt inre fokus är,
jag växer och blir dig evigt när.
6. Älskade Portia, väck kvinnor till insikten att det inte finns något sätt att utmana förtrycket av kvinnor utan att inse att vi inte kan förstå verkligheten med vårt sinne, utan bara genom att stiga utanför sinnet.
O Portia i ditt gudomliga mästerskap,
jag känner transformerad kemi.
I ditt verklighetslandskap,
Jag finner den gyllene alkemin.
O Portia, Möjlighetens Gudinna,
jag är bortom dualismens
När jag i mitt inre fokus är,
jag växer och blir dig evigt när.
7. Älskade Portia, väck kvinnor till insikten att kvinnor är mycket mera öppna för dessa idéer än män, och att kvinnor är de som mest troligt bär fram dem, och blir öppna dörrar för att transformera denna livssyn.
O Portia, i den kosmiska
Jag väcks ur mänskliga drömmen.
När jag nu tar bjälken ur mitt öga.
jag tjänar
min plats i kosmos det höga.
O Portia, Möjlighetens Gudinna,
jag är bortom dualismens hinna.
När jag i mitt inre fokus är,
jag växer och blir
dig evigt när.
8. Älskade Portia, väck kvinnor till insikten att när män tillåter sig själva att bli instrument för omänskliga dåd mot kvinnor, är det för att männen inte tänker, de är inte medvetna. De är inte uppmärksamma.
O Portia, kommen från fjärran
du är en kosmisk avatar.
Så oändlig din repertoar,
en ledande stjärna för Jorden vi har.
O Portia, Möjlighetens Gudinna,
jag är bortom dualismens hinna.
När jag i mitt inre fokus är,
jag växer och blir dig evigt när.
9. Älskade Portia, hjälp kvinnor att inse att deras sinnen tagits över av något. När män förtrycker kvinnor, är det inte en mänsklig varelse som gör detta, åtminstoneinte en mänsklig varelse som är medveten, som har känslor, som hyser kärlek till livet.
O Portia, jag är tillfreds,
som kosmiskt instrument.
kom till Jorden ner,
att bringa hennes himmelska advent.
O Portia, Möjlighetens Gudinna,
jag är bortom dualismens hinna.
jag i mitt inre fokus är,
jag växer och blir dig evigt när.
Del 2
1. Älskade Portia, väck kvinnor till insikten att det finns kollektiva varelser, kollektiva bestar, energivarelser som skapats av all den energi, och all uppmärksamhet som människor matat in i det kollektiva, under en lång tidsrymd.
O Portia, till din stilla retreat,
Moderns Kärlek för mig dit.
Alla prov jag nu klarar,
mönster ej mer bevarar.
O Portia, Möjlighetens Gudinna,
jag är bortom dualismens hinna.
När jag i mitt inre fokus är,
jag växer och blir dig
evigt när.
2. Älskade Portia, väck kvinnor till insikten att alkohol har använts under mycket lång tid på denna Planet, och att när någon är berusad är personen inte där. Vad som är där är alkoholentiteten som tagit över personens sinne.
O Portia, Rättvisan du är,
Den Kosmiska Ärans
Flamma högt du bär
Ej längre jag det spelet när,
Att söka förbli den jag är.
O Portia,
Möjlighetens Gudinna,
jag är bortom dualismens hinna.
När jag i mitt inre fokus är,
jag växer och blir dig evigt när.
3. Älskade Portia, väck kvinnor att inse, att det finns dolda krafter som kan ta över människors sinnen, och att män är mer benägna att tas över av dessa energetiska varelser, än kvinnor.
Portia, i kosmiskt flöde,
i enhet med dig, jag formar mitt öde.
Jag är bägaren på vår Jord
kosmisk rättvisa du fyller vårt bord.
O Portia, Möjlighetens Gudinna,
jag är bortom dualismens hinna.
När jag i mitt inre fokus är,
jag växer
och blir dig evigt när.
4. Älskade Portia, väck kvinnor till insikten att om vi ska kunna befria samhället från detta, är kvinnor de som har den största potentialen att göra det, att bli medvetna om existensen av dessa entiteter.
O Portia, kosmisk balans du bringar
evigt hopp och mitt hjärta till sång.
I skydd av din Moders vinge,
jag är ett med allt du bringar fram.
O Portia, Möjlighetens Gudinna,
jag är bortom dualismens
När jag i mitt inre fokus är,
jag växer och blir dig evigt när.
5. Älskade Portia, väck kvinnor till insikten att vi behöver förklara detta vetenskapligt, genom psykologi och alternativa läror. Vi behöver förstå vad som tar över våra mäns sinnen, när de förtrycker oss
O Portia, kom med Moderns Låga,
att fria mig från mörkrets plåga.
Din Kärleksflammas för alltid värmer,
nu med Saint Germain jag kommer närmre.
O Portia, Möjlighetens Gudinna,
jag är bortom dualismens hinna.
När jag i mitt inre
fokus är,
jag växer och blir dig evigt när.
6. Älskade Portia, väck kvinnor till insikten att vi behöver förstå vad som tar över sinnena hos våra systrar som har blivit förtryckta, som lever i begränsning, som inte tror de förtjänar ett bättre liv, som tror de bara kan ha ett visst liv, där de är beroende av denne man, som förtrycker dem.
O Portia i ditt gudomliga mästerskap,
jag känner transformerad kemi.
I ditt verklighetslandskap,
Jag finner den gyllene alkemin.
O Portia, Möjlighetens Gudinna,
jag är bortom dualismens hinna.
jag i mitt inre fokus är,
jag växer och blir dig evigt när.
7. Älskade Portia, väck kvinnor till insikten att vi behöver förstå vad som får en kvinna att tro att eftersom hon blivit manipulerad eller tvingad in i denna situation, måste hon uthärda den för resten av livet, och kan inte föreställa sig en väg ut ur den.
O Portia, i
den kosmiska strömmen,
Jag väcks ur mänskliga drömmen.
När jag nu tar bjälken ur mitt öga.
tjänar min plats i kosmos det höga.
O Portia, Möjlighetens Gudinna,
jag är bortom dualismens hinna.
När jag i mitt inre fokus är,
jag växer
och blir dig evigt när.
8. Älskade Portia, väck kvinnor till insikten att det finns vissa narcissistiska män som försöker manipulera andra för egna syften, ofta för att få makt.
O Portia, kommen från fjärran
du är en kosmisk avatar.
Så oändlig din repertoar,
en ledande stjärna för Jorden vi har.
O Portia, Möjlighetens Gudinna,
jag är bortom dualismens hinna.
När jag i mitt inre
fokus är,
jag växer och blir dig evigt när.
9. Älskade Portia, väck kvinnor till frågan varför Katolska Kyrkan har förtryckt kvinnor i sjutton århundraden, utan att visa några tecken på förändring av den attityden.
O Portia, jag är tillfreds,
som kosmiskt instrument.
Jag kom till Jorden ner,
att bringa hennes himmelska advent.
O Portia, Möjlighetens Gudinna,
jag är bortom dualismens hinna.
jag i mitt inre fokus är,
jag växer och blir dig evigt när.
Del 3
1. Älskade Portia, väck kvinnor till insikten att det finns vissa inkarnerade män som förespråkar denna typ av kvinnoförtryck, men att vi inte kan förklara det enbart genom att studera inkarnerade män.
O Portia, till din stilla retreat,
Moderns Kärlek för mig dit.
Alla prov jag nu klarar,
mönster ej mer bevarar.
O Portia, Möjlighetens Gudinna,
jag är bortom dualismens hinna.
När jag i mitt inre fokus är,
jag växer och blir dig
evigt när.
2. Älskade Portia, väck kvinnor till insikten att när en man dricker och börjar misshandla sin fru, är denna alkohol-entitet egentligen inte en tänkande entitet. Den har ingen riktig tanke. Den saknar sofistikerad, resonerande kraft. Den vill bara få män att dricka eller bli våldsamma.
O Portia, Rättvisan du är,
Den Kosmiska Ärans Flamma högt du bär
Ej längre jag det spelet när,
Att söka förbli den jag är.
O Portia, Möjlighetens Gudinna,
jag är bortom dualismens hinna.
När jag i mitt inre fokus är,
jag växer och blir dig evigt när.
3. Älskade Portia, väck kvinnortill insikten att bakom kvinnoförtryck finns en serie sofistikerade idéer som genereras av en komplex resonerande process. Vi måste fråga oss vad för slags sinne som är kapabelt att komma upp med idéer som dessa?
O Portia, i kosmiskt flöde,
i enhet med dig, jag formar mitt öde.
Jag är bägaren
på vår Jord
för kosmisk rättvisa du fyller vårt bord.
O Portia, Möjlighetens Gudinna,
jag är bortom dualismens hinna.
När jag i mitt inre fokus är,
jag växer och blir dig evigt när.
4. Älskade Portia, väck kvinnortill insikten att det finns vissa narcissistiska entiteter, inte nödvändigtvis i kroppslig form, men som existerar i de högre oktaverna -identitets- och metaloktaven. Därifrån kan de manipulera mänskliga varelser.
O Portia, kosmisk balans
du bringar
evigt hopp och mitt hjärta till sång.
I skydd av din Moders vinge,
jag är ett med allt du bringar fram.
O Portia, Möjlighetens Gudinna,
jag är bortom dualismens hinna.
När jag i mitt inre fokus är,
jag växer och blir dig evigt när.
5. Älskade Portia, väck kvinnortill insikten att det är dessa varelser som genererat alla de idéer som definierats eller erkänts som den absoluta sanningen.
Portia, kom med Moderns Låga,
att fria mig från mörkrets plåga.
Din Kärleksflammas för alltid värmer,
nu med Saint Germain jag kommer närmre.
O Portia, Möjlighetens Gudinna,
jag är bortom dualismens hinna.
När jag i mitt inre fokus är,
jag växer
och blir dig evigt när.
6. Älskade Portia, hjälp kvinnor till insikten att dessa narcissistiska varelser har en ännu starkare subjekt-objekt-dualismän de flesta människor.
O Portia i ditt gudomliga mästerskap,
jag känner transformerad kemi.
I ditt verklighetslandskap,
Jag finner den gyllene alkemin.
O Portia, Möjlighetens Gudinna,
jag är bortom dualismens hinna.
När jag i mitt inre fokus är,
jag växer och
blir dig evigt när.
7. Älskade Portia, hjälp kvinnor till insikten att sådana varelser har skapat en avbild av Gud, som ett kraftfullt vapen att manipulera mänskliga varelser.
O Portia, i den kosmiska strömmen,
Jag väcks ur mänskliga drömmen.
När jag nu tar bjälken ur mitt öga.
jag tjänar min plats i kosmos det höga.
O Portia, Möjlighetens Gudinna,
jag är bortom dualismens hinna.
När jag i mitt
inre fokus är,
jag växer och blir dig evigt när.
8. Älskade Portia, hjälp kvinnor till insikten att dessa varelser är fångade i en sluten krets i sina egna sinnen, och de förmår inte se dess overklighet.
O Portia, kommen från fjärran
du är en kosmisk avatar.
oändlig din repertoar,
en ledande stjärna för Jorden vi har.
O Portia, Möjlighetens Gudinna,
jag är bortom dualismens hinna.
jag i mitt inre fokus är,
jag växer och blir dig evigt när.
9. Älskade Portia, väck kvinnor till insikten att dessa narcissistiska varelser fattade beslutet att de skulle göra mannen till det överlägsna könet, och kvinnan till det underlägsna könet. Det betyder att det sett från ett visst perspektiv är en fördel att vara man på Jorden.
O Portia, jag är tillfreds,
som kosmiskt instrument.
Jag kom till Jorden ner,
att bringa hennes himmelska advent.
O Portia, Möjlighetens Gudinna,
jag är bortom dualismens hinna.
När jag i mitt inre fokus är,
jag växer
och blir dig evigt när.
Del 4
1. Älskade Portia, hjälp kvinnor till insikten att i många samhällen är kvinnorna männens tjänare och t o m männens slavar. De gör allt arbete och de uppfostrar barnen.
O Portia, till din stilla retreat,
Moderns Kärlek för mig dit.
Alla prov jag nu klarar,
gamla mönster ej mer bevarar.
Portia, Möjlighetens Gudinna,
jag är bortom dualismens hinna.
När jag i mitt inre fokus är,
jag växer och blir dig evigt när.
2. Älskade Portia, väck kvinnor till insikten att det är mindre troligt att männen tar upp denna fråga. Män är inte de som kan befria Planeten från denna attityd.
O Portia, Rättvisan
du är,
Den Kosmiska Ärans Flamma högt du bär
Ej längre jag det spelet när,
Att söka förbli
den jag är.
O Portia, Möjlighetens Gudinna,
jag är bortom dualismens hinna.
När jag i mitt inre fokus är,
jag växer och blir dig evigt när.
3. Älskade Portia, hjälp kvinnor till insikten att kvinnor är de som är i den mottagade änden av synsättet att männen är överlägsna. Vi, kvinnornaär de som har hållits tillbaka. Vi är de som har tryckts ner och begränsats.
O Portia, i kosmiskt flöde,
enhet med dig, jag formar mitt öde.
Jag är bägaren på vår Jord
för kosmisk rättvisa du fyller vårt bord.
O Portia, Möjlighetens Gudinna,
jag är bortom dualismens hinna.
När jag i mitt inre fokus är,
jag växer och blir dig evigt när.
4. Älskade Portia, väck kvinnor till insikten att kvinnor har en stark drivkraft att befria sig från denna manipulation. Det är nu en större möjlighetför kvinnor att kunna bli förelöpare i att befria Planeten från detta förtryck, och det är något som de narcissistiska varelserna inte kan hantera.
O Portia, kosmisk balans du bringar
evigt hopp och mitt hjärta
till sång.
I skydd av din Moders vinge,
jag är ett med allt du bringar fram.
O Portia, Möjlighetens Gudinna,
jag är bortom dualismens hinna.
När jag i mitt inre fokus är,
jag växer och blir dig evigt när.
5. Älskade Portia, hjälp kvinnor till insikten att det kön som är förtryckt har en starkare drivkraft att befria sig självt från förtryck, och att kvinnorna därför är mera benägna att öppna sina sinnen att genomskåda manipulation och de narcissistiska varelsernas mönster, och sevilka lögner de bygger på.
O Portia, kom med Moderns Låga,
att fria mig från mörkrets plåga.
Din Kärleksflammas för alltid värmer,
nu med Saint Germain jag kommer närmre.
O Portia, Möjlighetens Gudinna,
jag är bortom dualismens hinna.
När jag i mitt inre fokus är,
jag växer och blir dig evigt när.
6. Älskade Portia, väck kvinnor att upptäcka att de narcissistiska varelserna gjort vissa val. De har skapat vissa idéer som tryckt ner kvinnor och upphöjt män.
O Portia i ditt gudomliga mästerskap,
jag känner transformerad kemi.
I ditt verklighetslandskap,
Jag finner den gyllene alkemin.
O Portia, Möjlighetens
jag är bortom dualismens hinna.
När jag i mitt inre fokus är,
jag växer och blir dig evigt när.
7. Älskade Portia, hjälp kvinnor till insikten att en lång tidsperiod har förflutit där varken män eller kvinnor någonsin har ifrågasatt detta. Men på grund av de förändrade /kosmiska/ cyklerna kommer den här tiden att ta slut. Denna cykel närmar sig sitt slut
O Portia, i den kosmiska strömmen,
Jag väcks ur mänskliga
När jag nu tar bjälken ur mitt öga.
jag tjänar min plats i kosmos det höga.
Portia, Möjlighetens Gudinna,
jag är bortom dualismens hinna.
När jag i mitt inre fokus är,
jag växer och blir dig evigt när.
8. Älskade Portia, hjälp kvinnor till insikten att vi nu har nått en punkt där de kosmiska hjulen nu har roterat ett snäpp, och frambringaren befrielse för kvinnan.
O Portia, kommen från fjärran
du är en kosmisk avatar.
Så oändlig din repertoar,
en ledande stjärna för Jorden vi har.
O Portia, Möjlighetens Gudinna,
jag är bortom dualismens hinna.
När jag i mitt inre fokus är,
jag växer och blir dig evigt när.
9. Älskade Portia, väck kvinnor till insikten att även om de narcissistiska varelserna kommer att göra allt de kan för att hindra kvinnorna att vakna upp, kan de inte hindra oss att fatta beslutet att väcka oss själva, och anammanya idéer, och befria oss från detta förtryck.
O Portia, jag är tillfreds,
som kosmiskt instrument.
Jag kom till Jorden ner,
att bringa hennes himmelska advent.
O Portia, Möjlighetens Gudinna,
jag är bortom dualismens hinna.
jag i mitt inre fokus är,
jag växer och blir dig evigt när.
Del 5.
1. Älskade Portia, hjälp kvinnor till insikten att när kvinnor fattat beslutet om ändring, kan de narcissistiska varelserna inte göra något för att stoppa den. De kan försöka skjuta på dengenom att hålla kvinnorna okunniga, hålla dem passiva, hålla dem borta från kunskapen och viljan att befria sig själva.
O Portia, till din stilla retreat,
Kärlek för mig dit.
Alla prov jag nu klarar,
gamla mönster ej mer bevarar.
O Portia, Möjlighetens
jag är bortom dualismens hinna.
När jag i mitt inre fokus är,
jag växer och blir dig evigt när.
2. Älskade Portia, väck kvinnor till upptäckten att när kvinnorna väl har börjat komma till självinsikt, och börjar fatta de högre, mer medvetna besluten att skapa förändring i samhället, kommer de narcissistiska varelserna inte kunna stoppa det.
O Portia, Rättvisan du är,
Den Kosmiska Ärans Flamma högt du bär
Ej längre jag det spelet när,
Att söka förbli den jag är.
O Portia, Möjlighetens Gudinna,
är bortom dualismens hinna.
När jag i mitt inre fokus är,
jag växer och blir dig evigt när.
3. Älskade Portia, hjälp kvinnor till insikten att det inte finns något de narcissistiska varelserna kan göra för att stoppa den rörelse som är kvinnornas frigörelse. Det finns ingen väg tillbaka nu.
O Portia, i kosmiskt flöde,
i enhet med dig, jag formar mitt öde.
Jag är bägaren på vår Jord
för kosmisk rättvisa du fyller vårt
O Portia, Möjlighetens Gudinna,
jag är bortom dualismens hinna.
När jag i mitt inre fokus är,
jag växer och blir dig evigt när.
4. Älskade Portia, väck kvinnor till att göra åkallan, och väcka än flera kvinnor, så att snöbollen hålls i rullning, växer, drar med sig alltfler kvinnor i att bli del i denna förenade rörelse.
O Portia, kosmisk balans du bringar
evigt hopp och mitt hjärta till sång.
I skydd
av din Moders vinge,
jag är ett med allt du bringar fram.
O Portia, Möjlighetens Gudinna,
jag är bortom dualismens hinna.
jag i mitt inre fokus är,
jag växer och blir dig evigt när.
5. Älskade Portia, hjälp kvinnor till insikten: ”Vi kommer inte längre att tolerera kvinnoförtryck på denna Planet, eftersom vi hävdar denna Planet som vår”.
O Portia, kom med Moderns Låga,
att fria mig från mörkrets plåga.
Din Kärleksflammas för alltid värmer,
nu med Saint Germain jag kommer närmre.
O Portia, Möjlighetens Gudinna,
jag är bortom dualismens hinna.
När jag i mitt inre fokus är,
jag växer och blir dig evigt när.
6. Älskade Portia, hjälp kvinnor till insikten att när detta vinner gehör, finns inget de narcissistiska varelserna kan göra för att motverka det. De kan inte stoppa det. De kan inte dölja det. De måste helt enkelt se på medan de förlorar dominansen över denna Planet.
O Portia i ditt gudomliga mästerskap,
jag känner transformerad kemi.
I ditt verklighetslandskap,
Jag finner den gyllene alkemin.
O Portia, Möjlighetens Gudinna,
jag är bortom dualismens hinna.
När jag i mitt inre fokus är,
jag växer och blir dig evigt när.
7. Älskade Portia, hjälp kvinnoratt överge dessa mansdominerade samhällen som inte kommer att förbli mansdominerade utan som kommer bli alltmer balanserade.
O Portia, i den kosmiska strömmen,
Jag väcks ur mänskliga drömmen.
När jag
nu tar bjälken ur mitt öga.
jag tjänar min plats i kosmos det höga.
O Portia, Möjlighetens Gudinna,
jag är bortom dualismens
När jag i mitt inre fokus är,
jag växer och blir dig evigt när.
8. Älskade Portia, väck kvinnor att se bortom de extrema feministernas dröm om att själva kunna ha den makt som männen haft så länge.
O Portia, kommen från fjärran
du är en kosmisk avatar.
Så oändlig din repertoar,
en ledande stjärna för Jorden vi har.
O Portia, Möjlighetens Gudinna,
jag är
bortom dualismens hinna.
När jag i mitt inre fokus är,
jag växer och blir dig evigt när.
9. Älskade Portia, väck kvinnor att inse att eftersom undertrzckandet av kvinnor har drivits av de narcicissistiska varelserna, drivs också den extrema feministiska rörelsen och dess försök att häja kvinnor till att ha samma makt som män, av sådana varelser.
O Portia, jag är tillfreds,
som kosmiskt instrument.
Jag kom till Jorden ner,
att bringa hennes himmelska advent.
O Portia, Möjlighetens Gudinna,
jag är bortom dualismens hinna.
När jag i mitt inre fokus är,
jag växer och blir dig evigt när.
I namn av JAG ÄR DEN JAG ÄR, accepterar jag att Ärkeängeln Mikael, Elohim Astrea och Shiva omsluter mig samt alla konstruktiva människor i en ogenomtränglig sköld, som skyddar oss från all rädslobaserad energi i alla fyra oktaver. Jag accepterar att Guds Ljus upphäver och transformerar all rädslobaserad energi som skapat de mörka krafter som motarbetat kvinnors frigörelse på Jorden.
8. Du skapades inte som en man eller en kvinna
(Det och följande kapitel är under förberedelse)
Resterande invokationer från boken i oredigerade skick
8. Invoking freedom from all predefined roles (Part 1)
In the name of the I AM THAT I AM, Jesus Christ, I use the authority that I have as a being in embodiment on earth to call upon Omega to reinforce my calls and use my chakras to project the statements in this invocation into the collective consciousness and awaken people to the awareness that will liberate both men and women from all psychological and spiritual thralldom to the fallen beings. Awaken people to the reality that we are spiritual beings and that we can co-create a new future by working with the ascended masters. I especially call for …
[Make your own calls here.]
Part 1
1. Omega, awaken women to see that the Creator’s Being is beyond all form, but we live in a world of form and everything in this world has form.
Omega, I now meditate,upon your throne in cosmic gate.I’m born out of the figure-eight,that Alpha and you co-create.
O Song of Life, you vitalize,all hearts you truly synchronize.O Sacred Sound, you alchemize,.turn earth into a paradise..
2. Omega, awaken women to see that thoughts and feelings are also forms. Even a subtle sense of identity has a form, any image we might have of God also has form but the real Creator is beyond form.
O Song of Life, you vitalize,all hearts you truly synchronize.O Sacred Sound, you alchemize,.turn earth into a paradise.
O Song of Life, you vitalize,all hearts you truly synchronize.O Sacred Sound, you alchemize,.turn earth into a paradise..
3. Omega, awaken women to see that there are no words, there are no forms, there are no images that could capture the Creator’s Being. The Creator has no form, is beyond form, has transcended form, is transcendent of form.
Omega in the Central Sun,you show me life is cosmic fun.And thus a victory is won,my homeward journey has begun.
O Song of Life, you vitalize,all hearts you truly synchronize.O Sacred Sound, you alchemize,.turn earth into a paradise..
4. Omega, awaken women to see that we need to transcend our attachment to form and go into the full purity and neutralness of the Conscious You, in order to experience the Creator’s Being.
O Song of Life, you vitalize,all hearts you truly synchronize.O Sacred Sound, you alchemize,.turn earth into a paradise..
5. Omega, awaken women to see that while the Creator is the originator of the world of form, the Creator itself is beyond its creation. Nothing we can grasp or experience on earth can be used to reason backwards and say this tells me something about the Creator.
Omega, in your cosmic flow,my Plan divine I clearly know.My heart is now a lamp aglow,as love on all I do bestow.
O Song of Life, you vitalize,all hearts you truly synchronize.O Sacred Sound, you alchemize,.turn earth into a paradise.
6. Omega, awaken women to see that if we try to do this, we go into the linear mind that is a subject, which is attempting to understand an object.
Omega, cosmic Mother Flame,this is the light from which I came.As I take part in cosmic game, Christ victory I do proclaim.
O Song of Life, you vitalize,all hearts you truly synchronize.O Sacred Sound, you alchemize,.turn earth into a paradise..
7. Omega, awaken women to see that if we go into this mind and attempt to comprehend God, we cannot comprehend God, we can only understand an idol, an image of God and it can never be God, it can only be an idol.
Omega, I now comprehend,why I did to earth descend.And thus I fully do intend,to help this Planet to ascend.
O Song of Life, you vitalize,all hearts you truly synchronize.O Sacred Sound, you alchemize,.turn earth into a paradise..
8. Omega, awaken women to see that an image is not in alignment with reality but if we think it is in alignment with reality, it becomes a false image, a false god, an idol.
Omega, I do now aspire,to join the ranks of cosmic choir.My heart burns with a Christic fire,that is this Planet’s sanctifier.
O Song of Life, you vitalize,all hearts you truly synchronize.O Sacred Sound, you alchemize,.turn earth into a paradise..
9. Omega, awaken women to see that regardless of the images, the idols that have been created on earth, the Creator is not male, the Creator is not a male God.
Omega, my heart is ablaze,my life is in an upward phase.Come teach me now the secret phrase,so that I can this Planet raise.
O Song of Life, you vitalize,all hearts you truly synchronize.O Sacred Sound, you alchemize,.turn earth into a paradise..
Part 2
1. Omega, awaken women to see that the concept of male and female is completely meaningless when it comes to the real God that is beyond form. How could there be a distinction of male and female in something that is beyond form, when male and female exist only in the world of form.
Omega, I now meditate,upon your throne in cosmic gate.I’m born out of the figure-eight,that Alpha and you co-create.
O Song of Life, you vitalize,all hearts you truly synchronize.O Sacred Sound, you alchemize,.turn earth into a paradise..
2. Omega, awaken women to see that male and female on earth is a very primitive concept only existing on dense-matter Planets. It is completely meaningless to want to apply this to the Creator.
O Song of Life, you vitalize,all hearts you truly synchronize.O Sacred Sound, you alchemize,.turn earth into a paradise.
O Song of Life, you vitalize,all hearts you truly synchronize.O Sacred Sound, you alchemize,.turn earth into a paradise..
3. Omega, awaken women to see that in order to create a world of form, the Creator must define differentiation so that one form is set apart from another form and both forms are defined in relation to each other, or they are defined in relation to the void that has no form.
Omega in the Central Sun,you show me life is cosmic fun.And thus a victory is won,my homeward journey has begun.
O Song of Life, you vitalize,all hearts you truly synchronize.O Sacred Sound, you alchemize,.turn earth into a paradise..
4. Omega, awaken women to see that one must create two forms at the same time and that is the beginning of differentiation. There is the differentiation that there is a form that is different from the void, but at the level of form there are at least two forms that are set apart from each other.
Omega, femininityis doorway to infinity.With you I have affinity,to know my own divinity.
O Song of Life, you vitalize,all hearts you truly synchronize.O Sacred Sound, you alchemize,.turn earth into a paradise..
5. Omega, awaken women to see that the two basic elements that our Creator decided to use to create its world of form, was an expanding and a contracting force.
Omega, in your cosmic flow,my Plan divine I clearly know.My heart is now a lamp aglow,as love on all I do bestow.
O Song of Life, you vitalize,all hearts you truly synchronize.O Sacred Sound, you alchemize,.turn earth into a paradise..
6. Omega, awaken women to see that the Creator chose an expanding and a contracting force. This had nothing to do with male and female as we see it on earth.
Omega, cosmic Mother Flame,this is the light from which I came.As I take part in cosmic game, Christ victory I do proclaim.
O Song of Life, you vitalize,all hearts you truly synchronize.O Sacred Sound, you alchemize,.turn earth into a paradise..
7. Omega, awaken women to see that this was a differentiation into an outgoing force, that would continue to go out and expand indefinitely, and the contracting force that could balance the outgoing force so that a certain form could be maintained.
Omega, I now comprehend,why I did to earth descend.And thus I fully do intend,to help this Planet to ascend.
O Song of Life, you vitalize,all hearts you truly synchronize.O Sacred Sound, you alchemize,.turn earth into a paradise..
8. Omega, awaken women to see that a form could be created and maintained because the contracting force balanced the expanding force, and the Creator defined a certain relationship between the expanding and the contracting force.
Omega, I do now aspire,to join the ranks of cosmic choir.My heart burns with a Christic fire,that is this Planet’s sanctifier.
O Song of Life, you vitalize,all hearts you truly synchronize.O Sacred Sound, you alchemize,.turn earth into a paradise..
9. Omega, awaken women to see that this relationship, this ratio, determined the density of matter, thereby setting the pattern or the boundaries for what kind of forms could be created.
Omega, my heart is ablaze,my life is in an upward phase.Come teach me now the secret phrase,so that I can this Planet raise.
O Song of Life, you vitalize,all hearts you truly synchronize.O Sacred Sound, you alchemize,.turn earth into a paradise..
Part 3
1. Omega, awaken women to see that there is a balancing factor between the expanding and the contracting force. There is an outgoing and a contracting force, and a form can only be upheld by the two being balanced.
Omega, I now meditate,upon your throne in cosmic gate.I’m born out of the figure-eight,that Alpha and you co-create.
O Song of Life, you vitalize,all hearts you truly synchronize.O Sacred Sound, you alchemize,.turn earth into a paradise..
2. Omega, awaken women to see that the definition of the Christ ratio for our particular sphere determines the increments by which we can transcend ourselves.
O Song of Life, you vitalize,all hearts you truly synchronize.O Sacred Sound, you alchemize,.turn earth into a paradise.
O Song of Life, you vitalize,all hearts you truly synchronize.O Sacred Sound, you alchemize,.turn earth into a paradise..
3. Omega, awaken women to see that Christ is this ratio, this specific geometric ratio between the expanding and the contracting forces. The Christ mind is self-transcendence.
Omega in the Central Sun,you show me life is cosmic fun.And thus a victory is won,my homeward journey has begun.
O Song of Life, you vitalize,all hearts you truly synchronize.O Sacred Sound, you alchemize,.turn earth into a paradise..
4. Omega, awaken women to see that the moment we define Christ, we have lost Christ, for Christ has already transcended itself. If we want to keep pace with Christ, we must continually transcend ourselves and not believe that we have the final experience, the final understanding, the final theory, the final doctrine.
Omega, femininityis doorway to infinity.With you I have affinity,to know my own divinity.
O Song of Life, you vitalize,all hearts you truly synchronize.O Sacred Sound, you alchemize,.turn earth into a paradise..
5. Omega, awaken women to see that once we try to fixate Christ, we have lost Christ and gone into anti-christ. Certain beings attempt to fixate Christ because Christ is the ultimate power in an unascended sphere and they want to use that power for their own purposes.
Omega, in your cosmic flow,my Plan divine I clearly know.My heart is now a lamp aglow,as love on all I do bestow.
O Song of Life, you vitalize,all hearts you truly synchronize.O Sacred Sound, you alchemize,.turn earth into a paradise..
6. Omega, awaken women to see that this cannot be done because Christ is the Oneness of all life and constantly transcending itself. The moment we try to fixate Christ so we can use it to gain power, then it is not Christ we are having; it is anti-christ.
Omega, cosmic Mother Flame,this is the light from which I came.As I take part in cosmic game, Christ victory I do proclaim.
O Song of Life, you vitalize,all hearts you truly synchronize.O Sacred Sound, you alchemize,.turn earth into a paradise.
7. Omega, awaken women to see that Christ is the ultimate power because Christ is above anything on earth.
Omega, I now comprehend,why I did to earth descend.And thus I fully do intend,to help this Planet to ascend.
O Song of Life, you vitalize,all hearts you truly synchronize.O Sacred Sound, you alchemize,.turn earth into a paradise..
8. Omega, awaken women to see that the narcissistic beings, the fallen beings, cannot fathom Christ, they can only construct a false image of Christ and that is anti-christ.
Omega, I do now aspire,to join the ranks of cosmic choir.My heart burns with a Christic fire,that is this Planet’s sanctifier.
O Song of Life, you vitalize,all hearts you truly synchronize.O Sacred Sound, you alchemize,.turn earth into a paradise..
9. Omega, awaken women to see that the fallen beings have taken the concept of the expanding and contracting forces, they have perverted them by comparing them to the masculine and feminine we see on earth.
Omega, my heart is ablaze,my life is in an upward phase.Come teach me now the secret phrase,so that I can this Planet raise.
O Song of Life, you vitalize,all hearts you truly synchronize.O Sacred Sound, you alchemize,.turn earth into a paradise..
Part 4
1. Omega, awaken women to see that to take the ideas of these cosmic forces and associate them with something as dense and as primitive as male and female bodies on a dense-matter Planet like earth, has no reality to it whatsoever.
Omega, I now meditate,upon your throne in cosmic gate.I’m born out of the figure-eight,that Alpha and you co-create.
O Song of Life, you vitalize,all hearts you truly synchronize.O Sacred Sound, you alchemize,.turn earth into a paradise..
2. Omega, awaken women to see that this is an attempt to manipulate people. The fallen beings have looked at their limited understanding of creation, they have sensed that there is an expanding force, there is a contracting force. They have then attempted to create a fixed image of these forces and their interaction. This is what cannot be done.
O Song of Life, you vitalize,all hearts you truly synchronize.O Sacred Sound, you alchemize,.turn earth into a paradise.
O Song of Life, you vitalize,all hearts you truly synchronize.O Sacred Sound, you alchemize,.
turn earth into a paradise.
3. Omega, awaken women to see that the fallen beings have taken these two forces and they have pulled them into their dualistic view and they have said: “One is male, one is female, the male is superior and the female is inferior.”
Omega in the Central Sun,you show me life is cosmic fun.And thus a victory is won,my homeward journey has begun.
O Song of Life, you vitalize,all hearts you truly synchronize.O Sacred Sound, you alchemize,.turn earth into a paradise..
4. Omega, awaken women to see that the fallen beings have pulled the cosmic forces that are beyond our sphere into their own limited view, their perception filter, their state of consciousness, their dualistic view, where one dualistic polarity has to be defined in opposition to the other dualistic polarity.
Omega, femininityis doorway to infinity.With you I have affinity,to know my own divinity.
O Song of Life, you vitalize,all hearts you truly synchronize.O Sacred Sound, you alchemize,.turn earth into a paradise..
5. Omega, awaken women to see that instead of being two forces that are complementary, they are now opposites, they pull in opposite directions.
Omega, in your cosmic flow,my Plan divine I clearly know.My heart is now a lamp aglow,as love on all I do bestow.
O Song of Life, you vitalize,all hearts you truly synchronize.O Sacred Sound, you alchemize,.turn earth into a paradise..
6. Omega, awaken women to see that there has to be something that balances the outgoing force in order to maintain a form. But it is not opposite; it is just balancing so that form can be maintained. There is no contradiction, there is no opposition, there is no form breaking down another.
Omega, cosmic Mother Flame,this is the light from which I came.As I take part in cosmic game, Christ victory I do proclaim.
O Song of Life, you vitalize,all hearts you truly synchronize.O Sacred Sound, you alchemize,.turn earth into a paradise..
7. Omega, awaken women to see that when we are not in duality, we can use the expanding and contracting forces to create something, we can create many different forms so they are not in opposition to each other, they do not break down each other, they do not destroy each other.
Omega, I now comprehend,why I did to earth descend.And thus I fully do intend,to help this Planet to ascend.
O Song of Life, you vitalize,all hearts you truly synchronize.O Sacred Sound, you alchemize,.
turn earth into a paradise.
8. Omega, awaken women to see that once we go into duality, we are still creating the same way, but now the two forces have become opposites, they work against each other.
Omega, I do now aspire,to join the ranks of cosmic choir.My heart burns with a Christic fire,that is this Planet’s sanctifier.
O Song of Life, you vitalize,all hearts you truly synchronize.O Sacred Sound, you alchemize,.turn earth into a paradise..
9. Omega, awaken women to see that in duality there is a resistance, there is an opposition to anything we want to create and to maintaining it over time or transcending it.
Omega, my heart is ablaze,my life is in an upward phase.Come teach me now the secret phrase,so that I can this Planet raise.
O Song of Life, you vitalize,all hearts you truly synchronize.O Sacred Sound, you alchemize,.turn earth into a paradise..
In the name of the I AM THAT I AM, I accept that Archangel Michael, Astrea and Shiva form an impenetrable shield around myself and all constructive people, sealing us from all fear-based energies in all four octaves. I accept that the Light of God is consuming and transforming all fear-based energies that make up the dark forces working against the liberation of women on earth!
9. Invoking freedom from all predefined roles (Part 2)
In the name of the I AM THAT I AM, Jesus Christ, I use the authority that I have as a being in embodiment on earth to call upon Omega to reinforce my calls and use my chakras to project the statements in this invocation into the collective consciousness and awaken people to the awareness that will liberate both men and women from all psychological and spiritual thralldom to the fallen beings. Awaken people to the reality that we are spiritual beings and that we can co-create a new future by working with the ascended masters. I especially call for …
[Make your own calls here.]
Part 1
1. Omega, awaken women to see that there is an opposition to maintaining something over time, so we can experience it for some time, but there is also opposition if we want to transcend it because we become trapped in our own creation.
Omega, I now meditate,upon your throne in cosmic gate.I’m born out of the figure-eight,that Alpha and you co-create.
O Song of Life, you vitalize,all hearts you truly synchronize.O Sacred Sound, you alchemize,.turn earth into a paradise..
2. Omega, awaken women to see that the fallen beings have taken these two cosmic forces, pulled them into a dualistic worldview and now they appear to be opposites. Therefore, the masculine must have certain qualities that are in opposition to the feminine.
O Song of Life, you vitalize,all hearts you truly synchronize.O Sacred Sound, you alchemize,.turn earth into a paradise.
O Song of Life, you vitalize,all hearts you truly synchronize.O Sacred Sound, you alchemize,.turn earth into a paradise..
3. Omega, awaken women to see that once the fallen beings had defined these two as opposites, they defined a value judgment that says the expanding force, the masculine element, is superior and the female is inferior.
Omega in the Central Sun,you show me life is cosmic fun.And thus a victory is won,my homeward journey has begun.
O Song of Life, you vitalize,all hearts you truly synchronize.O Sacred Sound, you alchemize,.turn earth into a paradise..
4. Omega, awaken women to see that the fallen beings transferred that and said men are superior to women and therefore women should submit themselves to male dominance.
Omega, femininityis doorway to infinity.With you I have affinity,to know my own divinity.
O Song of Life, you vitalize,all hearts you truly synchronize.O Sacred Sound, you alchemize,.turn earth into a paradise..
5. Omega, awaken women to see that this is how the fallen beings have created the opposition between the sexes.
Omega, in your cosmic flow,my Plan divine I clearly know.My heart is now a lamp aglow,as love on all I do bestow.
O Song of Life, you vitalize,all hearts you truly synchronize.O Sacred Sound, you alchemize,.turn earth into a paradise..
6. Omega, awaken women to see that the fallen beings have created many false gods, and even the Old Testament god, Jehovah, is a false god created by the fallen beings. Any god that is seen as masculine or feminine is a false god. Any god who has form is a false god.
Omega, cosmic Mother Flame,this is the light from which I came.As I take part in cosmic game, Christ victory I do proclaim.
O Song of Life, you vitalize,all hearts you truly synchronize.O Sacred Sound, you alchemize,.turn earth into a paradise..
7. Omega, awaken women to see that we do not ascend as a man or a woman, we ascend as a neutral being, we become neutral in terms of gender identity and gender roles.
Omega, I now comprehend,why I did to earth descend.And thus I fully do intend,to help this Planet to ascend.
O Song of Life, you vitalize,all hearts you truly synchronize.O Sacred Sound, you alchemize,.turn earth into a paradise..
8. Omega, awaken women to see that we do not need to change, go beyond or suppress the sexuality of the body. In our minds, we become more and more neutral.
Omega, I do now aspire,to join the ranks of cosmic choir.My heart burns with a Christic fire,that is this Planet’s sanctifier.
O Song of Life, you vitalize,all hearts you truly synchronize.O Sacred Sound, you alchemize,.turn earth into a paradise..
9. Omega, awaken women to see that we reach a certain level of consciousness where we are in a male or a female body, but we are not identifying ourselves as men or women but as spiritual beings.
Omega, my heart is ablaze,my life is in an upward phase.Come teach me now the secret phrase,so that I can this Planet raise.
O Song of Life, you vitalize,all hearts you truly synchronize.O Sacred Sound, you alchemize,.turn earth into a paradise..
Part 2
1. Omega, awaken women to see that as we rise to higher levels of consciousness, we become less and less concerned about masculine and feminine, male and female.
Omega, I now meditate,upon your throne in cosmic gate.I’m born out of the figure-eight,that Alpha and you co-create.
O Song of Life, you vitalize,all hearts you truly synchronize.O Sacred Sound, you alchemize,.turn earth into a paradise..
2. Omega, awaken women to see that we are still in a male or female body but there comes a point where we say: “So what. Why should that limit me in my spiritual growth or my expression of who I am on earth? I will be who I will be, express what I will express, regardless of whether I am in a male or female body.”
O Song of Life, you vitalize,all hearts you truly synchronize.O Sacred Sound, you alchemize,.turn earth into a paradise.
O Song of Life, you vitalize,all hearts you truly synchronize.O Sacred Sound, you alchemize,.turn earth into a paradise..
3. Omega, awaken women to see that the core of our beings is the Conscious You, which is a formless being. It is pure awareness. It has no form. The Conscious You is not male or female.
Omega in the Central Sun,you show me life is cosmic fun.And thus a victory is won,my homeward journey has begun.
O Song of Life, you vitalize,all hearts you truly synchronize.O Sacred Sound, you alchemize,.turn earth into a paradise..
4. Omega, awaken women to see that the soul may have a male dominance or a female dominance, but that is not because it was created that way.
Omega, femininityis doorway to infinity.With you I have affinity,to know my own divinity.
O Song of Life, you vitalize,all hearts you truly synchronize.O Sacred Sound, you alchemize,.turn earth into a paradise..
5. Omega, awaken women to see that as we started exercising free will in the density of Planet earth, we created a certain identity, certain matrices in the mental body and certain patterns of feelings.
Omega, in your cosmic flow,my Plan divine I clearly know.My heart is now a lamp aglow,as love on all I do bestow.
O Song of Life, you vitalize,all hearts you truly synchronize.O Sacred Sound, you alchemize,.turn earth into a paradise..
6. Omega, awaken women to see that over many lifetimes, this has created a set of selves. Some of those selves were created while we were in a female body, some were created while we were in a male body.
Omega, cosmic Mother Flame,this is the light from which I came.As I take part in cosmic game, Christ victory I do proclaim.
O Song of Life, you vitalize,all hearts you truly synchronize.O Sacred Sound, you alchemize,.turn earth into a paradise..
7. Omega, awaken women to see that all of us have been in female bodies in many embodiments and in male bodies in many embodiments. These masculine and feminine selves may have been reinforced over a very long period of time.
Omega, I now comprehend,why I did to earth descend.And thus I fully do intend,to help this Planet to ascend.
O Song of Life, you vitalize,all hearts you truly synchronize.O Sacred Sound, you alchemize,.turn earth into a paradise..
8. Omega, awaken women to see that when we come down in our present lifetime, we are coming down in a male or a female body. If we come into a male body, the male selves are activated and the female selves are suppressed.
Omega, I do now aspire,to join the ranks of cosmic choir.My heart burns with a Christic fire,that is this Planet’s sanctifier.
O Song of Life, you vitalize,all hearts you truly synchronize.O Sacred Sound, you alchemize,.turn earth into a paradise..
9. Omega, awaken women to see that for some people, some male selves are active and some female selves are active. That is why they are either confused about their sexual orientation, or they are convinced that they have a different sexual orientation than their physical body, they are in the wrong body.
Omega, my heart is ablaze,my life is in an upward phase.Come teach me now the secret phrase,so that I can this Planet raise.
O Song of Life, you vitalize,all hearts you truly synchronize.O Sacred Sound, you alchemize,.turn earth into a paradise..
Part 3
1. Omega, awaken women to see that ideally we come to a point where it is no problem for us to switch into the selves that are aligned with the sex of the body.
Omega, I now meditate,upon your throne in cosmic gate.I’m born out of the figure-eight,that Alpha and you co-create.
O Song of Life, you vitalize,all hearts you truly synchronize.O Sacred Sound, you alchemize,.turn earth into a paradise..
2. Omega, awaken women to see that God is neither male nor female, the Creator is beyond any kind of gender difference that we could possibly define on earth.
O Song of Life, you vitalize,all hearts you truly synchronize.O Sacred Sound, you alchemize,.turn earth into a paradise.
O Song of Life, you vitalize,all hearts you truly synchronize.O Sacred Sound, you alchemize,.turn earth into a paradise..
3. Omega, awaken women to see that the idea that God is a masculine God is completely false, created by the fallen beings, deliberately put upon this Planet in order to manipulate and create conflict between men and women. What more basic conflict can one create than having a conflict between men and women?
Omega in the Central Sun,you show me life is cosmic fun.And thus a victory is won,my homeward journey has begun.
O Song of Life, you vitalize,all hearts you truly synchronize.O Sacred Sound, you alchemize,.turn earth into a paradise..
4. Omega, awaken women to see that in the spiritual realm there is a differentiation between masculine and feminine but it is completely beyond the gender roles defined on earth. It is not dualistic and there is no value judgment.
Omega, femininityis doorway to infinity.With you I have affinity,to know my own divinity.
O Song of Life, you vitalize,all hearts you truly synchronize.O Sacred Sound, you alchemize,.turn earth into a paradise..
5. Omega, awaken women to see that there are two cosmic forces that are equally necessary for creation. There is the Christ which balances the two forces. The Christ is beyond gender, the Christ is not male, is not female, it cannot be characterized by gender. It is neutral.
Omega, in your cosmic flow,my Plan divine I clearly know.My heart is now a lamp aglow,as love on all I do bestow.
O Song of Life, you vitalize,all hearts you truly synchronize.O Sacred Sound, you alchemize,.turn earth into a paradise..
6. Omega, awaken women to see that our beings are neither male nor female, we are the Conscious You, we are gender neutral, we are pure awareness, we are beyond these gender roles.
Omega, cosmic Mother Flame,this is the light from which I came.As I take part in cosmic game, Christ victory I do proclaim.
O Song of Life, you vitalize,all hearts you truly synchronize.O Sacred Sound, you alchemize,.turn earth into a paradise..
7. Omega, awaken women to see that whatever gender roles are defined here on earth, we can free ourselves from any and all of them. This goes equally for men and for women.
Omega, I now comprehend,why I did to earth descend.And thus I fully do intend,to help this Planet to ascend.
O Song of Life, you vitalize,all hearts you truly synchronize.O Sacred Sound, you alchemize,.turn earth into a paradise..
8. Omega, awaken women to see that in this cycle it is easier for women to free themselves from these gender roles and more necessary, since women have been suppressed.
Omega, I do now aspire,to join the ranks of cosmic choir.My heart burns with a Christic fire,that is this Planet’s sanctifier.
O Song of Life, you vitalize,all hearts you truly synchronize.O Sacred Sound, you alchemize,.turn earth into a paradise..
9. Omega, awaken women to see that men are also strictly limited by their gender roles, even though they may have certain advantages but they are still limited.
Omega, my heart is ablaze,my life is in an upward phase.Come teach me now the secret phrase,so that I can this Planet raise.
O Song of Life, you vitalize,all hearts you truly synchronize.O Sacred Sound, you alchemize,.turn earth into a paradise..
Part 4
1. Omega, awaken women to see that we were not created in a polarity, we were created as the Conscious You, which is not incomplete in itself because it has no structure. How could there be incompleteness? How could there be an imbalance? How could we be male or female?
Omega, I now meditate,upon your throne in cosmic gate.I’m born out of the figure-eight,that Alpha and you co-create.
O Song of Life, you vitalize,all hearts you truly synchronize.O Sacred Sound, you alchemize,.turn earth into a paradise..
2. Omega, awaken women to see that we were not created in a polarity, we are unique independent beings. We can ascend as independent beings without ever meeting any other being.
O Song of Life, you vitalize,all hearts you truly synchronize.O Sacred Sound, you alchemize,.turn earth into a paradise.
O Song of Life, you vitalize,all hearts you truly synchronize.O Sacred Sound, you alchemize,.turn earth into a paradise..
3. Omega, awaken women to see that after people fell into duality, they were assigned another being so that those two together could balance each other. This was not something created in the spiritual realm, it was created as a reaction to falling into duality.
Omega in the Central Sun,you show me life is cosmic fun.And thus a victory is won,my homeward journey has begun.
O Song of Life, you vitalize,all hearts you truly synchronize.O Sacred Sound, you alchemize,.turn earth into a paradise..
4. Omega, awaken women to see that twin flames are beings who have the exact qualities that can bring out what we have not seen in ourselves. They can force it out, force the conflict, force us to look at ourselves if we want to grow.
Omega, femininityis doorway to infinity.With you I have affinity,to know my own divinity.
O Song of Life, you vitalize,all hearts you truly synchronize.O Sacred Sound, you alchemize,.turn earth into a paradise..
5. Omega, awaken women to see that we can reach a level of consciousness where we do not need a twin flame because we have built the willingness to look at ourselves, we do not need a person who is the opposite or has opposite qualities.
Omega, in your cosmic flow,my Plan divine I clearly know.My heart is now a lamp aglow,as love on all I do bestow.
O Song of Life, you vitalize,all hearts you truly synchronize.O Sacred Sound, you alchemize,.turn earth into a paradise..
6. Omega, awaken women to see that there is always more to grasp and experience by going beyond understanding at a distance. We need to transcend our present level of consciousness and experience something higher because that is the Christ principle, the Christ movement.
Omega, cosmic Mother Flame,this is the light from which I came.As I take part in cosmic game, Christ victory I do proclaim.
O Song of Life, you vitalize,all hearts you truly synchronize.O Sacred Sound, you alchemize,.turn earth into a paradise..
7. Omega, awaken women to see that the moment we think we have a concept of God, of ourselves, of earth, our growth stops. We are no longer willing to look beyond the concept defined by an outer teaching, we do not want to be disturbed by a higher awareness.
Omega, I now comprehend,why I did to earth descend.And thus I fully do intend,to help this Planet to ascend.
O Song of Life, you vitalize,all hearts you truly synchronize.O Sacred Sound, you alchemize,.
turn earth into a paradise.
8. Omega, awaken women to see that this very idea is what has been used to suppress women because a religious scripture or scientific doctrine is said to have defined the role of women and it must stand for all time.
Omega, I do now aspire,to join the ranks of cosmic choir.My heart burns with a Christic fire,that is this Planet’s sanctifier.
O Song of Life, you vitalize,all hearts you truly synchronize.O Sacred Sound, you alchemize,.turn earth into a paradise..
9. Omega, awaken women to see that there are no predefined roles for women on this Planet. We have the right to break free from all limitations put upon women and completely redefine what it means to be a spiritual being expressing itself through a female body on earth.
Omega, my heart is ablaze,my life is in an upward phase.Come teach me now the secret phrase,so that I can this Planet raise.
O Song of Life, you vitalize,all hearts you truly synchronize.O Sacred Sound, you alchemize,.turn earth into a paradise..
In the name of the I AM THAT I AM, I accept that Archangel Michael, Astrea and Shiva form an impenetrable shield around myself and all constructive people, sealing us from all fear-based energies in all four octaves. I accept that the Light of God is consuming and transforming all fear-based energies that make up the dark forces working against the liberation of women on earth!
11. Invoking the freedom of women everywhere (Part 1)
In the name of the I AM THAT I AM, Jesus Christ, I use the authority that I have as a being in embodiment on earth to call upon Saint Germain to reinforce my calls and use my chakras to project the statements in this invocation into the collective consciousness and awaken people to the awareness that will liberate both men and women from all psychological and spiritual thralldom to the fallen beings. Awaken people to the reality that we are spiritual beings and that we can co-create a new future by working with the ascended masters. I especially call for …
[Make your own calls here.]
Part 1
1. Saint Germain, I call forth your judgment upon the fallen beings who have managed to take away the freedom of both men and women.
O Saint Germain, you do inspire,my vision raised forever higher,with you I form a figure-eight,your Golden Age I co-create.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
2. Saint Germain, I call forth your judgment upon the fallen beings who took the basic creative forces, the expanding and the contracting forces, and turned them into dualistic polarities, perverting them beyond what they originally were.
O Saint Germain, what Freedom Flame,released when we recite your name,acceleration is your gift,our Planet it will surely lift.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
3. Saint Germain, I call forth your judgment upon the fallen beings who have taken the drive to create, the drive to expand, and have perverted it by saying that there should be no rules and no restrictions to what you can do with your free will.
O Saint Germain, in love we claim,our right to bring your violet flame,from you Above, to us below,it is an all-transforming flow.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
4. Saint Germain, I call forth your judgment upon the fallen beings who have said that if you really have free will, you should be able to do anything you want. There should be no rules, no restrictions, no consequences and no repercussions for anything that the fallen beings do.
O Saint Germain, I love you so,my aura filled with violet glow,my chakras filled with violet fire,I am your cosmic amplifier.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
5. Saint Germain, I call forth your judgment upon the fallen beings who refused to transcend their state of consciousness and ascend because they did not want to let go of their power.
O Saint Germain, I am now free,your violet flame is therapy,transform all hang-ups in my mind,as inner peace I surely find.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
6. Saint Germain, I call forth your judgment upon the fallen beings who rebelled and refused to let go of their mindset that if they really had free will, they should be allowed to do anything they wanted for as long as they wanted.
O Saint Germain, my body pure,your violet flame for all is cure,consume the cause of all disease,and therefore I am all at ease.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
7. Saint Germain, I call forth your judgment upon the fallen beings who rebelled against the ascended masters who disturbed their sense that they had all power on their particular Planet.
O Saint Germain, I’m karma-free,the past no longer burdens me,a brand new opportunity,I am in Christic unity.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
8. Saint Germain, I call forth your judgment upon the fallen beings who rebelled against being confronted by the ascended masters and shown that they did not have all power and that there are consequences for what you do.
O Saint Germain, we are now one,I am for you a violet sun,as we transform this Planet earth,your Golden Age is given birth.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
9. Saint Germain, I call forth your judgment upon the fallen beings who refused to transcend themselves and therefore fell into the next sphere that was created.
O Saint Germain, the earth is free,from burden of duality,in oneness we bring what is best,your Golden Age is manifest.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
Part 2
1. Saint Germain, I call forth your judgment upon the fallen beings who refused to transcend the consciousness through which they had created these privileged positions for themselves.
O Saint Germain, you do inspire,my vision raised forever higher,with you I form a figure-eight,your Golden Age I co-create.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
2. Saint Germain, I call forth your judgment upon the fallen beings who had set themselves up as the leaders who had absolute power and privilege so that billions of beings were just slaves working for the benefit of the elite.
O Saint Germain, what Freedom Flame,released when we recite your name,acceleration is your gift,our Planet it will surely lift.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
3. Saint Germain, I call forth your judgment upon the fallen beings who have pulled the expanding force of the Father down to the level of a dualistic polarity and think there should be no restrictions, that they should be allowed to do anything they want, and there should be no consequences.
O Saint Germain, in love we claim,our right to bring your violet flame,from you Above, to us below,it is an all-transforming flow.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
4. Saint Germain, I call forth your judgment upon the fallen beings who used the Catholic church to deny reincarnation, who refused to incorporate reincarnation in the official Christian doctrines, because of their denial of consequences.
O Saint Germain, I love you so,my aura filled with violet glow,my chakras filled with violet fire,I am your cosmic amplifier.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
5. Saint Germain, I call forth your judgment upon the fallen beings who deny that choices they have made in this lifetime, can come back to them in a future lifetime, or who deny that certain things that happened to them in this lifetime are the result of choices they made in a previous lifetime.
O Saint Germain, I am now free,your violet flame is therapy,transform all hang-ups in my mind,as inner peace I surely find.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
6. Saint Germain, I call forth your judgment upon the fallen beings who have perverted the expanding force and used it to deny responsibility, so they think that whatever happens in this lifetime was not the result of choices they made in a past life, it was just a result of conditions beyond their control.
O Saint Germain, my body pure,your violet flame for all is cure,consume the cause of all disease,and therefore I am all at ease.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
7. Saint Germain, I call forth your judgment upon the fallen beings behind the scientific materialists or communists who deny reincarnation for much the same reason.
O Saint Germain, I’m karma-free,the past no longer burdens me,a brand new opportunity,I am in Christic unity.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
8. Saint Germain, I call forth your judgment upon the fallen beings behind the primary philosophers of materialism who refuse to take responsibility beyond this particular lifetime.
O Saint Germain, we are now one,I am for you a violet sun,as we transform this Planet earth,your Golden Age is given birth.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
9. Saint Germain, I call forth your judgment upon the fallen beings who form a power elite because they believe they have a special authority, a special ability, especially the ability to be leaders, to rule over others.
O Saint Germain, the earth is free,from burden of duality,in oneness we bring what is best,your Golden Age is manifest.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
Part 3
1. Saint Germain, I call forth your judgment upon the fallen beings in any society who tend to set themselves up as the elite who has power.
O Saint Germain, you do inspire,my vision raised forever higher,with you I form a figure-eight,your Golden Age I co-create.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
2. Saint Germain, I call forth your judgment upon the fallen beings who set themselves up as dictators and those in democratic societies who attempt to take on more powers and undermine democracy.
O Saint Germain, what Freedom Flame,released when we recite your name,acceleration is your gift,our Planet it will surely lift.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
3. Saint Germain, I call forth your judgment upon the fallen beings in the business community who attempt to become owners of large businesses where they set themselves up as the monopoly capitalists who attempt to gain a monopoly.
O Saint Germain, in love we claim,our right to bring your violet flame,from you Above, to us below,it is an all-transforming flow.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
4. Saint Germain, I call forth your judgment upon the fallen beings who become CEOs of businesses and act as if they were the dictator of that business and they have all power.
O Saint Germain, I love you so,my aura filled with violet glow,my chakras filled with violet fire,I am your cosmic amplifier.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
5. Saint Germain, I call forth your judgment upon the fallen beings who form an intellectual elite, such as philosophers, people in educational institutions, especially in the universities, who set themselves up in a position where nobody can object, nobody can protest against them.
O Saint Germain, I am now free,your violet flame is therapy,transform all hang-ups in my mind,as inner peace I surely find.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
6. Saint Germain, I call forth your judgment upon the fallen beings who define what is true or not true and are promoting a materialist agenda that is holding the educational institutions of the world, especially in the modern democracies, in an iron grip of materialism.
O Saint Germain, my body pure,your violet flame for all is cure,consume the cause of all disease,and therefore I am all at ease.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
7. Saint Germain, I call forth your judgment upon the fallen beings who will not allow any kind of research or theories that question the materialist paradigm or the materialist gospel.
O Saint Germain, I’m karma-free,the past no longer burdens me,a brand new opportunity,I am in Christic unity.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
8. Saint Germain, I call forth your judgment upon the fallen beings who set themselves up as the leaders of ancient religions such as the Pope who has all power in the Catholic religion, and a small group of clerics in Islam who also have tremendous power.
O Saint Germain, we are now one,I am for you a violet sun,as we transform this Planet earth,your Golden Age is given birth.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
9. Saint Germain, I call forth your judgment upon the fallen beings who defined the collective beast behind male-dominated or patriarchal societies.
O Saint Germain, the earth is free,from burden of duality,in oneness we bring what is best,your Golden Age is manifest.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
Part 4
1. Saint Germain, I call forth your judgment upon the fallen beings who have created this dynamic where they have set themselves up as a privileged power elite and they are forcing the majority of men in the society into specific roles that support their privileges and power.
O Saint Germain, you do inspire,my vision raised forever higher,with you I form a figure-eight,your Golden Age I co-create.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
2. Saint Germain, I call forth your judgment upon the fallen beings who are forcing men to be soldiers, to live a certain lifestyle, such as the peasants in feudal societies or as the workers in industry, where they do all the labor that makes all the money but the capitalists reap all the benefits.
O Saint Germain, what Freedom Flame,released when we recite your name,acceleration is your gift,our Planet it will surely lift.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
3. Saint Germain, I call forth your judgment upon the fallen beings who have forced the majority of men into a situation where they feel a certain dis-empowerment, they do not feel they are masters of their own destiny.
O Saint Germain, in love we claim,our right to bring your violet flame,from you Above, to us below,it is an all-transforming flow.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
4. Saint Germain, I call forth your judgment upon the fallen beings who have forced men to feel they have limited choices in life. They might have had dreams when they were young but they could not fulfill them. They had to settle for something less to get money to live their lives and therefore they feel frustrated.
O Saint Germain, I love you so,my aura filled with violet glow,my chakras filled with violet fire,I am your cosmic amplifier.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
5. Saint Germain, I call forth your judgment upon the fallen beings who have created the collective beast and the pressure of male sexuality, where men feel this pressure to be sexually active, to find a woman where they can have sex.
O Saint Germain, I am now free,your violet flame is therapy,transform all hang-ups in my mind,as inner peace I surely find.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
6. Saint Germain, I call forth your judgment upon the fallen beings behind the religious power elite that has pressured men into marrying women, has caused many men to go into a marriage at an early age.
O Saint Germain, my body pure,your violet flame for all is cure,consume the cause of all disease,and therefore I am all at ease.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
7. Saint Germain, I call forth your judgment upon the fallen beings behind the denial of contraception, such as in the Catholic church.
O Saint Germain, I’m karma-free,the past no longer burdens me,a brand new opportunity,I am in Christic unity.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
8. Saint Germain, I call forth your judgment upon the fallen beings who have manipulated men into making their wives pregnant at a fairly early age and suddenly this man who had dreams about what he would do in his life is tied down to a woman and children.
O Saint Germain, we are now one,I am for you a violet sun,as we transform this Planet earth,your Golden Age is given birth.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
9. Saint Germain, I call forth your judgment upon the fallen beings who have pressured men into getting whatever job seems available so they feel disempowered.
O Saint Germain, the earth is free,from burden of duality,in oneness we bring what is best,your Golden Age is manifest.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
In the name of the I AM THAT I AM, I accept that Archangel Michael, Astrea and Shiva form an impenetrable shield around myself and all constructive people, sealing us from all fear-based energies in all four octaves. I accept that the Light of God is consuming and transforming all fear-based energies that make up the dark forces working against the liberation of women on earth!
12. Invoking the freedom of women everywhere (Part 2)
In the name of the I AM THAT I AM, Jesus Christ, I use the authority that I have as a being in embodiment on earth to call upon Saint Germain to reinforce my calls and use my chakras to project the statements in this invocation into the collective consciousness and awaken people to the awareness that will liberate both men and women from all psychological and spiritual thralldom to the fallen beings. Awaken people to the reality that we are spiritual beings and that we can co-create a new future by working with the ascended masters. I especially call for …
[Make your own calls here.]
Part 1
1. Saint Germain, I call forth your judgment upon the fallen beings who have manipulated men into blaming their wives, thinking it is because they are married that they have to settle for this second-rate job and cannot fulfill their dreams.
O Saint Germain, you do inspire,my vision raised forever higher,with you I form a figure-eight,your Golden Age I co-create.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
2. Saint Germain, I call forth your judgment upon the fallen beings who have created this pressure from the collective consciousness that is a perversion of the male expanding force, saying men can have some compensation for their sense of being powerless if they have power over their wives and children, if they are the man in the house.
O Saint Germain, what Freedom Flame,released when we recite your name,acceleration is your gift,our Planet it will surely lift.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
3. Saint Germain, I call forth your judgment upon the fallen beings who have caused men to accept this male-dominated family structure, causing some men to become abusive towards their wives and children whether physically, emotionally or in other ways.
O Saint Germain, in love we claim,our right to bring your violet flame,from you Above, to us below,it is an all-transforming flow.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
4. Saint Germain, I call forth your judgment upon the fallen beings who have set up a dynamic that traps men into this role, where they feel disempowered, and it is all because they have to do the work that enables the power elite to stay in their privileged positions, where they have power and they have a comfortable lifestyle and more wealth than they could ever need.
O Saint Germain, I love you so,my aura filled with violet glow,my chakras filled with violet fire,I am your cosmic amplifier.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
5. Saint Germain, I call forth your judgment upon the fallen beings causing men to feel trapped so they abuse their power towards their women and if the women submit to this, then they are also trapped.
O Saint Germain, I am now free,your violet flame is therapy,transform all hang-ups in my mind,as inner peace I surely find.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
6. Saint Germain, I call forth your judgment upon and the binding and consuming of these beasts. I call for the consuming of the mindset and the binding of the fallen beings behind it.
O Saint Germain, my body pure,your violet flame for all is cure,consume the cause of all disease,and therefore I am all at ease.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
7. Saint Germain, I call forth your judgment upon the fallen beings who have perverted the contracting force by making people become passive, become docile, become unwilling to make decisions and take initiative, being focused on having a comfortable daily life.
O Saint Germain, I’m karma-free,the past no longer burdens me,a brand new opportunity,I am in Christic unity.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
8. Saint Germain, I call forth your judgment upon the fallen beings causing people to shut down any ambition, any dreams, being focused on their personal daily situation and wanting to be somewhat comfortable.
O Saint Germain, we are now one,I am for you a violet sun,as we transform this Planet earth,your Golden Age is given birth.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
9. Saint Germain, I call forth your judgment upon the fallen beings who have created societies that are dominated by the men that have defined a role for women, where women are the ones who should focus on being wives and mothers, raising their children, making the family function, staying at home, thereby being financially dependent on their men.
O Saint Germain, the earth is free,from burden of duality,in oneness we bring what is best,your Golden Age is manifest.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
Part 2
1. Saint Germain, I call forth your judgment upon the fallen beings who have caused many women to accept that this is their lot in life, this is all they can do.
O Saint Germain, you do inspire,my vision raised forever higher,with you I form a figure-eight,your Golden Age I co-create.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
2. Saint Germain, I call forth your judgment upon the fallen beings who have used a perversion of the contracting force to make women feel satisfied with current conditions, feeling secure, maybe even comfortable if current conditions are not too bad.
O Saint Germain, what Freedom Flame,released when we recite your name,acceleration is your gift,our Planet it will surely lift.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
3. Saint Germain, I call forth your judgment upon the fallen beings making women stay in those conditions for a long time because they do not want to risk the uncertainty of breaking out of the fold.
O Saint Germain, in love we claim,our right to bring your violet flame,from you Above, to us below,it is an all-transforming flow.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
4. Saint Germain, I call forth your judgment upon the fallen beings who are manipulating women into staying in a marriage that has no growth, has no transcendence, but it has a certain level of security and comfortability because after all, the husband is bringing home enough money and he is not abusive.
O Saint Germain, I love you so,my aura filled with violet glow,my chakras filled with violet fire,I am your cosmic amplifier.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
5. Saint Germain, I call forth your judgment upon the fallen beings manipulating women so they only break free of abusive relationships when the abuse becomes so severe that they can no longer handle it.
O Saint Germain, I am now free,your violet flame is therapy,transform all hang-ups in my mind,as inner peace I surely find.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
6. Saint Germain, I call forth your judgment upon the fallen beings who are trying to prevent a change at the level of society so that women begin to see this as a perversion of the contracting force and they free themselves from the desire for security and reconnect to the desire to grow.
O Saint Germain, my body pure,your violet flame for all is cure,consume the cause of all disease,and therefore I am all at ease.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
7. Saint Germain, I call forth your judgment upon the fallen beings who have used the tendency in the expanding force to want more, and who have perverted this into a dualistic polarity, causing people to want to own something.
O Saint Germain, I’m karma-free,the past no longer burdens me,a brand new opportunity,I am in Christic unity.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
8. Saint Germain, I call forth your judgment upon the fallen beings who have created this mindset where people want to own, want to keep it and where they can never have enough.
O Saint Germain, we are now one,I am for you a violet sun,as we transform this Planet earth,your Golden Age is given birth.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
9. Saint Germain, I call forth your judgment upon the fallen beings behind the mindset that men can never have enough money but want more and more money, because it is not about the experience of making the money, it is about the experience of having the money.
O Saint Germain, the earth is free,from burden of duality,in oneness we bring what is best,your Golden Age is manifest.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
Part 3
1. Saint Germain, I call forth your judgment upon the fallen beings who want to own more and more money, more and more possessions or they want to have more and more power.
O Saint Germain, you do inspire,my vision raised forever higher,
with you I form a figure-eight,your Golden Age I co-create.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
2. Saint Germain, I call forth your judgment upon the fallen beings who have perverted the expanding force by saying you can never have enough, and who have perverted the contracting force by saying you are not allowed to have more, that you are not worthy to have more, that there is a certain station in life and this is your lot.
O Saint Germain, what Freedom Flame,released when we recite your name,acceleration is your gift,our Planet it will surely lift.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
3. Saint Germain, I call forth your judgment upon the fallen beings who have manipulated many women to become trapped in this mindset, being from early childhood programmed to accept that they have very limited options in life.
O Saint Germain, in love we claim,our right to bring your violet flame,from you Above, to us below,it is an all-transforming flow.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
4. Saint Germain, I call forth your judgment upon the fallen beings behind the mindset in India where girls are brought up to think they are worthless as human beings, they are even worthless in their own family.
O Saint Germain, I love you so,my aura filled with violet glow,my chakras filled with violet fire,I am your cosmic amplifier.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
5. Saint Germain, I call forth your judgment upon the fallen beings who are behind the mindset that causes girls to feel their own parents or brothers do not think they are worth anything. Society does not think they are worth anything. Even the gods do not think they are worth anything.
O Saint Germain, I am now free,your violet flame is therapy,transform all hang-ups in my mind,as inner peace I surely find.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
6. Saint Germain, I call forth your judgment upon the fallen beings who have caused women to accept: “It’s not for me. I’m not worthy to have it. I can’t have it. I’m not allowed to have it. I’m not good enough. I’m not smart enough. I’m not capable enough to have it.@
O Saint Germain, my body pure,your violet flame for all is cure,consume the cause of all disease,and therefore I am all at ease.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
7. Saint Germain, I call forth your judgment upon the fallen beings seeking to prevent women in the more developed nations from breaking free of this mindset.
O Saint Germain, I’m karma-free,the past no longer burdens me,a brand new opportunity,I am in Christic unity.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
8. Saint Germain, I call forth your judgment upon the fallen beings who are seeking to make women stay in the traditional gender roles defined by their society and culture, feeling that a woman cannot have an education, cannot have a good job or a career.
O Saint Germain, we are now one,I am for you a violet sun,as we transform this Planet earth,your Golden Age is given birth.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
9. Saint Germain, I call forth your judgment upon the fallen beings who are seeking to make women stay in the traditional gender roles defined by their society and culture, feeling that a woman cannot have a nice house, a nice car, cannot have affluence.
O Saint Germain, the earth is free,from burden of duality,in oneness we bring what is best,your Golden Age is manifest.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
Part 4
1. Saint Germain, I call forth your judgment upon the fallen beings who are seeking to make women stay in the traditional gender roles defined by their society and culture, feeling that women cannot be self-sufficient economically, but must depend on their husbands and cannot leave them if they are abusive.
O Saint Germain, you do inspire,my vision raised forever higher,with you I form a figure-eight,your Golden Age I co-create.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
2. Saint Germain, I call forth your judgment upon the fallen beings who are seeking to get women who break free of limitations to become trapped in another perversion of the expanding force, feeling that they want more and more.
O Saint Germain, what Freedom Flame,released when we recite your name,acceleration is your gift,our Planet it will surely lift.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
3. Saint Germain, I call forth your judgment upon the fallen beings who are seeking to make women who free themselves from limitations get caught up in the perversion of the masculine force, wanting more and more and it is never enough.
O Saint Germain, in love we claim,our right to bring your violet flame,from you Above, to us below,it is an all-transforming flow.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
4. Saint Germain, I call forth your judgment upon the fallen beings who are seeking to prevent women from finding a balance of the contracting force so that they do not want more than what makes them comfortable.
O Saint Germain, I love you so,my aura filled with violet glow,my chakras filled with violet fire,I am your cosmic amplifier.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
5. Saint Germain, I call forth your judgment upon the fallen beings who are seeking to prevent women from finding some higher purpose for their lives than what has been defined by their culture, especially in the western consumer cultures.
O Saint Germain, I am now free,your violet flame is therapy,transform all hang-ups in my mind,as inner peace I surely find.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
6. Saint Germain, I call forth your judgment upon the fallen beings who seek to prevent women from finding a purpose in psychological healing, self-development, self-improvement, the self-actualization needs that are at the top of the pyramid of needs.
O Saint Germain, my body pure,your violet flame for all is cure,consume the cause of all disease,and therefore I am all at ease.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,
with you we are becoming more.
7. Saint Germain, I call forth your judgment upon the fallen beings who are seeking to prevent women from finding ways of developing themselves, actualizing themselves, be it through mindfulness, yoga, various forms of therapy or discussion groups.
O Saint Germain, I’m karma-free,the past no longer burdens me,a brand new opportunity,I am in Christic unity.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
8. Saint Germain, I call forth your judgment upon the fallen beings who are seeking to prevent women from finding universal forms of spiritual teachings, realizing that there is a purpose to life, which is not just to develop yourself to get better than you are right now, but that there is actually a goal.
O Saint Germain, we are now one,I am for you a violet sun,as we transform this Planet earth,your Golden Age is given birth.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
9. Saint Germain, I call forth your judgment upon the fallen beings who are seeking to prevent women from realizing that there is a higher state of consciousness than what they see around them in the societies that have been dominated by Christianity, which took out the spiritual path, and by materialism, which never had the spiritual path.
O Saint Germain, the earth is free,from burden of duality,in oneness we bring what is best,your Golden Age is manifest.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
In the name of the I AM THAT I AM, I accept that Archangel Michael, Astrea and Shiva form an impenetrable shield around myself and all constructive people, sealing us from all fear-based energies in all four octaves. I accept that the Light of God is consuming and transforming all fear-based energies that make up the dark forces working against the liberation of women on earth!
13. Invoking the freedom of women everywhere (Part 3)
In the name of the I AM THAT I AM, Jesus Christ, I use the authority that I have as a being in embodiment on earth to call upon Saint Germain to reinforce my calls and use my chakras to project the statements in this invocation into the collective consciousness and awaken people to the awareness that will liberate both men and women from all psychological and spiritual thralldom to the fallen beings. Awaken people to the reality that we are spiritual beings and that we can co-create a new future by working with the ascended masters. I especially call for …
[Make your own calls here.]
Part 1
1. Saint Germain, I call forth your judgment upon the fallen beings who are seeking to prevent women from balancing men so that men can be pulled out, or can pull themselves out, of this mindset of: “It’s never enough. I need to have more and more.”
O Saint Germain, you do inspire,my vision raised forever higher,with you I form a figure-eight,your Golden Age I co-create.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
2. Saint Germain, I call forth your judgment upon the fallen beings who are seeking to prevent women from inspiring men to come to the realization: “But how much money do we really need? Isn’t it time to look at other things, look at what is really important to us in life, how we experience life, how we experience ourselves?”
O Saint Germain, what Freedom Flame,released when we recite your name,acceleration is your gift,our Planet it will surely lift.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
3. Saint Germain, I call forth your judgment upon the fallen beings who are seeking to prevent women from inspiring men to become open to this path of self-improvement, mindfulness, improving yourself and even raising your consciousness to a distinctly higher level.
O Saint Germain, in love we claim,our right to bring your violet flame,from you Above, to us below,it is an all-transforming flow.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
4. Saint Germain, I call forth your judgment upon the fallen beings who are seeking to prevent women from making this transition and realizing we can raise our consciousness and thereby have a greater impact on improving conditions in our nations.
O Saint Germain, I love you so,my aura filled with violet glow,my chakras filled with violet fire,I am your cosmic amplifier.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
5. Saint Germain, cut people free to discover some higher purpose, some spiritual purpose, that life is not just about living, life is not just about accumulating material possessions or raising children or having a career or having money or achieving these outer materialistic goals.
O Saint Germain, I am now free,your violet flame is therapy,transform all hang-ups in my mind,as inner peace I surely find.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
6. Saint Germain, I call forth your judgment upon the fallen beings who are seeking to prevent women from waking up and using their free time to pursue other things in life, other than empty entertainment or the eternal quest for more and more that is never enough.
O Saint Germain, my body pure,your violet flame for all is cure,consume the cause of all disease,and therefore I am all at ease.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
7. Saint Germain, I call forth your judgment upon the fallen beings who are seeking to prevent women from making this switch in this decade of the 2020s so they will pull the men up as well.
O Saint Germain, I’m karma-free,the past no longer burdens me,a brand new opportunity,I am in Christic unity.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
8. Saint Germain, I call forth your judgment upon the fallen beings who are seeking to prevent women from realizing: “Once we have attained a certain level of material comfortability, we don’t need more material goods, we need something else.”
O Saint Germain, we are now one,I am for you a violet sun,as we transform this Planet earth,your Golden Age is given birth.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
9. Saint Germain, I call forth your judgment upon the fallen beings who are seeking to prevent women from realizing: “We need some content in our lives, some purpose that is a higher purpose, a more spiritual purpose, a purpose that reaches beyond ourselves, where we develop ourselves and then expand our awareness to what can we do for others. How can we use our level of comfortability, of material wealth, of awareness, of knowledge to help others?”
O Saint Germain, the earth is free,from burden of duality,in oneness we bring what is best,your Golden Age is manifest.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
Part 2
1. Saint Germain, I call forth your judgment upon the fallen beings who are seeking to prevent women in the more developed democracies from realizing that they have had far better conditions than the vast majority of women around the Planet, and they can use this to help other women.
O Saint Germain, you do inspire,my vision raised forever higher,with you I form a figure-eight,your Golden Age I co-create.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
2. Saint Germain, I call forth your judgment upon the fallen beings who are seeking to prevent women from realizing that the essence of motherhood is the mindset of doing something beyond yourself, of doing something for others.
O Saint Germain, what Freedom Flame,released when we recite your name,acceleration is your gift,our Planet it will surely lift.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
3. Saint Germain, I call forth your judgment upon the fallen beings who are seeking to prevent women from taking the momentum they have on nurturing others and transferring it to people who are less fortunate than themselves, either in their own societies or in the less developed parts of the world.
O Saint Germain, in love we claim,our right to bring your violet flame,from you Above, to us below,it is an all-transforming flow.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
4. Saint Germain, I call forth your judgment upon the fallen beings who are seeking to prevent women from creating a new kind of women’s movement that promotes solidarity between women, that promotes the idea that it is necessary for women in the more developed countries, women who have greater privileges than those in the less developed countries, to reach out to their sisters in these countries and seek to help them.
O Saint Germain, I love you so,my aura filled with violet glow,my chakras filled with violet fire,I am your cosmic amplifier.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
5. Saint Germain, I call forth your judgment upon the fallen beings who are seeking to prevent women from receiving the ideas from you of how they can find ways to help other women.
O Saint Germain, I am now free,your violet flame is therapy,transform all hang-ups in my mind,as inner peace I surely find.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
6. Saint Germain, I call forth your judgment upon the fallen beings who are seeking to prevent women from seeing how they can use the governments of the more developed democracies to reach out to the governments in the less developed nations and offer them assistance in how to help their own people.
O Saint Germain, my body pure,your violet flame for all is cure,consume the cause of all disease,and therefore I am all at ease.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
7. Saint Germain, I call forth your judgment upon the fallen beings who are seeking to prevent women from seeing how they can use the governments of the more developed democracies to put pressure on governments in less developed nations to improve the situation for women.
O Saint Germain, I’m karma-free,the past no longer burdens me,a brand new opportunity,I am in Christic unity.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
8. Saint Germain, I call forth your judgment upon the fallen beings who are seeking to prevent women from taking their mother-nurturing momentum and expanding it to go beyond their own children, to look at women and children in the less developed nations.
O Saint Germain, we are now one,I am for you a violet sun,as we transform this Planet earth,your Golden Age is given birth.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
9. Saint Germain, I call forth your judgment upon the fallen beings who are seeking to prevent women from realizing that it is not acceptable to them that millions of girls at a very young age are exposed to female genital mutilation, female circumcision.
O Saint Germain, the earth is free,from burden of duality,in oneness we bring what is best,your Golden Age is manifest.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
Part 3
1. Saint Germain, I call forth your judgment upon the fallen beings who are seeking to prevent women from realizing that it is not acceptable to them that girls in India are considered worthless, may be sold as slaves by their families or forced into marriages.
O Saint Germain, you do inspire,my vision raised forever higher,with you I form a figure-eight,your Golden Age I co-create.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
2. Saint Germain, I call forth your judgment upon the fallen beings who are seeking to prevent women from realizing that it is not acceptable to them that so many Islamic women are forced to live a very isolated life where they have to cover themselves, where they cannot go out, they cannot get a driver’s license.
O Saint Germain, what Freedom Flame,released when we recite your name,acceleration is your gift,our Planet it will surely lift.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
3. Saint Germain, I call forth your judgment upon the fallen beings who are seeking to prevent women from realizing that it is not acceptable to them that so many women in other nations do not have the basic freedoms that they have grown up to take for granted.
O Saint Germain, in love we claim,our right to bring your violet flame,from you Above, to us below,it is an all-transforming flow.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
4. Saint Germain, awaken women in the modern democracies to see that they have grown up with an incredible freedom compared to so many women in other parts of the world.
O Saint Germain, I love you so,my aura filled with violet glow,my chakras filled with violet fire,I am your cosmic amplifier.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
5. Saint Germain, awaken women from the tendency to take this freedom for granted, and help them look at how many women around the Planet do not have basic freedoms.
O Saint Germain, I am now free,your violet flame is therapy,transform all hang-ups in my mind,as inner peace I surely find.
O Saint Germain, what
love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,
with you we are becoming more.
6. Saint Germain, awaken women to make the switch in their minds and say: “It is not acceptable to me that the majority of women on this Planet do not have the freedoms that I have grown up with, and it is not enough for me to focus on my own life, enjoying these freedoms, knowing that so many other women are not free.
O Saint Germain, my body pure,your violet flame for all is cure,consume the cause of all disease,and therefore I am all at ease.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
7. Saint Germain, awaken women to make the switch in their minds and say: “I must, I will, because I desire to, and it is in my Divine Plan to use my freedom to give freedom to other women, to make sure that other societies recognize the equal value of women, the equal rights of women, and the equal freedom and opportunity of women.”
O Saint Germain, I’m karma-free,the past no longer burdens me,a brand new opportunity,I am in Christic unity.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
8. Saint Germain, awaken women to see that helping others is the highest possible use of the freedoms that we have grown up with in these modern nations that are very privileged.
O Saint Germain, we are now one,I am for you a violet sun,as we transform this Planet earth,your Golden Age is given birth.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
9. Saint Germain, awaken women to say: “We will not allow the men in these privileged nations to continue to be trapped in this mindset that it’s never enough and being only focused on themselves, gaining more and more of this and that, but never being satisfied because it is never enough.
O Saint Germain, the earth is free,from burden of duality,in oneness we bring what is best,your Golden Age is manifest.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
Part 4
1. Saint Germain, awaken women to say: “But we already have so much that we have enough to help others, and the purpose of getting what we have is not to get more and more on a merry-go-round that never leads anywhere. The purpose is so we are free to help others and we can use our freedom to give greater freedom to those who are still limited, still oppressed, still unfree.”
O Saint Germain, you do inspire,my vision raised forever higher,with you I form a figure-eight,
your Golden Age I co-create.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
2. Saint Germain, awaken women to grasp, to lock in to, to feel in their hearts your Flame of Freedom, so it is no longer acceptable to them that so many people around the world are unfree.
O Saint Germain, what Freedom Flame,released when we recite your name,acceleration is your gift,our Planet it will surely lift.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
3. Saint Germain, awaken women to use their freedom to expand the freedom of others.
O Saint Germain, in love we claim,our right to bring your violet flame,from you Above, to us below,it is an all-transforming flow.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
4. Saint Germain, in oneness with you, I say into the collective consciousness: “Wake up and experience the Flame of Freedom! It is already there in your heart. Allow it to burn through the resistance in your identity, mental and emotional bodies, even in your physical cells so you can feel that Flame of Freedom and begin to express it in giving freedom to others, securing freedom for others.”
O Saint Germain, I love you so,my aura filled with violet glow,my chakras filled with violet fire,I am your cosmic amplifier.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
5. Saint Germain, awaken women to see that we need a Women’s Liberation Movement, where the women who are already liberated and have a high degree of freedom do not stop there, but make a real effort to secure the same freedom for their sisters in other nations, in other parts of the world that are not yet free.
O Saint Germain, I am now free,your violet flame is therapy,transform all hang-ups in my mind,as inner peace I surely find.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
6. Saint Germain, awaken women to see that these women are not yet free, and they will be free only if we decide that their freedom is important to us, important enough that we will use our freedom to do something for them.
O Saint Germain, my body pure,your violet flame for all is cure,consume
the cause of all disease,
and therefore I am all at ease.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
7. Saint Germain, awaken women who have it in their Divine Plans to do something physically for other women around the globe. Help them see that this is why they came into embodiment in these privileged societies where they had freedom as women.
O Saint Germain, I’m karma-free,the past no longer burdens me,a brand new opportunity,I am in Christic unity.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
8. Saint Germain, awaken women to see that they are at the point where they have enough of the outer things, they have freedom of attention and even the physical economic freedom to do something for others.
O Saint Germain, we are now one,I am for you a violet sun,as we transform this Planet earth,your Golden Age is given birth.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
9. Saint Germain, awaken women to see that it is time to start or rekindle these women’s movements that promote solidarity between women around the world and who will have the motto: “No woman is truly free until every woman is free.”
O Saint Germain, the earth is free,from burden of duality,in oneness we bring what is best,your Golden Age is manifest.
O Saint Germain, what love you bring,it truly makes all matter sing,your violet flame does all restore,with you we are becoming more.
In the name of the I AM THAT I AM, I accept that Archangel Michael, Astrea and Shiva form an impenetrable shield around myself and all constructive people, sealing us from all fear-based energies in all four octaves. I accept that the Light of God is consuming and transforming all fear-based energies that make up the dark forces working against the liberation of women on earth!
15. Invoking freedom from false gods
In the name of the I AM THAT I AM, Jesus Christ, I use the authority that I have as a being in embodiment on earth to call upon Archangel Michael to reinforce my calls and use my chakras to project the statements in this invocation into the collective consciousness and awaken people to the awareness that will liberate both men and women from all psychological and spiritual thralldom to the fallen beings. Awaken people to the reality that we are spiritual beings and that we can co-create a new future by working with the ascended masters. I especially call for …
[Make your own calls here.]
Part 1
1. Archangel Michael, bind the fallen beings who have cast a spell upon women by using men, the collective consciousness, societies, institutions, religions and political parties.
Archangel Michael, light so blue,my heart has room for only you.My mind is one, no longer two,your love for me is ever true.
Archangel Michael, you are here,consuming now all doubt and fear.Your Presence is forever near,you are to me so very dear.
2. Archangel Michael, bind the fallen beings who are masters of drawing people into some relative dualistic reaction.
Archangel Michael, I will be,all one with your reality.No fear can hold me as I see,this world no power has o’er me.
Archangel Michael, you are here,consuming now all doubt and fear.Your Presence is forever near,you are to me so very dear.
3. Archangel Michael, bind the fallen beings who have used their free will to ignore that they are part of the whole and started acting as separate beings, thereby creating this most basic illusion on earth, which is that men and women are separate beings.
Archangel Michael, hold me tight,shatter now the darkest night.Clear my chakras with your light,restore to me my inner sight.
Archangel Michael, you are here,consuming now all doubt and fear.Your Presence is forever near,you are to me so very dear.
4. Archangel Michael, bind the fallen beings behind the fundamental division that men and women are different, which gives rise to all of the persecution and suppression of women.
Archangel Michael, now I stand,with you the light I do command.My heart I ever will expand,till highest truth I understand.
Archangel Michael, you are here,consuming now all doubt and fear.Your Presence is forever near,you are to me so very dear.
5. Archangel Michael, bind the fallen beings who have taken the differences of the physical body and projected those differences upon us, as souls, as spiritual beings. They have projected that there is a difference between men and women.
Archangel Michael, in my heart,from me you never will depart.Of hierarchy I am a part,I now accept a fresh new start.
Archangel Michael, you are here,consuming now all doubt and fear.Your Presence is forever near,you are to me so very dear.
6. Archangel Michael, bind the fallen beings who have used religions to project the idea that men are created differently by God, or even that God first created Adam and then, almost as an afterthought, created Eve.
Archangel Michael, sword of blue,all darkness you are cutting through.My Christhood I do now pursue,discernment shows me what is true.
Archangel Michael, you are here,consuming now all doubt and fear.Your Presence is forever near,you are to me so very dear.
7. Archangel Michael, bind the fallen beings who gave Genesis to the Jews and who gave certain statements in Genesis precisely to set men and women apart in a fundamental way that allowed them to then elevate men as the primary creation and women to a secondary, servant role.
Archangel Michael, in your wings,I now let go of lesser things.God’s homing call in my heart rings,my heart with yours forever sings.
Archangel Michael, you are here,consuming now all doubt and fear.Your Presence is forever near,you are to me so very dear.
8. Archangel Michael, bind the fallen beings who built into Genesis and the story of the Garden of Eden that it was Eve who was tempted to eat the forbidden fruit.
Archangel Michael, take me home,in higher spheres I want to roam.I am reborn from cosmic foam,my life is now a sacred poem.
Archangel Michael, you are here,consuming now all doubt and fear.Your Presence is forever near,you are to me so very dear.
9. Archangel Michael, bind the fallen beings who created this deliberate, malicious, aggressive lie in order to create this fundamental, irreconcilable divide between men and women.
Archangel Michael, light you are,shining like the bluest star.You are a cosmic avatar,with you I will go very far.
Archangel Michael, you are here,consuming now all doubt and fear.Your Presence is forever near,you are to me so very dear.
Part 2
1. Archangel Michael, bind the fallen beings who created the lie of the forbidden fruit, which fits in with their overall agenda and creates tremendous confusion.
Archangel Michael, light so blue,my heart has room for only you.My mind is one, no longer two,your love for me is ever true.
Archangel Michael, you are here,consuming now all doubt and fear.Your Presence is forever near,you are to me so very dear.
2. Archangel Michael, bind the fallen beings behind the story that makes it seem like God lied to Adam and Eve but the serpent was right that they would not die by eating the fruit.
Archangel Michael, I will be,all one with your reality.No fear can hold me as I see,this world no power has o’er me.
Archangel Michael, you are here,consuming now all doubt and fear.Your Presence is forever near,you are to me so very dear.
3. Archangel Michael, bind the fallen beings who want people to believe that they know better than God, that the ideas which the fallen beings have put out on earth are more true than the ideas that come from the spiritual realm, from the ascended masters.
Archangel Michael, hold me tight,shatter now the darkest night.Clear my chakras with your light,restore to me my inner sight.
Archangel Michael, you are here,consuming now all doubt and fear.Your Presence is forever near,you are to me so very dear.
4. Archangel Michael, bind the fallen beings who are behind the resistance to ascended master ideas and teachings.
Archangel Michael, now I stand,with you the light I do command.My heart I ever will expand,till highest truth I understand.
Archangel Michael, you are here,consuming now all doubt and fear.Your Presence is forever near,you are to me so very dear.
5. Archangel Michael, bind the fallen beings behind the three monotheistic religions who are all based on the Old Testament and who are all discriminating against and putting down women.
Archangel Michael, in my heart,from me you never will depart.Of hierarchy I am a part,I now accept a fresh new start.
Archangel Michael, you are here,consuming now all doubt and fear.Your Presence is forever near,you are to me so very dear.
6. Archangel Michael, bind the fallen beings who are causing people to uphold this very old account of creation, even though the consciousness has moved on so far from what it was when Genesis was released.
Archangel Michael, sword of blue,all darkness you are cutting through.My Christhood I do now pursue,discernment shows me what is true.
Archangel Michael, you are here,consuming now all doubt and fear.Your Presence is forever near,you are to me so very dear.
7. Archangel Michael, bind the fallen beings who have manipulated billions of people into holding on to this ancient account and think that this must have been released by this superior God, and therefore it must be an infallible revelation that should stand for all time.
Archangel Michael, in your wings,I now let go of lesser things.God’s homing call in my heart rings,my heart with yours forever sings.
Archangel Michael, you are here,consuming now all doubt and fear.Your Presence is forever near,you are to me so very dear.
8. Archangel Michael, bind the fallen beings who are preventing people from recognizing that if we truly want what is best for the people in our society, we need to flow with the cycles we can observe on earth.
Archangel Michael, take me home,in higher spheres I want to roam.I am reborn from cosmic foam,my life is now a sacred poem.
Archangel Michael, you are here,consuming now all doubt and fear.Your Presence is forever near,you are to me so very dear.
9. Archangel Michael, bind the fallen beings who are manipulating people into this blindness where they cannot see that in order to flow with the inevitable cycles of time, we must let go of the idea about men and women that is thousands of years old, and was released in a previous cycle where the collective consciousness was lower, the Planet was very different.
Archangel Michael, light you are,shining like the bluest star.You are a cosmic avatar,with you I will go very far.
Archangel Michael, you are here,consuming now all doubt and fear.Your Presence is forever near,you are to me so very dear.
Part 3
1. Archangel Michael, bind the fallen beings who have manipulated people into resisting the cosmic cycles through religions that have been able to hold back changes in society for hundreds or thousands of years.
Archangel Michael, light so blue,my heart has room for only you.My mind is one, no longer two,your love for me is ever true.
Archangel Michael, you are here,consuming now all doubt and fear.Your Presence is forever near,you are to me so very dear.
2. Archangel Michael, bind the fallen beings who have used the Christian and Muslim religions to hold back changes in the relationship between men and women.
Archangel Michael, I will be,all one with your reality.No fear can hold me as I see,this world no power has o’er me.
Archangel Michael, you are here,consuming now all doubt and fear.Your Presence is forever near,you are to me so very dear.
3. Archangel Michael, bind the fallen beings who have manipulated Muslims and Christians into seeing faith as something static.
Archangel Michael, hold me tight,shatter now the darkest night.Clear my chakras with your light,restore to me my inner sight.
Archangel Michael, you are here,consuming now all doubt and fear.Your Presence is forever near,you are to me so very dear.
4. Archangel Michael, bind the fallen beings who have manipulated people into having faith in the scriptures, the infallibility of the scriptures, having faith in the promise of the Christian religion that they will be saved after this lifetime, even if they do not raise their consciousness.
Archangel Michael, now I stand,with you the light I do command.My heart I ever will expand,till highest truth I understand.
Archangel Michael, you are here,consuming now all doubt and fear.Your Presence is forever near,you are to me so very dear.
5. Archangel Michael, bind the dark forces, the demons and the collective entities that are holding back the liberation of women and causing people to hold on to the suppression of women based on these very old ideas.
Archangel Michael, in my heart,from me you never will depart.Of hierarchy I am a part,I now accept a fresh new start.
Archangel Michael, you are here,consuming now all doubt and fear.Your Presence is forever near,you are to me so very dear.
6. Archangel Michael, shatter these forces, shatter the hold they have on the psychology of both men and women, the psychology of entire societies, the collective consciousness. Shatter this hypnotic state, this cloud that people are under.
Archangel Michael, sword of blue,all darkness you are cutting through.My Christhood I do now pursue,discernment shows me what is true.
Archangel Michael, you are here,consuming now all doubt and fear.Your Presence is forever near,you are to me so very dear.
7. Archangel Michael, bind the fallen beings who have caused people to be hypnotized by Catholic doctrines and the Catholic claim to infallibility.
Archangel Michael, in your wings,I now let go of lesser things.God’s homing call in my heart rings,my heart with yours forever sings.
Archangel Michael, you are here,consuming now all doubt and fear.Your Presence is forever near,you are to me so very dear.
8. Archangel Michael, bind the collective entities that have hypnotized peoples’ minds, causing them to be clouded over so they cannot see that these doctrines are not infallible.
Archangel Michael, take me home,in higher spheres I want to roam.I am reborn from cosmic foam,my life is now a sacred poem.
Archangel Michael, you are here,consuming now all doubt and fear.Your Presence is forever near,you are to me so very dear.
9. Archangel Michael, cut people free from this spell of infallibility so the scales can fall from their eyes and they suddenly see how limited their previous view was.
Archangel Michael, light you are,shining like the bluest star.You are a cosmic avatar,with you I will go very far.
Archangel Michael, you are here,consuming now all doubt and fear.Your Presence is forever near,you are to me so very dear.
Part 4
1. Archangel Michael, cut people free from the hypnotic state of Christianity, whether Protestant or Catholic.
Archangel Michael, light so blue,my heart has room for only you.My mind is one, no longer two,your love for me is ever true.
Archangel Michael, you are here,consuming now all doubt and fear.Your Presence is forever near,you are to me so very dear.
2. Archangel Michael, cut free people in the Islamic world, cut free the people whose minds are clouded over by this hypnotic state created by fundamentalist Islam.
Archangel Michael, I will be,all one with your reality.No fear can hold me as I see,this world no power has o’er me.
Archangel Michael, you are here,consuming now all doubt and fear.Your Presence is forever near,you are to me so very dear.
3. Archangel Michael, bind the beast behind fundamentalist Islam, bind the false god behind it, this false god of Allah that they have created.
Archangel Michael, hold me tight,shatter now the darkest night.Clear my chakras with your light,restore to me my inner sight.
Archangel Michael, you are here,consuming now all doubt and fear.Your Presence is forever near,you are to me so very dear.
4. Archangel Michael, bind the fallen beings who originally created this man-made gods of Allah that has been reinforced by the millions of people who have worshiped this god.
Archangel Michael, now I stand,with you the light I do command.My heart I ever will expand,till highest truth I understand.
Archangel Michael, you are here,consuming now all doubt and fear.Your Presence is forever near,you are to me so very dear.
5. Archangel Michael, bind the fallen beings who originally created this man-made god of Jehovah, that has been reinforced by the millions of people who have worshiped this god.
Archangel Michael, in my heart,from me you never will depart.Of hierarchy I am a part,I now accept a fresh new start.
Archangel Michael, you are here,consuming now all doubt and fear.Your Presence is forever near,you are to me so very dear.
6. Archangel Michael, bind the false god Jehovah and shatter this hypnotic state in order to give people the opportunity to set themselves free, to awaken themselves from the hypnotic state.
Archangel Michael, sword of blue,all darkness you are cutting through.My Christhood I do now pursue,discernment shows me what is true.
Archangel Michael, you are here,consuming now all doubt and fear.Your Presence is forever near,you are to me so very dear.
7. Archangel Michael, cut people free so they have the opportunity to free themselves from this weight, this cloud that they are under, so they can change their attitude and outlook.
Archangel Michael, in your wings,I now let go of lesser things.God’s homing call in my heart rings,my heart with yours forever sings.
Archangel Michael, you are here,consuming now all doubt and fear.Your Presence is forever near,you are to me so very dear.
8. Archangel Michael, cut people free to move on so that you can defend their growth as a progressive process, not something static that makes them think they should hold on to ideas that anybody who is not hypnotized can see are completely outdated and irrelevant to the situation of modern people.
Archangel Michael, take me home,in higher spheres I want to roam.I am reborn from cosmic foam,my life is now a sacred poem.
Archangel Michael, you are here,consuming now all doubt and fear.Your Presence is forever near,you are to me so very dear.
9. Archangel Michael, cut free both women and men from their mental prison of thinking they have to have a certain role that they have to fulfill for their entire lives and that there is no alternative.
Archangel Michael, light you are,shining like the bluest star.You are a cosmic avatar,with you I will go very far.
Archangel Michael, you are here,consuming now all doubt and fear.Your Presence is forever near,you are to me so very dear.
Part 5
1. Archangel Michael, bind and consume the collective entities, the beasts in the collective consciousness of Africa, the Middle East and India that overpower the minds of most men and women, causing them to submit to their roles.
Archangel Michael, light so blue,my heart has room for only you.My mind is one, no longer two,your love for me is ever true.
Archangel Michael, you are here,consuming now all doubt and fear.Your Presence is forever near,you are to me so very dear.
2. Archangel Michael, bind and consume all beasts behind the suppression of women, the beasts that overpower the minds of the vast majority of women in some nations.
Archangel Michael, I will be,all one with your reality.No fear can hold me as I see,this world no power has o’er me.
Archangel Michael, you are here,consuming now all doubt and fear.Your Presence is forever near,you are to me so very dear.
3. Archangel Michael, bind and consume the fallen beings and collective entities behind female prostitution, human trafficking and the institutions that are allowing money laundering from these activities.
Archangel Michael, hold me tight,shatter now the darkest night.Clear my chakras with your light,restore to me my inner sight.
Archangel Michael, you are here,consuming now all doubt and fear.Your Presence is forever near,you are to me so very dear.
4. Archangel Michael, bind and consume the collective entities that keep men trapped in the abuse of alcohol, violence, forcing people into prostitution, rape and other destructive activities.
Archangel Michael, now I stand,with you the light I do command.My heart I ever will expand,till highest truth I understand.
Archangel Michael, you are here,consuming now all doubt and fear.Your Presence is forever near,you are to me so very dear.
5. Archangel Michael, bind and consume the fallen beings and collective entities that are seeking to prevent societies from realizing that these dark beings exist and how they overpower people’s minds.
Archangel Michael, in my heart,from me you never will depart.Of hierarchy I am a part,I now accept a fresh new start.
Archangel Michael, you are here,consuming now all doubt and fear.Your Presence is forever near,you are to me so very dear.
6. Archangel Michael, bind and consume the fallen beings and collective entities that are seeking to prevent societies from realizing that we need to understand collective entities scientifically and through psychology.
Archangel Michael, sword of blue,all darkness you are cutting through.My Christhood I do now pursue,discernment shows me what is true.
Archangel Michael, you are here,consuming now all doubt and fear.Your Presence is forever near,you are to me so very dear.
7. Archangel Michael, I call for you to bind and remove from earth the fallen beings, including the Dark Master, who made the decision that they would make men the superior sex on earth and women the inferior sex.
Archangel Michael, in your wings,I now let go of lesser things.God’s homing call in my heart rings,my heart with yours forever sings.
Archangel Michael, you are here,consuming now all doubt and fear.Your Presence is forever near,you are to me so very dear.
8. Archangel Michael, shatter the veil of ignorance that the fallen beings have created in order to hide their own existence, their agenda and their complete insensitivity to human beings.
Archangel Michael, take me home,in higher spheres I want to roam.I am reborn from cosmic foam,my life is now a sacred poem.
Archangel Michael, you are here,consuming now all doubt and fear.Your Presence is forever near,you are to me so very dear.
9. Archangel Michael, shatter the veil of ignorance so that all institutions that unwittingly support the agenda of the fallen beings will be exposed. Cut free all people who have the potential to free societies from the manipulation of the fallen beings.
Archangel Michael, light you are,shining like the bluest star.You are a cosmic avatar,with you I will go very far.
Archangel Michael, you are here,consuming now all doubt and fear.Your Presence is forever near,you are to me so very dear.
In the name of the I AM THAT I AM, I accept that Archangel Michael, Astrea and Shiva form an impenetrable shield around myself and all constructive people, sealing us from all fear-based energies in all four octaves. I accept that the Light of God is consuming and transforming all fear-based energies that make up the dark forces working against the liberation of women on earth!
17. Invoking a new form of Christianity (part 1)
In the name of the I AM THAT I AM, Jesus Christ, I use the authority that I have as a being in embodiment on earth to call upon Jesus to reinforce my calls and use my chakras to project the statements in this invocation into the collective consciousness and awaken people to the awareness that will liberate both men and women from all psychological and spiritual thralldom to the fallen beings. Awaken people to the reality that we are spiritual beings and that we can co-create a new future by working with the ascended masters. I especially call for …
[Make your own calls here.]
Part 1
1. Beloved Jesus, awaken women to see that it was never your intention to create a religious or spiritual movement that would suppress women.
O Jesus, blessed brother mine,I walk the path that you outline,a great example to us all,I follow now your inner call.
O Jesus, let the Fire of Joy,consume the devil’s subtle ploy,transfigured is our Planet earth,The golden age is given birth.
2. Beloved Jesus, awaken women to see that any spiritual teaching that can be given on a dark Planet like earth must be given in context, and the context is the collective consciousness.
O Jesus, open inner sight,the ego wants to prove it’s right,but this I will no longer do,I want to be all one with you.
O Jesus, let the Fire of Joy,consume the devil’s subtle ploy,transfigured is our Planet earth,The golden age is given birth.
3. Beloved Jesus, awaken women to see that you took embodiment in the Middle East because it was one of the darkest areas on earth. It had one of the lowest levels of energy, one of the lowest states of the collective consciousness, and this is still the case today.
O Jesus, I now clearly see,the Key of Knowledge given me,my Christ self I hereby embrace,as you fill up my inner space.
O Jesus, let the Fire of Joy,consume the devil’s subtle ploy,transfigured is our Planet earth,The golden age is given birth.
4. Beloved Jesus, shatter the illusion that you came to the Middle East because it was a holy place.
O Jesus, show me serpent’s lie,expose the beam in my own eye,as Christ discernment you me give,in oneness I forever live.
O Jesus, let the Fire of Joy,consume the devil’s subtle ploy,transfigured is our Planet earth,The golden age is given birth.
5. Beloved Jesus, awaken women to see that the collective consciousness set some limitations for the teachings that you could give at the time. You could not give a teaching at the time that would directly and openly challenge a male-dominated society because the people in the Middle East were not ready for this.
O Jesus, I am truly meek,and thus I turn the other cheek,when the accuser attacks me,I go within and merge with thee.
O Jesus, let the Fire of Joy,consume the devil’s subtle ploy,transfigured is our Planet earth,The golden age is given birth.
6. Beloved Jesus, awaken women to see that you demonstrated, through your actions and through the community that sprang up around you, that you treated women and men with an equal potential to grow spiritually.
O Jesus, ego I let die,surrender ev’ry earthly tie,the dead can bury what is dead,I choose to walk with you instead.
O Jesus, let the Fire of Joy,consume the devil’s subtle ploy,transfigured is our Planet earth,The golden age is given birth.
7. Beloved Jesus, awaken women to see that you did not have only male disciples. There was an equal proportion between men and women among those that were your direct disciples.
O Jesus, help me rise above,the devil’s test through higher love,show me separate self unreal,my formless self you do reveal.
O Jesus, let the Fire of Joy,consume the devil’s subtle ploy,transfigured is our Planet earth,The golden age is given birth.
8. Beloved Jesus, shatter the illusion that there must be some difference between men and women, since Christ only had male disciples.
O Jesus, what is that to me,I just let go and follow thee,with this I do pass ev’ry test,to find with you eternal rest.
O Jesus, let the Fire of Joy,consume the devil’s subtle ploy,transfigured is our Planet earth,The golden age is given birth.
9. Beloved Jesus, awaken women to see that the Christian scriptures do not give an accurate portrayal of your actions and your relationship with women, the way you treated women and they do not portray that you had female disciples.
O Jesus, fiery master mine,my heart now melting into thine,I love with heart and mind and soul,the God who is my highest goal.
O Jesus, let the Fire of Joy,consume the devil’s subtle ploy,transfigured is our Planet earth,The golden age is given birth.
Part 2
1. Beloved Jesus, awaken women to see that from the very beginning, when the scriptures were written down and later when those particular scriptures were selected to be part of the official canon, a distortion was created.
O Jesus, blessed brother mine,I walk the path that you outline,a great example to us all,I follow now your inner call.
O Jesus, let the Fire of Joy,consume the devil’s subtle ploy,transfigured is our Planet earth,The golden age is given birth.
2. Beloved Jesus, awaken women to see that as soon as you had left embodiment, the equal relationship that you had attempted to create between men and women was abandoned or lost.
O Jesus, open inner sight,the ego wants to prove it’s right,but this I will no longer do,I want to be all one with you.
O Jesus, let the Fire of Joy,consume the devil’s subtle ploy,transfigured is our Planet earth,The golden age is given birth.
3. Beloved Jesus, awaken women to see that the movement led by Peter could not overcome his male chauvinist mindset.
O Jesus, I now clearly see,the Key of Knowledge given me,my Christ self I hereby embrace,as you fill up my inner space.
O Jesus, let the Fire of Joy,consume the devil’s subtle ploy,transfigured is our Planet earth,The golden age is given birth.
4. Beloved Jesus, awaken women to see that there was such a strong, patriarchal, male-dominant mentality in the Middle East that many of the early followers of Christ could not overcome it, and they created various groups and sects that relegated women to a secondary role.
O Jesus, show me serpent’s lie,expose the beam in my own eye,as Christ discernment you me give,in oneness I forever live.
O Jesus, let the Fire of Joy,consume the devil’s subtle ploy,transfigured is our Planet earth,The golden age is given birth.
5. Beloved Jesus, awaken women to see that the female role is not a universal thing. God did not create men and women with a fundamental difference. Evolution has not brought forth men and women with a fundamental difference except of course in the physical body.
O Jesus, I am truly meek,and thus I turn the other cheek,when the accuser attacks me,I go within and merge with thee.
O Jesus, let the Fire of Joy,consume the devil’s subtle ploy,transfigured is our Planet earth,The golden age is given birth.
6. Beloved Jesus, awaken women to see that there is, on a spiritual level, no fundamental difference between men and women.
O Jesus, ego I let die,surrender ev’ry earthly tie<
the dead can bury what is dead,I choose to walk with you instead.
O Jesus, let the Fire of Joy,consume the devil’s subtle ploy,transfigured is our Planet earth,The golden age is given birth.
7. Beloved Jesus, awaken women to see that we have certain selves that were created a long time ago, but they are not based on some spiritual, universal definition that this is the way men and women are.
O Jesus, help me rise above,the devil’s test through higher love,show me separate self unreal,my formless self you do reveal.
O Jesus, let the Fire of Joy,consume the devil’s subtle ploy,transfigured is our Planet earth,The golden age is given birth.
8. Beloved Jesus, awaken women to see that all separate selves are based on the cultural context that was influenced by the fallen beings and their attempt to make men the dominant sex and women the inferior sex, in order to create that fundamental division and that fundamental conflict on earth.
O Jesus, what is that to me,I just let go and follow thee,with this I do pass ev’ry test,to find with you eternal rest.
O Jesus, let the Fire of Joy,consume the devil’s subtle ploy,transfigured is our Planet earth,The golden age is given birth.
9. Beloved Jesus, awaken women to see that you came to represent Christ and to demonstrate how a person with Christ consciousness brings a different perspective on everything.
O Jesus, fiery master mine,my heart now melting into thine,I love with heart and mind and soul,the God who is my highest goal.
O Jesus, let the Fire of Joy,consume the devil’s subtle ploy,transfigured is our Planet earth,The golden age is given birth.
Part 3
1. Beloved Jesus, awaken women to see that you treated men and women equally because to the Christ, to the Christ mind, men and women are not only of equal value, but of equal spiritual potential.
O Jesus, blessed brother mine,I walk the path that you outline,a great example to us all,I follow now your inner call.
O Jesus, let the Fire of Joy,consume the devil’s subtle ploy,transfigured is our Planet earth,The golden age is given birth.
2. Beloved Jesus, awaken women to see that to the Christ mind, there is no difference between men and women. The Christ mind looks at a person, and looks beyond the sex of the physical body, and looks at the being of that person.
O Jesus, open inner sight,the ego wants to prove
it’s right,
but this I will no longer do,I want to be all one with you.
O Jesus, let the Fire of Joy,consume the devil’s subtle ploy,transfigured is our Planet earth,The golden age is given birth.
3. Beloved Jesus, awaken women to see that the Christ mind sees that the core of this being is the Conscious You, which is neutral, gender neutral. Then, there is the I AM Presence, which is also gender neutral.
O Jesus, I now clearly see,the Key of Knowledge given me,my Christ self I hereby embrace,as you fill up my inner space.
O Jesus, let the Fire of Joy,consume the devil’s subtle ploy,transfigured is our Planet earth,The golden age is given birth.
4. Beloved Jesus, awaken women to see that the Conscious You may be trapped in and identified with a certain number of selves. These are not gender neutral, but this is not who the person really is, so the Christ sees beyond this and looks at how it can help liberate that particular person from the separate selves.
O Jesus, show me serpent’s lie,expose the beam in my own eye,as Christ discernment you me give,in oneness I forever live.
O Jesus, let the Fire of Joy,consume the devil’s subtle ploy,transfigured is our Planet earth,The golden age is given birth.
5. Beloved Jesus, awaken women to see that the Christ looks at how it can help liberate you from whatever is limiting you. There may be some selves that are of a male orientation, some of a female orientation but it does not matter to the Christ.
O Jesus, I am truly meek,and thus I turn the other cheek,when the accuser attacks me,I go within and merge with thee.
O Jesus, let the Fire of Joy,consume the devil’s subtle ploy,transfigured is our Planet earth,The golden age is given birth.
6. Beloved Jesus, awaken women to see that the Christ does not set up any kind of value judgment. The Christ does not treat women differently from men or men differently from women. The goal is always to liberate the person from whatever it is trapped in.
O Jesus, ego I let die,surrender ev’ry earthly tie,the dead can bury what is dead,I choose to walk with you instead.
O Jesus, let the Fire of Joy,consume the devil’s subtle ploy,transfigured is our Planet earth,The golden age is given birth.
7. Beloved Jesus, awaken women to see that Christianity became a male-dominated religion because those who started writing down scriptures or creating different sects and groups projected upon you that you were looking at women the way they were looking at women, you were treating women the way they were treating women.
O Jesus, help me rise above,the devil’s test through higher love,show me separate self unreal,my formless self you do reveal.
O Jesus, let the Fire of Joy,consume the devil’s subtle ploy,transfigured is our Planet earth,The golden age is given birth.
8. Beloved Jesus, awaken women to see that the formation of the Catholic church was influenced by the fact that in Roman society women were in an inferior position.
O Jesus, what is that to me,I just let go and follow thee,with this I do pass ev’ry test,to find with you eternal rest.
O Jesus, let the Fire of Joy,consume the devil’s subtle ploy,transfigured is our Planet earth,The golden age is given birth.
9. Beloved Jesus, awaken women to see that in Roman society women were put in certain positions where they were prevented from being part of the decision-making process.
O Jesus, fiery master mine,my heart now melting into thine,I love with heart and mind and soul,the God who is my highest goal.
O Jesus, let the Fire of Joy,consume the devil’s subtle ploy,transfigured is our Planet earth,The golden age is given birth.
Part 4
1. Beloved Jesus, awaken women to see that the Roman Catholic church, was created by the Roman Emperor Constantine as a political instrument for uniting his empire.
O Jesus, blessed brother mine,I walk the path that you outline,a great example to us all,I follow now your inner call.
O Jesus, let the Fire of Joy,consume the devil’s subtle ploy,transfigured is our Planet earth,The golden age is given birth.
2. Beloved Jesus, awaken women to see that it was not Constantine’s intent to challenge these set institutions of Roman society, such as the relationship between men and women.
O Jesus, open inner sight,the ego wants to prove it’s right,but this I will no longer do,I want to be all one with you.
O Jesus, let the Fire of Joy,consume the devil’s subtle ploy,transfigured is our Planet earth,The golden age is given birth.
3. Beloved Jesus, awaken women to see that Constantine had great control over the early Roman Catholic church, including the doctrines of Nicaea that elevated you beyond the status of being a human being and therefore, beyond being an example to follow.
O Jesus, I now clearly see,the Key of Knowledge given me,my Christ self I hereby embrace,as you fill up my inner space.
O Jesus, let the Fire of Joy,consume the devil’s subtle ploy,transfigured is our Planet earth,The golden age is given birth.
4. Beloved Jesus, awaken women to see that any remnant of awareness that you treated men and women equally could be set aside, because the Roman Catholic church was not meant to do what you did but to do what they said that you did.
O Jesus, show me serpent’s lie,expose the beam in my own eye,as Christ discernment you me give,in oneness I forever live.
O Jesus, let the Fire of Joy,consume the devil’s subtle ploy,transfigured is our Planet earth,The golden age is given birth.
5. Beloved Jesus, awaken women to see that the Catholic church from its inception was not based on the true teachings of Christ. It was not based on any attunement with the universal Christ mind or with the Ascended Master Jesus Christ.
O Jesus, I am truly meek,and thus I turn the other cheek,when the accuser attacks me,I go within and merge with thee.
O Jesus, let the Fire of Joy,consume the devil’s subtle ploy,transfigured is our Planet earth,The golden age is given birth.
6. Beloved Jesus, awaken women to see that the Catholic church was an entirely man-made institution that created a man-made image and projected it onto Christ.
O Jesus, ego I let die,surrender ev’ry earthly tie,the dead can bury what is dead,I choose to walk with you instead.
O Jesus, let the Fire of Joy,consume the devil’s subtle ploy,transfigured is our Planet earth,The golden age is given birth.
7. Beloved Jesus, awaken women to see that the church fathers created a man-made image of what Jesus Christ was like, what your message was like and they projected that upon not you, but people’s view of you.
O Jesus, help me rise above,the devil’s test through higher love,show me separate self unreal,my formless self you do reveal.
O Jesus, let the Fire of Joy,consume the devil’s subtle ploy,transfigured is our Planet earth,The golden age is given birth.
8. Beloved Jesus, awaken women to see that this image has been reinforced and built upon for more than a thousand years and they are still trying to reinforce it today.
O Jesus, what is that to me,I just let go and follow thee,with this I do pass ev’ry test,to find with you eternal rest.
O Jesus, let the Fire of Joy,consume the devil’s subtle ploy,transfigured is our Planet earth,The golden age is given birth.
9. Beloved Jesus, awaken women to see that for over a thousand years the Catholic church was an instrument for maintaining the suppression of women, maintaining the status quo where women had a secondary position in society.
O Jesus, fiery master mine,my heart now melting into thine,I love with heart and mind and soul,the God who is my highest goal.
O Jesus, let the Fire of Joy,consume the devil’s subtle ploy,transfigured is our Planet earth,The golden age is given birth.
In the name of the I AM THAT I AM, I accept that Archangel Michael, Astrea and Shiva form an impenetrable shield around myself and all constructive people, sealing us from all fear-based energies in all four octaves. I accept that the Light of God is consuming and transforming all fear-based energies that make up the dark forces working against the liberation of women on earth!
18. Invoking a new form of Christianity (part 2)
In the name of the I AM THAT I AM, Jesus Christ, I use the authority that I have as a being in embodiment on earth to call upon Jesus to reinforce my calls and use my chakras to project the statements in this invocation into the collective consciousness and awaken people to the awareness that will liberate both men and women from all psychological and spiritual thralldom to the fallen beings. Awaken people to the reality that we are spiritual beings and that we can co-create a new future by working with the ascended masters. I especially call for …
[Make your own calls here.]
Part 1
1. Beloved Jesus, awaken women to see that when many women were starting to question status quo, not only in the Christian religion but in society as a whole, the Catholic church started the witch hunts.
O Jesus, blessed brother mine,I walk the path that you outline,a great example to us all,I follow now your inner call.
O Jesus, let the Fire of Joy,consume the devil’s subtle ploy,transfigured is our Planet earth,The golden age is given birth.
2. Beloved Jesus, awaken women to see that when women were starting to question their role and why they should be in a secondary position in society, this was a movement that was seen as dangerous, not only by the Catholic church, but also by the secular leaders, the kings and the emperors of the Middle Ages.
O Jesus, open inner sight,the ego wants to prove it’s right,but this I will no longer do,I want to be all one with you.
O Jesus, let the Fire of Joy,consume the devil’s subtle ploy,transfigured is our Planet earth,The golden age is given birth.
3. Beloved Jesus, awaken women to see that this resulted in the witch-hunt processes, where any woman who had any kind of knowledge beyond the accepted norm, was labeled as a witch and therefore persecuted or burned at the stake.
O Jesus, I now clearly see,the Key of Knowledge given me,my Christ self I hereby embrace,as you fill up my inner space.
O Jesus, let the Fire of Joy,consume the devil’s subtle ploy,transfigured is our Planet earth,The golden age is given birth.
4. Beloved Jesus, awaken women to see that the witch-hunt processes were a deliberate and aggressive intent to stamp out the first feminist movement in Europe and Christianity played a key role.
O Jesus, show me serpent’s lie,expose the beam in my own eye,as Christ discernment you me give,in oneness I forever live.
O Jesus, let the Fire of Joy,consume the devil’s subtle ploy,transfigured is our Planet earth,The golden age is given birth.
5. Beloved Jesus, awaken women to see that up into the modern age, Christian movements, even Lutheran, Protestant movements, were against giving women the right to vote.
O Jesus, I am truly meek,and thus I turn the other cheek,when the accuser attacks me,I go within and merge with thee.
O Jesus, let the Fire of Joy,consume the devil’s subtle ploy,transfigured is our Planet earth,The golden age is given birth.
6. Beloved Jesus, awaken women to see that there is a great resistance to allowing women to gain any position in the Protestant Christian churches and some male ministers are against the anointing of women as priests or bishops.
O Jesus, ego I let die,surrender ev’ry earthly tie,the dead can bury what is dead,I choose to walk with you instead.
O Jesus, let the Fire of Joy,consume the devil’s subtle ploy,transfigured is our Planet earth,The golden age is given birth.
7. Beloved Jesus, I call for the binding of the dark forces, the fallen beings and the collective entities that are behind the fact that even today, Christianity is an instrument for the suppression of women.
O Jesus, help me rise above,the devil’s test through higher love,show me separate self unreal,my formless self you do reveal.
O Jesus, let the Fire of Joy,consume the devil’s subtle ploy,transfigured is our Planet earth,The golden age is given birth.
8. Beloved Jesus, I call for the binding of the collective entities that have been created by both the Catholic church and the Protestant religions, and that make men feel that they are superior, should be superior, and that women should be inferior.
O Jesus, what is that to me,I just let go and follow thee,with this I do pass ev’ry test,to find with you eternal rest.
O Jesus, let the Fire of Joy,consume the devil’s subtle ploy,transfigured is our Planet earth,The golden age is given birth.
9. Beloved Jesus, I call for the binding of the collective entities that make women accept this position so that many women who still see themselves as Christians have come to accept that women should have a secondary position.
O Jesus, fiery master mine,my heart now melting into thine,I love with heart and mind and soul,the God who is my highest goal.
O Jesus, let the Fire of Joy,consume the devil’s subtle ploy,transfigured is our Planet earth,The golden age is given birth.
Part 2
1. Beloved Jesus, I call for the binding of these collective entities so that people can be given an opportunity to let go of this mindset and no longer be hypnotized by it.
O Jesus, blessed brother mine,I walk the path that you outline,a great example to us all,I follow now your inner call.
O Jesus, let the Fire of Joy,consume the devil’s subtle ploy,transfigured is our Planet earth,The golden age is given birth.
2. Beloved Jesus, awaken those women who are the primary driving force that keeps the churches going so they can ask themselves: “Can Christianity survive in a modern developed nation? Does Christianity still have a place in these modern democracies that we live in? Does Christianity have any relevance in the very complex modern societies that we have now?”
O Jesus, open inner sight,the ego wants to prove it’s right,but this I will no longer do,I want to be all one with you.
O Jesus, let the Fire of Joy,consume the devil’s subtle ploy,transfigured is our Planet earth,The golden age is given birth.
3. Beloved Jesus, awaken women to see that the answer to that question depends on how we look at Christianity.
O Jesus, I now clearly see,the Key of Knowledge given me,my Christ self I hereby embrace,as you fill up my inner space.
O Jesus, let the Fire of Joy,consume the devil’s subtle ploy,transfigured is our Planet earth,The golden age is given birth.
4. Beloved Jesus, awaken women to ask whether Christianity is a static religion that must continue to work within the boundaries defined 17 centuries ago, or 20 centuries ago, when the first scriptures were written down?
O Jesus, show me serpent’s lie,expose the beam in my own eye,as Christ discernment you me give,in oneness I forever live.
O Jesus, let the Fire of Joy,consume the devil’s subtle ploy,transfigured is our Planet earth,The golden age is given birth.
5. Beloved Jesus, awaken women to see that Christ represents change. From a common sense, rational perspective, it makes no sense to hold on to these doctrines and rituals, this view of men and women that was created when the cultural context was entirely different.
O Jesus, I am truly meek,and thus I turn the other cheek,when the accuser attacks me,I go within and merge with thee.
O Jesus, let the Fire of Joy,consume the devil’s subtle ploy,transfigured is our Planet earth,The golden age is given birth.
6. Beloved Jesus, awaken women to realize that Christianity did emerge in a particular cultural context. Now that the cultural context has changed as dramatically as it has, it is necessary to make certain changes to the Christian church if it is to remain relevant.
O Jesus, ego I let die,surrender ev’ry earthly tie,the dead can bury what is dead,I choose to walk with you instead.
O Jesus, let the Fire of Joy,consume the devil’s subtle ploy,transfigured is our Planet earth,The golden age is given birth.
7. Beloved Jesus, awaken women to see that if a religion is to be relevant to people, it must do something for them that helps them improve their daily lives.
O Jesus, help me rise above,the devil’s test through higher love,show me separate self unreal,my formless self you do reveal.
O Jesus, let the Fire of Joy,consume the devil’s subtle ploy,transfigured is our Planet earth,The golden age is given birth.
8. Beloved Jesus, awaken women to see that the challenges people face in their daily lives in the modern world are very different from what it was when the Catholic church was formed, or when the Lutheran churches were formed centuries ago.
O Jesus, what is that to me,I just let go and follow thee,with this I do pass ev’ry test,to find with you eternal rest.
O Jesus, let the Fire of Joy,consume the devil’s subtle ploy,transfigured is our Planet earth,The golden age is given birth.
9. Beloved Jesus, awaken women to see that it is necessary to make changes so that Christianity can help people address the problems and concerns they have today. If people do not find anything in the Christian religion that is relevant to their daily situation, how can they feel that the Christian religion is relevant and how can the church then survive?
O Jesus, fiery master mine,my heart now melting into thine,I love with heart and mind and soul,the God who is my highest goal.
O Jesus, let the Fire of Joy,consume the devil’s subtle ploy,transfigured is our Planet earth,The golden age is given birth.
Part 3
1. Beloved Jesus, awaken women to see that the basic dualistic polarity that we can go into on a Planet like earth is that in order to take embodiment on earth, we must be in a male or female body in any one embodiment.
O Jesus, blessed brother mine,I walk the path that you outline,a great example to us all,I follow now your inner call.
O Jesus, let the Fire of Joy,consume the devil’s subtle ploy,transfigured is our Planet earth,The golden age is given birth.
2. Beloved Jesus, awaken women to see that in order to take embodiment in a male body or a female body, we must create a self based on that body and that self will be based on the cultural context in which we take embodiment.
O Jesus, open inner sight,the ego wants to prove it’s right,but this I will no longer do,I want to be all one with you.
O Jesus, let the Fire of Joy,consume the devil’s subtle ploy,transfigured is our Planet earth,The golden age is given birth.
3. Beloved Jesus, awaken women to see that the function of Christ is that no matter what kind of separate dualistic selves we have created, Christ offers us the perspective, the realization, the experience, that we are not this particular self and therefore, we can let the self die and we will not die when the self dies.
O Jesus, I now clearly see,the Key of Knowledge given me,my Christ self I hereby embrace,as you fill up my inner space.
O Jesus, let the Fire of Joy,consume the devil’s subtle ploy,transfigured is our Planet earth,The golden age is given birth.
4. Beloved Jesus, awaken women to see that the Christian religion will not survive in the modern democracies unless it transcends itself. Christianity must transcend this historical baggage of the Catholic church, the Jewish religion and the Old Testament.
O Jesus, show me serpent’s lie,expose the beam in my own eye,as Christ discernment you me give,in oneness I forever live.
O Jesus, let the Fire of Joy,consume the devil’s subtle ploy,transfigured is our Planet earth,The golden age is given birth.
5. Beloved Jesus, awaken women to see that the Catholic religion will not survive in its present form. The question is whether the Catholic church can transform itself or whether a new form of Christianity will emerge.
O Jesus, I am truly meek,and thus I turn the other cheek,when the accuser attacks me,I go within and merge with thee.
O Jesus, let the Fire of Joy,consume the devil’s subtle ploy,transfigured is our Planet earth,The golden age is given birth.
6. Beloved Jesus, awaken women to see that if new forms of Christianity are to emerge, this will be driven primarily by women who will be able and willing to become free to tune in to the mind of the ascended master Jesus Christ.
O Jesus, ego I let die,surrender ev’ry earthly
the dead can bury what is dead,I choose to walk with you instead.
O Jesus, let the Fire of Joy,consume the devil’s subtle ploy,transfigured is our Planet earth,The golden age is given birth.
7. Beloved Jesus, awaken women so they can tune in and receive certain ideas that will allow them to suddenly have the scales fall from their eyes, and they see that it is necessary to create a new Christian church that is more focused on serving people, helping people meet the challenges they face in the modern age.
O Jesus, help me rise above,the devil’s test through higher love,show me separate self unreal,my formless self you do reveal.
O Jesus, let the Fire of Joy,consume the devil’s subtle ploy,transfigured is our Planet earth,The golden age is given birth.
8. Beloved Jesus, awaken women to see that for people in the modern democracies, the next logical step is to follow Maslow’s pyramid of needs and go into the self-actualization needs. It is possible to create a Christian church that is using the teachings and example of Christ to help people fulfill their needs for self-actualization. Awaken women to tune in to your mind and receive these ideas.
O Jesus, what is that to me,I just let go and follow thee,with this I do pass ev’ry test,to find with you eternal rest.
O Jesus, let the Fire of Joy,consume the devil’s subtle ploy,transfigured is our Planet earth,The golden age is given birth.
9. Beloved Jesus, awaken women to see that for a new form of Christianity to emerge, it will be necessary to take the Old Testament out of Christian scriptures. It will be necessary to incorporate some of the Gnostic Gospels, in order to get a more diversified scriptural background.
O Jesus, fiery master mine,my heart now melting into thine,I love with heart and mind and soul,the God who is my highest goal.
O Jesus, let the Fire of Joy,consume the devil’s subtle ploy,transfigured is our Planet earth,The golden age is given birth.
Part 4
1. Beloved Jesus, awaken women to see that it necessary to let go of the Old Testament because as long as we believe that this is the word of God and was given through some infallible revelation, we will not be able to overcome the baggage that defines women as inferior to men and as the cause of the downfall of the entire human race.
O Jesus, blessed brother mine,I walk the path that you outline,a great example to us all,I follow now your inner call.
O Jesus, let the Fire of Joy,consume the devil’s subtle ploy,transfigured is our Planet earth,
The golden age is given birth.
2. Beloved Jesus, awaken women to see that a new form of Christianity must leave this entire mindset behind, or it will have no chance of surviving in the modern age. We must let go of this Old Testament baggage and there is no way to do it except by letting go of the Old Testament.
O Jesus, open inner sight,the ego wants to prove it’s right,but this I will no longer do,I want to be all one with you.
O Jesus, let the Fire of Joy,consume the devil’s subtle ploy,transfigured is our Planet earth,The golden age is given birth.
3. Beloved Jesus, awaken women to see that a new form of Christianity is not just a New Testament but a new attunement with the universal Christ mind that promotes growth, that promotes self-transcendence, not a static form of Christianity.
O Jesus, I now clearly see,the Key of Knowledge given me,my Christ self I hereby embrace,as you fill up my inner space.
O Jesus, let the Fire of Joy,consume the devil’s subtle ploy,transfigured is our Planet earth,The golden age is given birth.
4. Beloved Jesus, I call forth the judgment of Christ upon the fallen beings who do not want a movement that is based on self-transcendence.
O Jesus, show me serpent’s lie,expose the beam in my own eye,as Christ discernment you me give,in oneness I forever live.
O Jesus, let the Fire of Joy,consume the devil’s subtle ploy,transfigured is our Planet earth,The golden age is given birth.
5. Beloved Jesus, I call forth the judgment of Christ upon the fallen beings who want to maintain the kind of Christianity we have had since the formation of the Catholic church, namely a Christianity that denies our ability to self-transcend.
O Jesus, I am truly meek,and thus I turn the other cheek,when the accuser attacks me,I go within and merge with thee.
O Jesus, let the Fire of Joy,consume the devil’s subtle ploy,transfigured is our Planet earth,The golden age is given birth.
6. Beloved Jesus, I call forth the judgment of Christ upon the fallen beings who say that only the pope has direct contact with Christ. Only the ministers, the priests, are the mediators between God and men.
O Jesus, ego I let die,surrender ev’ry earthly tie,the dead can bury what is dead,I choose to walk with you instead.
O Jesus, let the Fire of Joy,consume the devil’s subtle ploy,transfigured is our Planet earth,The golden age is given birth.
7. Beloved Jesus, awaken women to see that your primary message is that no human being or human institution is the mediator between Spirit and man. Only the Christ is the mediator, and the Christ is a universal mind that is beyond any division we could possibly create on earth.
O Jesus, help me rise above,the devil’s test through higher love,show me separate self unreal,my formless self you do reveal.
O Jesus, let the Fire of Joy,consume the devil’s subtle ploy,transfigured is our Planet earth,The golden age is given birth.
8. Beloved Jesus, awaken women to see that Christ is always there for all people and Christ resides in the kingdom of God that is located within us because it is a state of consciousness.
O Jesus, what is that to me,I just let go and follow thee,with this I do pass ev’ry test,to find with you eternal rest.
O Jesus, let the Fire of Joy,consume the devil’s subtle ploy,transfigured is our Planet earth,The golden age is given birth.
9. Beloved Jesus, awaken women to see that the kingdom of God is our ability to become aware that we have a limited self, our ability to decide that we are willing to let that self die in order to follow Christ, in order to come up higher in consciousness and be reborn into a higher sense of self.
O Jesus, fiery master mine,my heart now melting into thine,I love with heart and mind and soul,the God who is my highest goal.
O Jesus, let the Fire of Joy,consume the devil’s subtle ploy,transfigured is our Planet earth,The golden age is given birth.
In the name of the I AM THAT I AM, I accept that Archangel Michael, Astrea and Shiva form an impenetrable shield around myself and all constructive people, sealing us from all fear-based energies in all four octaves. I accept that the Light of God is consuming and transforming all fear-based energies that make up the dark forces working against the liberation of women on earth!
20. Invoking liberation from being a women
In the name of the I AM THAT I AM, Jesus Christ, I use the authority that I have as a being in embodiment on earth to call upon Maraytaii to reinforce my calls and use my chakras to project the statements in this invocation into the collective consciousness and awaken people to the awareness that will liberate both men and women from all psychological and spiritual thralldom to the fallen beings. Awaken people to the reality that we are spiritual beings and that we can co-create a new future by working with the ascended masters. I especially call for …
[Make your own calls here.]
Part 1
1. Maraytaii, I invoke your Comforting Presence on behalf of all women so they will have an opportunity to experience a comforting presence.
O Cosmic Mother, sound the gong,that calls me home where I belong.I know you love me tenderly,and in that knowing I am free.
Maraytaii, I resonatewith song that opens cosmic gate.Your melody makes me vibratemy sense of self I recreate.
2. Maraytaii, I invoke your Comforting Presence on behalf of all women who need to be comforted when they are overwhelmed by their daily lives, by their responsibility, by the chaos they experience around them, by the oppression or abuse they are exposed to.
O Cosmic Mother, hold me tight,I resonate with your own light.Your music purifies my heart,your love to all I do impart.
Maraytaii, I resonatewith song that opens cosmic gate.Your melody makes me vibratemy sense of self I recreate.
3. Maraytaii, I invoke your Comforting Presence on behalf of all women who have not experienced comfort even in their childhoods because they grew up in societies where girls are considered worthless.
O Cosmic Mother, we are one,your heart is like a blazing sun.My being can but amplify,the sacred sound you magnify.
Maraytaii, I resonatewith song that opens cosmic gate.Your melody makes me vibratemy sense of self I recreate.
4. Maraytaii, I invoke your Comforting Presence on behalf of all women who did not receive comfort or attention from their own mothers because their own mothers never received it, and how can you give to your own daughter what you have never received yourself.
O Cosmic Mother, I now hear,the subtle sound of Sacred Sphere.As I attune to Cosmic Hum,the lesser self I overcome.
Maraytaii, I resonatewith song that opens cosmic gate.Your melody makes me vibratemy sense of self I recreate.
5. Maraytaii, I invoke your Comforting Presence on behalf of all women so they can receive an opportunity to feel comfort when there is no comfort to be found at the physical level of Planet earth.
O Cosmic Mother, take me home,I am in sync with Sacred OM,The sound of sounds will raise me up,so only light is in my cup.
Maraytaii, I resonatewith song that opens cosmic gate.Your melody makes me vibratemy sense of self I recreate.
6. Maraytaii, I invoke your Comforting Presence on behalf of all women so they can experience your Presence, experience that Flame of Comfort, experience the love of the Divine Mother, which is beyond the conditions that we normally associate with love on earth.
O Cosmic Mother, I will be,a part of cosmic symphony.All that I AM, an instrument,for sound that is from heaven sent.
Maraytaii, I resonatewith song that opens cosmic gate.Your melody makes me vibratemy sense of self I recreate.
7. Maraytaii, I invoke your Comforting Presence on behalf of all women so they can know, experience and accept that they are loved for who they are. There are beings who are not in the physical realm on earth but who are nevertheless very real, and you love them for who they are.
O Cosmic Mother, I now call,to enter sacred music hall.I will be part of life’s ascent,towards the starry firmament.
Maraytaii, I resonatewith song that opens cosmic gate.Your melody makes me vibratemy sense of self I recreate.
8. Maraytaii, I invoke your Comforting Presence on behalf of all women so they can experience that there are no conditions in your love. You accept us for who we are regardless of how we may see ourselves.
O Cosmic Mother, tune my strings,my total being with you sings.Your song I now reverberate,as cosmic love I celebrate.
Maraytaii, I resonatewith song that opens cosmic gate.Your melody makes me vibratemy sense of self I recreate.
9. Maraytaii, I invoke your Comforting Presence on behalf of all women who think they are not worthy of love, so they can realize that it is only our thinking that prevents us from experiencing the love that can consume all sense of unworthiness.
O Cosmic Mother, I love you,your love song keeps me ever true.You fill me with your sacred tone,and thus I never feel alone.
Maraytaii, I resonatewith song that opens cosmic gate.Your melody makes me vibratemy sense of self I recreate.
Part 2
1. Maraytaii, I invoke your Comforting Presence on behalf of all women so they can see that they need to be liberated from the mind of anti-christ, which is the mind that defines conditions.
O Cosmic Mother, sound the gong,that calls me home where I belong.I know you love me tenderly,and in that knowing I am free.
Maraytaii, I resonatewith song that opens cosmic gate.Your melody makes me vibratemy sense of self I recreate.
2. Maraytaii, I invoke your Comforting Presence on behalf of all women so they can see that the mind of Christ is beyond all conditions, and we don’t need to live up to any conditions in order to experience Christ.
O Cosmic Mother, hold me tight,I resonate with your own light.Your music purifies my heart,your love to all I do impart.
Maraytaii, I resonatewith song that opens cosmic gate.Your melody makes me vibratemy sense of self I recreate.
3. Maraytaii, I invoke your Comforting Presence on behalf of all women so they can experience that it is only the conditions that we have defined in our own minds that prevent us from experiencing the unconditional.
O Cosmic Mother, we are one,your heart is like a blazing sun.My being can but amplify,the sacred sound you magnify.
Maraytaii, I resonatewith song that opens cosmic gate.Your melody makes me vibratemy sense of self I recreate.
4. Maraytaii, I invoke your Comforting Presence on behalf of all women so they can tune in to your unconditional Presence, your unconditional love and comfort, your unconditional acceptance and thereby let go of this conditionality.
O Cosmic Mother, I now hear,the subtle sound of Sacred Sphere.As I attune to Cosmic Hum,the lesser self I overcome.
Maraytaii, I resonatewith song that opens cosmic gate.Your melody makes me vibratemy sense of self I recreate.
5. Maraytaii, awaken women to see that the omega aspect of liberation is that we are oppressed by something and therefore we need to be liberated from what limits us.
O Cosmic Mother, take me home,I am in sync with Sacred OM,The sound of sounds will raise me up,so only light is in my cup.
Maraytaii, I resonatewith song that opens cosmic gate.Your melody makes me vibratemy sense of self I recreate.
6. Maraytaii, awaken women to see that many women could not handle being liberated from all of the circumstances and conditions in which they grew up.
O Cosmic Mother, I will be,a part of cosmic symphony.All that I AM, an instrument,for sound that is from heaven sent.
Maraytaii, I resonatewith song that opens cosmic gate.Your melody makes me vibratemy sense of self I recreate.
7. Maraytaii, awaken women to see that many women would not be able to deal with freedom because they have defined themselves, they have identified themselves, based on the cultural attitude to women, so they cannot instantly make that jump from being so limited to being completely liberated.
O Cosmic Mother, I now call,to enter sacred music hall.I will be part of life’s ascent,towards the starry firmament.
Maraytaii, I resonatewith song that opens cosmic gate.Your melody makes me vibratemy sense of self I recreate.
8. Maraytaii, awaken women to see that liberating someone from oppression can leave them in a vacuum, in a chaotic state, in a state of confusion where they do not know what to do with themselves.
O Cosmic Mother, tune my strings,my total being with you sings.Your song I now reverberate,as cosmic love I celebrate.
Maraytaii, I resonatewith song that opens cosmic gate.Your melody makes me vibratemy sense of self I recreate.
9. Maraytaii, awaken women to see that the alpha aspect of liberation is the liberation to a higher awareness, a higher sense of self.
O Cosmic Mother, I love you,your love song keeps me ever true.You fill me with your sacred tone,and thus I never feel alone.
Maraytaii, I resonatewith song that opens cosmic gate.Your melody makes me vibratemy sense of self I recreate.
Part 3
1. Maraytaii, awaken women to see that there needs to be an awakening of women to a universal set of ideas that just living life, as comfortable as it may be in the modern democracies, is not enough in itself.
O Cosmic Mother, sound the gong,that calls me home where I belong.I know you love me tenderly,and in that knowing I am free.
Maraytaii, I resonatewith song that opens cosmic gate.Your melody makes me vibratemy sense of self I recreate.
2. Maraytaii, awaken women to see that life must have a purpose. There must be a direction, and the most universal aspect is self-actualization, self-improvement and personal growth.
O Cosmic Mother, hold me tight,I resonate with your own light.Your music purifies my heart,your love to all I do impart.
Maraytaii, I resonatewith song that opens cosmic gate.Your melody makes me vibratemy sense of self I recreate.
3. Maraytaii, awaken women to see the more spiritual and mystical aspects of raising our consciousness to a distinctly higher level.
O Cosmic Mother, we are one,your heart is like a blazing sun.My being can but amplify,the sacred sound you magnify.
Maraytaii, I resonatewith song that opens cosmic gate.Your melody makes me vibratemy sense of self I recreate.
4. Maraytaii, awaken women to see that there are many mystical paths, many mystical teachings, many gurus throughout the ages who have promoted a mystical path.
O Cosmic Mother, I now hear,the subtle sound of Sacred Sphere.As I attune to Cosmic Hum,the lesser self I overcome.
Maraytaii, I resonatewith song that opens cosmic gate.Your melody makes me vibratemy sense of self I recreate.
5. Maraytaii, awaken women to see that the essence of this mystical path is that we shift our sense of identity, and we do this by letting a separate, dualistic self die.
O Cosmic Mother, take me home,I am in sync with Sacred OM,The sound of sounds will raise me up,so only light is in my cup.
Maraytaii, I resonatewith song that opens cosmic gate.Your melody makes me vibratemy sense of self I recreate.
6. Maraytaii, awaken women to see that in some nations women are more liberated than in others, which means the least liberated nations need to go through the same process as the more liberated nations have gone through.
O Cosmic Mother, I will be,a part of cosmic symphony.All that I AM, an instrument,for sound that is from heaven sent.
Maraytaii, I resonatewith song that opens cosmic gate.Your melody makes me vibratemy sense of self I recreate.
7. Maraytaii, awaken women in the less liberated nations to ask for help from their sisters in more evolved nations.
O Cosmic Mother, I now call,to enter sacred music hall.I will be part of life’s ascent,
towards the starry firmament.
Maraytaii, I resonatewith song that opens cosmic gate.Your melody makes me vibratemy sense of self I recreate.
8. Maraytaii, awaken women in the more liberated nations to develop this solidarity and acknowledge that “No woman is truly free until every woman is free.” It is our responsibility to use our freedom to help our sisters in other nations.
O Cosmic Mother, tune my strings,my total being with you sings.Your song I now reverberate,as cosmic love I celebrate.
Maraytaii, I resonatewith song that opens cosmic gate.Your melody makes me vibratemy sense of self I recreate.
9. Maraytaii, awaken women to see that the alpha aspect of the liberation of women is to go beyond liberating women from the conditions that limit them, but to liberate them to embracing a new direction, something positive.
O Cosmic Mother, I love you,your love song keeps me ever true.You fill me with your sacred tone,and thus I never feel alone.
Maraytaii, I resonatewith song that opens cosmic gate.Your melody makes me vibratemy sense of self I recreate.
Part 4
1. Maraytaii, awaken women to see that there are many ways to follow the path to a higher level of consciousness, and people need to engage in whatever appeals to them intuitively at their present level of consciousness.
O Cosmic Mother, sound the gong,that calls me home where I belong.I know you love me tenderly,and in that knowing I am free.
Maraytaii, I resonatewith song that opens cosmic gate.Your melody makes me vibratemy sense of self I recreate.
2. Maraytaii, awaken women to see that as they move higher in consciousness, they might see a higher teaching, a higher teacher and eventually come to acknowledge the ascended masters who are the highest spiritual teachers available on earth.
O Cosmic Mother, hold me tight,I resonate with your own light.Your music purifies my heart,your love to all I do impart.
Maraytaii, I resonatewith song that opens cosmic gate.Your melody makes me vibratemy sense of self I recreate.
3. Maraytaii, awaken women to see that we need to be liberated to a higher sense of identity, a higher awareness of who we are, what kind of beings we are.
O Cosmic Mother, we are one,your heart is like a blazing sun.My being can but amplify,the sacred sound you magnify.
Maraytaii, I resonatewith song that opens cosmic gate.Your melody makes me vibratemy sense of self I recreate.
4. Maraytaii, awaken women to see that this leads us to become fully empowered as women, to fulfill our highest potential as women, to express our power as women.
O Cosmic Mother, I now hear,the subtle sound of Sacred Sphere.As I attune to Cosmic Hum,the lesser self I overcome.
Maraytaii, I resonatewith song that opens cosmic gate.Your melody makes me vibratemy sense of self I recreate.
5. Maraytaii, awaken women to go through a phase where we seek to become empowered as women and we seek to have more of an impact in society.
O Cosmic Mother, take me home,I am in sync with Sacred OM,The sound of sounds will raise me up,so only light is in my cup.
Maraytaii, I resonatewith song that opens cosmic gate.Your melody makes me vibratemy sense of self I recreate.
6. Maraytaii, awaken women to see that even if we are liberated from all of the limitations that are put upon women on this Planet, if we do not put anything instead of it, we would end up in a vacuum.
O Cosmic Mother, I will be,a part of cosmic symphony.All that I AM, an instrument,for sound that is from heaven sent.
Maraytaii, I resonatewith song that opens cosmic gate.Your melody makes me vibratemy sense of self I recreate.
7. Maraytaii, awaken women to see that as we raise our consciousness, we will start building a new sense of identity.
O Cosmic Mother, I now call,to enter sacred music hall.I will be part of life’s ascent,towards the starry firmament.
Maraytaii, I resonatewith song that opens cosmic gate.Your melody makes me vibratemy sense of self I recreate.
8. Maraytaii, awaken women to see that when we liberate ourselves from all of the limitations put upon women on earth, we do not end up being a fully liberated woman. We end up being a fully liberated spiritual being who is neither male nor female.
O Cosmic Mother, tune my strings,my total
being with you sings.Your song I now reverberate,
as cosmic love I celebrate.
Maraytaii, I resonatewith song that opens cosmic gate.Your melody makes me vibratemy sense of self I recreate.
9. Maraytaii, awaken women to see that being in a female body does not mean our being is defined by a female body. Regardless of the sex of the body we are in, we are universal spiritual beings.
O Cosmic Mother, I love you,your love song keeps me ever true.You fill me with your sacred tone,and thus I never feel alone.
Maraytaii, I resonatewith song that opens cosmic gate.Your melody makes me vibratemy sense of self I recreate.
Part 5
1. Maraytaii, awaken women to see that we are not defined by the sex of our physical body and by the cultural overlay put upon that sex here on earth.
O Cosmic Mother, sound the gong,that calls me home where I belong.I know you love me tenderly,and in that knowing I am free.
Maraytaii, I resonatewith song that opens cosmic gate.Your melody makes me vibratemy sense of self I recreate.
2. Maraytaii, awaken women to see that we are not striving to become liberated women, we are striving to become Christed beings who are not identifying ourselves as women or men.
O Cosmic Mother, hold me tight,I resonate with your own light.Your music purifies my heart,your love to all I do impart.
Maraytaii, I resonatewith song that opens cosmic gate.Your melody makes me vibratemy sense of self I recreate.
3. Maraytaii, awaken women to accept that we are in female bodies and say: “So what? It’s just a body. I just have to make the best of it but I am not going to let it limit me and the expression of my I AM Presence through me.”
O Cosmic Mother, we are one,your heart is like a blazing sun.My being can but amplify,the sacred sound you magnify.
Maraytaii, I resonatewith song that opens cosmic gate.Your melody makes me vibratemy sense of self I recreate.
4. Maraytaii, awaken women to see that the concept of liberating us from something is dualistic. There is something that is limiting us and there is a state of freedom that is opposed to it, and we attain it by removing the condition that is limiting us.
O Cosmic Mother, I now hear,the subtle sound of Sacred Sphere.As I attune to Cosmic Hum,the lesser self I overcome.
Maraytaii, I resonatewith song that opens cosmic gate.Your melody makes me vibratemy sense of self I recreate.
5. Maraytaii, awaken women to see that we have all been in both male and female bodies over many lifetimes.
O Cosmic Mother, take me home,I am in sync with Sacred OM,The sound of sounds will raise me up,so only light is in my cup.
Maraytaii, I resonatewith song that opens cosmic gate.Your melody makes me vibratemy sense of self I recreate.
6. Maraytaii, awaken women to see that we have reacted to conditions on earth by creating separate selves. These selves have caused us to forget that we are spiritual beings, that we are not confined to this earth.
O Cosmic Mother, I will be,a part of cosmic symphony.All that I AM, an instrument,for sound that is from heaven sent.
Maraytaii, I resonatewith song that opens cosmic gate.Your melody makes me vibratemy sense of self I recreate.
7. Maraytaii, awaken women to see that as we begin to awaken, we first see that we are limited by conditions in society but the best way to become free of such conditions is to genuinely transcend our own state of consciousness.
O Cosmic Mother, I now call,to enter sacred music hall.I will be part of life’s ascent,towards the starry firmament.
Maraytaii, I resonatewith song that opens cosmic gate.Your melody makes me vibratemy sense of self I recreate.
8. Maraytaii, awaken women to see that those who changed society so women could vote were willing to work with themselves and shift their sense of identity, where they overcame this cultural overlay that women did not know anything about politics and therefore should not be allowed to vote, that women could not understand politics.
O Cosmic Mother, tune my strings,my total being with you sings.Your song I now reverberate,as cosmic love I celebrate.
Maraytaii, I resonatewith song that opens cosmic gate.Your melody makes me vibratemy sense of self I recreate.
9. Maraytaii, awaken women to see that they shifted their sense of identity in a positive way and they accepted that women can indeed know as much about politics as men, and that women can provide a valuable perspective in the political arena and therefore should be allowed to vote and run for office.
O Cosmic Mother, I love you,your love song keeps me ever true.You fill me with your sacred tone,and thus I never feel alone.
Maraytaii, I resonatewith song that opens cosmic gate.Your melody makes me vibratemy sense of self I recreate.
Part 6
1. Maraytaii, awaken women to see that some were not willing to make that transition so they created a new sense of identity as women who were not liberated from the previous condition, but who were in opposition to it, or in some cases in opposition to men.
O Cosmic Mother, sound the gong,that calls me home where I belong.I know you love me tenderly,and in that knowing I am free.
Maraytaii, I resonatewith song that opens cosmic gate.Your melody makes me vibratemy sense of self I recreate.
2. Maraytaii, awaken women to see that they were not transcending themselves, but created another dualistic self that they defined in opposition to men, or at least a certain archetypal image of men.
O Cosmic Mother, hold me tight,I resonate with your own light.Your music purifies my heart,your love to all I do impart.
Maraytaii, I resonatewith song that opens cosmic gate.Your melody makes me vibratemy sense of self I recreate.
3. Maraytaii, awaken women to see that people in the more extreme feminist movements have a negative view of men and have created a certain image of women as being different from, superior to, that negative image of men.
O Cosmic Mother, we are one,your heart is like a blazing sun.My being can but amplify,the sacred sound you magnify.
Maraytaii, I resonatewith song that opens cosmic gate.Your melody makes me vibratemy sense of self I recreate.
4. Maraytaii, awaken women to see that this is not leading to a real liberation of these women. It may lead to improved conditions in a society, and it was necessary, given how dualistic the culture was, to create something that opposed men and male dominance.
O Cosmic Mother, I now hear,the subtle sound of Sacred Sphere.As I attune to Cosmic Hum,the lesser self I overcome.
Maraytaii, I resonatewith song that opens cosmic gate.Your melody makes me vibratemy sense of self I recreate.
5. Maraytaii, awaken women to see that we humans have a pattern of creating these dualistic selves where we are in opposition to something.
O Cosmic Mother, take me home,I am in sync with Sacred OM,The sound of sounds will raise me up,so only light is in my cup.
Maraytaii, I resonatewith song that opens cosmic gate.Your melody makes me vibratemy sense of self I recreate.
6. Maraytaii, awaken women to see that we are not liberating ourselves by creating a dualistic self that is in opposition to anything on earth.
O Cosmic Mother, I will be,a part of cosmic symphony.All that I AM, an instrument,for sound that is from heaven sent.
Maraytaii, I resonatewith song that opens cosmic gate.Your melody makes me vibratemy sense of self I recreate.
7. Maraytaii, awaken women to take on a new role and be the forerunners for a new phase in the liberation of women, causing the modern democracies can go beyond the level they are at right now and go into a new phase.
O Cosmic Mother, I now call,to enter sacred music hall.I will be part of life’s ascent,towards the starry firmament.
Maraytaii, I resonatewith song that opens cosmic gate.Your melody makes me vibratemy sense of self I recreate.
8. Maraytaii, awaken women to look at our reaction to being a woman, to the fact that we are in a female body in this lifetime. Does it limit us, do we see it as a disadvantage?
O Cosmic Mother, tune my strings,my total being with you sings.Your song I now reverberate,as cosmic love I celebrate.
Maraytaii, I resonatewith song that opens cosmic gate.Your melody makes me vibratemy sense of self I recreate.
9. Maraytaii, awaken women to see that we probably do feel this way because in past lives we were involved with a woman’s liberation movement and we created these separate selves in reaction to this, in reaction to the oppression that women are exposed to.
O Cosmic Mother, I love you,your love song keeps me ever true.You fill me with your sacred tone,and thus I never feel alone.
Maraytaii, I resonatewith song that opens cosmic gate.Your melody makes me vibratemy sense of self I recreate.
Part 7
1. Maraytaii, awaken women to see that it is not a matter of liberating ourselves as women but it is a matter of liberating ourselves from being women, from thinking we are women, from seeing ourselves as women, from identifying ourselves as women.
O Cosmic Mother, sound the gong,that calls me home where I belong.I know you love me tenderly,and in that knowing I am free.
Maraytaii, I resonatewith song that opens cosmic gate.Your melody makes me vibratemy sense of self I recreate.
2. Maraytaii, awaken women to see that as long as we identify ourselves as women, even in one of the liberated countries, we will still identify ourselves based on the role that women have currently and there will be some opposition to the limitations that women are still exposed to.
O Cosmic Mother, hold me tight,I resonate with your own light.Your music purifies my heart,your love to all I do impart.
Maraytaii, I resonatewith song that opens cosmic gate.Your melody makes me vibratemy sense of self I recreate.
3. Maraytaii, awaken women to see the potential to rise to the next level up where we free ourselves from all resistance, from all sense of opposition, from all sense of being limited. We look at the conditions that women are exposed to in our culture and say: “So what! I will not identify myself based on these limitations.”
O Cosmic Mother, we are one,your heart is like a blazing sun.My being can but amplify,the sacred sound you magnify.
Maraytaii, I resonatewith song that opens cosmic gate.Your melody makes me vibratemy sense of self I recreate.
4. Maraytaii, awaken women to see that we have been locked in relationships based on a certain pattern. If we let go of the selves that have accepted this, we can say: “I will not be bound by this pattern anymore. I will free myself from this pattern. First of all I will free myself in my own mind.”
O Cosmic Mother, I now hear,the subtle sound of Sacred Sphere.As I attune to Cosmic Hum,the lesser self I overcome.
Maraytaii, I resonatewith song that opens cosmic gate.Your melody makes me vibratemy sense of self I recreate.
5. Maraytaii, awaken women to see that making maximum spiritual growth cannot necessarily be done by getting married in our teenage years and following the command to live that way until death do us part.
O Cosmic Mother, take me home,I am in sync with Sacred OM,The sound of sounds will raise me up,so only light is in my cup.
Maraytaii, I resonatewith song that opens cosmic gate.Your melody makes me vibratemy sense of self I recreate.
6. Maraytaii, awaken women to see that if we are willing to work with ourselves, then our relationships can rise to a higher level. Or we may move on and attract another partner who is willing to go higher.
O Cosmic Mother, I will be,a part of cosmic symphony.All that I AM, an instrument,for sound that is from heaven sent.
Maraytaii, I resonatewith song that opens cosmic gate.Your melody makes me vibratemy sense of self I recreate.
7. Maraytaii, awaken both women and men to tune in to your Comforting Presence so we no longer see ourselves as men and women, but we see that we are more than these traditional roles that limit all of us.
O Cosmic Mother, I now call,to enter sacred music hall.I will be part of life’s ascent,towards the starry firmament.
Maraytaii, I resonatewith song that opens cosmic gate.Your melody makes me vibratemy sense of self I recreate.
8. Maraytaii, awaken both women and men to be united in Christ, where all are spiritual beings who are expressing ourselves through different bodies, through different personalities, different cultures, different backgrounds.
O Cosmic Mother, tune my strings,my total being with you sings.Your song I now reverberate,as cosmic love I celebrate.
Maraytaii, I resonatewith song that opens cosmic gate.Your melody makes me vibratemy sense of self I recreate.
9. Maraytaii, awaken both women and men to see the essential humanity that unites us. We are not united by eradicating differences, we are united by overcoming the differences and realizing that these differences do not define our identity, for we have a new identity in Christ.
O Cosmic Mother, I love you,your love song keeps me ever true.You fill me with your sacred tone,and thus I never feel alone.
Maraytaii, I resonatewith song that opens cosmic gate.Your melody makes me vibratemy sense of self I recreate.
In the name of the I AM THAT I AM, I accept that Archangel Michael, Astrea and Shiva form an impenetrable shield around myself and all constructive people, sealing us from all fear-based energies in all four octaves. I accept that the Light of God is consuming and transforming all fear-based energies that make up the dark forces working against the liberation of women on earth!
22. Invoking freedom from control games (Part 1)
In the name of the I AM THAT I AM, Jesus Christ, I use the authority that I have as a being in embodiment on earth to call upon Mother Liberty to reinforce my calls and use my chakras to project the statements in this invocation into the collective consciousness and awaken people to the awareness that will liberate both men and women from all psychological and spiritual thralldom to the fallen beings. Awaken people to the reality that we are spiritual beings and that we can co-create a new future by working with the ascended masters. I especially call for …
[Make your own calls here.]
Part 1
1. Liberty, awaken women to see that when we go into duality, there are always two polarities, and they always oppose each other. This creates a tension between the two.
O Liberty now set me freefrom devil’s curse of poverty.I blame not Mother for my lack,O Blessed Mother, take me back.
O Cosmic Mother Liberty,conduct Abundance Symphony.My highest service I now see,abundance is now real for me.
2. Liberty, awaken women to see that it is not possible that one dualistic polarity can destroy the opposite dualistic polarity because they were created at the same time. It is possible that one dualistic polarity can overpower the other polarity on a temporary basis.
O Liberty, from distant shore,I come with longing to be More.I see abundance is a flow,abundance consciousness I grow.
O Cosmic Mother Liberty,conduct Abundance Symphony.My highest service I now see,abundance is now real for me.
3. Liberty, awaken women to see that there is a constant struggle between dualistic polarities, and this is the essence of control games. There is a struggle for who is in control, who is the stronger, who is the dominant of the two polarities.
O Liberty, expose the lie,that limitations can me tie.The Ma-ter light is not my foe,true opulence it does bestow.
O Cosmic Mother Liberty,conduct Abundance Symphony.My highest service I now see,abundance is now real for me.
4. Liberty, awaken women to see that the Cold War was essentially a control game, a struggle between the two about who would be in control of the world.
O Liberty, expose the plot,projected by the fallen lot.O Cosmic Mother, I now see,that Mother’s not my enemy.
O Cosmic Mother Liberty,conduct Abundance Symphony.My highest service I now see,abundance is now real for me.
5. Liberty, awaken women to see that instead of one polarity dominating the other, the two can find a certain equilibrium where they accept the position of each other, but there is still a constant tension.
O Liberty, with opened eyes,I now reject the devil’s lies.I now embrace the Mother realm,for I see Father at the helm.
O Cosmic Mother Liberty,conduct Abundance Symphony.My highest service I now see,abundance is now real for me.
6. Liberty, awaken women to see that the Catholic church was from its creation by Constantine, a force for attaining control over society.
O Liberty, a chalice pure,my lower bodies are for sure.Release through me your symphony,your gift of Cosmic Liberty.
O Cosmic Mother Liberty,conduct Abundance Symphony.My highest service I now see,abundance is now real for me.
7. Liberty, awaken women to see that this attracted another polarity, namely Islam, and this led to the Crusades and a fight between the two.
O Liberty, the open door,I am for Symphony of More.In chakras mine light you release,the flow of love shall never cease.
O Cosmic Mother Liberty,conduct Abundance Symphony.My highest service I now see,abundance is now real for me.
8. Liberty, awaken women to see that many nations have been locked in this struggle between each other. Sometimes two nations can be in a struggle with each other for a long time, other times various nations join the political control game.
O Liberty, release the flow,of opulence that you bestow.For I am willing to receive,the Golden Fleece that you now weave.
O Cosmic Mother Liberty,conduct Abundance Symphony.My highest service I now see,abundance is now real for me.
9. Liberty, awaken women to see that the oldest control game we see on earth is the control game between men and women.
O Liberty, release the cure,to free the tired and the poor.The huddled masses are set free,by loving Song of Liberty.
O Cosmic Mother Liberty,conduct Abundance Symphony.My highest service I now see,abundance is now real for me.
Part 2
1. Liberty, awaken women to see that many societies were patriarchal societies where men had the majority of the power under control, but there was still a control game being played by women.
O Liberty now set me freefrom devil’s curse of poverty.I blame not Mother for my lack,O Blessed Mother, take me back.
O Cosmic Mother Liberty,conduct Abundance Symphony.My highest service I now see,abundance is now real for me.
2. Liberty, awaken women to see that in many societies a certain status quo had been achieved where men had attained a privileged position, women were in a secondary position, but both of them had accepted the parameters for their roles, and within those parameters, they were still fighting for control.
O Liberty, from distant shore,I come with longing to be More.I see abundance is a flow,abundance consciousness I grow.
O Cosmic Mother Liberty,conduct Abundance Symphony.My highest service I now see,abundance is now real for me.
3. Liberty, awaken women to see that the fallen beings selected men to be the superior sex and therefore they projected into the collective consciousness that men should be in control. Men should be in control of society, the family and the relationship with women.
O Liberty, expose the lie,that limitations can me tie.The Ma-ter light is not my foe,true opulence it does bestow.
O Cosmic Mother Liberty,conduct Abundance Symphony.My highest service I now see,abundance is now real for me.
4. Liberty, awaken women to see that this is a projection that goes back to when the fallen beings first defined men and women as dualistic polarities that were in a struggle for dominance and control.
O Liberty, expose the plot,projected by the fallen lot.O Cosmic Mother, I now see,that Mother’s not my enemy.
O Cosmic Mother Liberty,conduct Abundance Symphony.My highest service I now see,abundance is now real for me.
5. Liberty, I call forth the judgment and binding of the collective beast that has been built in the collective consciousness based on the idea that men should be in control.
O Liberty, with opened eyes,I now reject the devil’s lies.I now embrace the Mother realm,for I see Father at the helm.
O Cosmic Mother Liberty,conduct Abundance Symphony.My highest service I now see,abundance is now real for me.
6. Liberty, awaken women to see that there has been a reaction against this from women who do not want to be controlled.
O Liberty, a chalice pure,my lower bodies are for sure.Release through me your symphony,your gift of Cosmic Liberty.
O Cosmic Mother Liberty,conduct Abundance Symphony.My highest service I now see,abundance is now real for me.
7. Liberty, I call forth the judgment and binding of the collective beast that says that women should take away the control of men.
O Liberty, the open door,I am for Symphony of More.In chakras mine light you release,the flow of love shall never cease.
O Cosmic Mother Liberty,conduct Abundance Symphony.My highest service I now see,abundance is now real for me.
8. Liberty, I call forth the judgment and binding of the collective beast that has caused women to accept that men are in control of certain aspects of society or life.
O Liberty, release the flow,of opulence that you bestow.For I am willing to receive,the Golden Fleece that you now weave.
O Cosmic Mother Liberty,conduct Abundance Symphony.My highest service I now see,abundance is now real for me.
9. Liberty, I call forth the judgment and binding of the collective beast that has projected that women should seek to attain control in the areas where they can attain control.
O Liberty, release the cure,to free the tired and the poor.The huddled masses are set free,by loving Song of Liberty.
O Cosmic Mother Liberty,conduct Abundance Symphony.My highest service I now see,abundance is now real for me.
Part 3
1. Liberty, awaken women to see that this has maintained an ongoing struggle between men and women to attain control within whatever parameters were defined in their culture and society.
O Liberty now set me freefrom devil’s curse of poverty.I blame not Mother for my lack,O Blessed Mother, take me back.
O Cosmic Mother Liberty,conduct Abundance Symphony.My highest service I now see,abundance is now real for me.
2. Liberty, awaken women to see that the essence of these control games is that the fallen beings have created such uncertainty and chaos on earth where people can never know what might happen to them.
O Liberty, from distant shore,I come with longing to be More.I see abundance is a flow,abundance consciousness I grow.
O Cosmic Mother Liberty,conduct Abundance Symphony.My highest service I now see,abundance is now real for me.
3. Liberty, awaken women to see that because people have a fear of what might happen in the future, they have a need to be in control of their lives, causing them to play a constant control game of trying to gain some psychological sense that they are in control of their situation.
O Liberty, expose the lie,that limitations can me tie.The Ma-ter light is not my foe,true opulence it does bestow.
O Cosmic Mother Liberty,conduct Abundance Symphony.My highest service I now see,abundance is now real for me.
4. Liberty, awaken women to see that the fallen beings are not content to create this division between men and women, to project that men are the superior sex, that men should be in control.
O Liberty, expose the plot,projected by the fallen lot.O Cosmic Mother, I now see,that Mother’s not my enemy.
O Cosmic Mother Liberty,conduct Abundance Symphony.My highest service I now see,abundance is now real for me.
5. Liberty, awaken women to see that the fallen beings are also caught in a control game because they have more fear than anybody else on earth.
O Liberty, with opened eyes,I now reject the devil’s lies.I now embrace the Mother realm,for I see Father at the helm.
O Cosmic Mother Liberty,conduct Abundance Symphony.My highest service I now see,abundance is now real for me.
6. Liberty, awaken women to see that beyond this basic control game of men and women, there is the control game that is being outplayed in the minds of the fallen beings so they are constantly seeking control.
O Liberty, a chalice pure,my lower bodies are for sure.Release through me your symphony,your gift of Cosmic Liberty.
O Cosmic Mother Liberty,conduct Abundance Symphony.My highest service I now see,abundance is now real for me.
7. Liberty, awaken women to see that fallen beings come in pairs, as everything else in duality and there is always more than one and they are in a rivalry, they are opposing each other.
O Liberty, the open door,I am for Symphony of More.In chakras mine light you release,the flow of love shall never cease.
O Cosmic Mother Liberty,conduct Abundance Symphony.My highest service I now see,abundance is now real for me.
8. Liberty, awaken women to see that the outplaying of this control game between the fallen beings is the epic mindset where one fallen being will define a certain ideology, religion or thought system and will project that it is of epic importance that this particular system gains control over the world.
O Liberty, release the flow,of opulence that you bestow.For I am willing to receive,the Golden Fleece that you now weave.
O Cosmic Mother Liberty,conduct Abundance Symphony.My highest service I now see,abundance is now real for me.
9. Liberty, awaken women to see that another fallen being defines another thought system and therefore there will be this constant struggle between two or more systems.
O Liberty, release the cure,to free the tired and the poor.The huddled masses are set free,by loving Song of Liberty.
O Cosmic Mother Liberty,conduct Abundance Symphony.My highest service I now see,abundance is now real for me.
Part 4
1. Liberty, awaken women to see that they are trying to create this sense that one fallen being is ultimately in control of this Planet. They do this by using men because men have a tendency to be more open to the epic mindset.
O Liberty now set me freefrom devil’s curse of poverty.I blame not Mother for my lack,O Blessed Mother, take me back.
O Cosmic Mother Liberty,conduct Abundance Symphony.My highest service I now see,abundance is now real for me.
2. Liberty, awaken women to see that the fallen beings will pull men into feeling that they are the ones who have to fight for this epically important cause. They are the ones who have to engage in this epic battle, even go to war and be willing to sacrifice their lives in order to win this epic battle.
O Liberty, from distant shore,I come with longing to be More.I see abundance is a flow,abundance consciousness I grow.
O Cosmic Mother Liberty,conduct Abundance Symphony.My highest service I now see,abundance is now real for me.
3. Liberty, awaken women to see that this puts men in a certain state of mind where they are blinded by this fanatical mindset. They are willing to leave their families and women behind in order to go out and fight for this cause.
O Liberty, expose the lie,that limitations can me tie.The Ma-ter light is not my foe,true opulence it does bestow.
O Cosmic Mother Liberty,conduct Abundance Symphony.My highest service I now see,abundance is now real for me.
4. Liberty, awaken women to see that many men are trapped in the epic mindset where they think they have to pursue a career, and therefore their wife just has to support them in their career and do what is necessary to take care of the household and the children.
O Liberty, expose the plot,projected by the fallen lot.O Cosmic Mother, I now see,that Mother’s not my enemy.
O Cosmic Mother Liberty,conduct Abundance Symphony.My highest service I now see,abundance is now real for me.
5. Liberty, awaken women to see that a man in the epic mindset wants his wife to be in this position, wants to be able to control her so that she is there when he comes home from work, and otherwise stays out of his way and does not interfere with his career.
O Liberty, with opened eyes,I now reject the devil’s lies.I now embrace the Mother realm,for I see Father at the helm.
O Cosmic Mother Liberty,conduct Abundance Symphony.My highest service I now see,abundance is now real for me.
6. Liberty, awaken women to see that the tension that is put upon men leads to this need to feel that they are in control of their situation. Yet men who join the army lose control over their situation.
O Liberty, a chalice pure,my lower bodies are for sure.Release through me your symphony,your gift of Cosmic Liberty.
O Cosmic Mother Liberty,conduct Abundance Symphony.My highest service I now see,abundance is now real for me.
7. Liberty, awaken women to see that men who are pursuing a career in the business world have to be willing to sacrifice for the cause and this puts men under tremendous pressure.
O Liberty, the open door,I am for Symphony of More.In chakras mine light you release,the flow of love shall never cease.
O Cosmic Mother Liberty,conduct Abundance Symphony.My highest service I now see,abundance is now real for me.
8. Liberty, awaken women to see that men are put under tremendous pressure by these systems created by the fallen beings.
O Liberty, release the flow,of opulence that you bestow.For I am willing to receive,the Golden Fleece that you now weave.
O Cosmic Mother Liberty,conduct Abundance Symphony.My highest service I now see,abundance is now real for me.
9. Liberty, awaken women to see that a corporation that is vying for domination of the market, perhaps even on a world scale, is an epic cause, just as a religion or political ideology that is attempting to control the world.
O Liberty, release the cure,to free the tired and the poor.The huddled masses are set free,by loving Song of Liberty.
O Cosmic Mother Liberty,conduct Abundance Symphony.My highest service I now see,abundance is now real for me.
Part 5
1. Liberty, I call forth the judgment and binding of the collective beast that puts men are under pressure, where they need some sense of equilibrium and therefore they must control their women.
O Liberty now set me freefrom devil’s curse of poverty.I blame not Mother for my lack,O Blessed Mother, take me back.
O Cosmic Mother Liberty,conduct Abundance Symphony.My highest service I now see,abundance is now real for me.
2. Liberty, I call forth the judgment and binding of the collective beast of men needing to have something in their lives over which they have control.
O Liberty, from distant shore,I come with longing to be More.I see abundance is a flow,abundance consciousness I grow.
O Cosmic Mother Liberty,conduct Abundance Symphony.My highest service I now see,abundance is now real for me.
3. Liberty, I call forth the judgment and binding of the collective beast behind the belief that the ultimate way to have control of something is to own it, making men want to own the women in their lives.
O Liberty, expose the lie,that limitations can me tie.The Ma-ter light is not my foe,true opulence it does bestow.
O Cosmic Mother Liberty,conduct Abundance Symphony.My highest service I now see,abundance is now real for me.
4. Liberty, awaken women to see that this is why some societies have developed a culture where women are literally the property of men. Women are essentially slaves that can be physically, legally owned by men.
O Liberty, expose the plot,projected by the fallen lot.O Cosmic Mother, I now see,
that Mother’s not my enemy.
O Cosmic Mother Liberty,conduct Abundance Symphony.My highest service I now see,abundance is now real for me.
5. Liberty, I call forth the judgment and binding of the fallen beings who are putting men under pressure so they must find a way to relieve the pressure by feeling there is something they can control.
O Liberty, with opened eyes,I now reject the devil’s lies.I now embrace the Mother realm,for I see Father at the helm.
O Cosmic Mother Liberty,conduct Abundance Symphony.My highest service I now see,abundance is now real for me.
6. Liberty, I call forth the judgment and binding of the collective beast behind the idea that men physically, legally own women.
O Liberty, a chalice pure,my lower bodies are for sure.Release through me your symphony,your gift of Cosmic Liberty.
O Cosmic Mother Liberty,conduct Abundance Symphony.My highest service I now see,abundance is now real for me.
7. Liberty, I call forth the judgment and binding of the collective beast behind men feeling that beyond the legal, political right to own their women, they need to control the women to the point where they feel they psychologically own their wives.
O Liberty, the open door,I am for Symphony of More.In chakras mine light you release,the flow of love shall never cease.
O Cosmic Mother Liberty,conduct Abundance Symphony.My highest service I now see,abundance is now real for me.
8. Liberty, I call forth the judgment and binding of the collective beast behind the cultures where there is no legal ownership of women but there is this psychological sense of ownership.
O Liberty, release the flow,of opulence that you bestow.For I am willing to receive,the Golden Fleece that you now weave.
O Cosmic Mother Liberty,conduct Abundance Symphony.My highest service I now see,abundance is now real for me.
9. Liberty, I call forth the judgment and binding of the collective beast behind cultures where girls are considered worthless, and although they cannot necessarily be sold as slaves, they can be given away in marriages that might give the parents some kind of advantage.
O Liberty,
release the cure,to free the tired and the poor.The huddled masses are set free,
by loving Song of Liberty.
O Cosmic Mother Liberty,conduct Abundance Symphony.My highest service I now see,abundance is now real for me.
In the name of the I AM THAT I AM, I accept that Archangel Michael, Astrea and Shiva form an impenetrable shield around myself and all constructive people, sealing us from all fear-based energies in all four octaves. I accept that the Light of God is consuming and transforming all fear-based energies that make up the dark forces working against the liberation of women on earth!
23. Invoking freedom from control games (Part 2)
In the name of the I AM THAT I AM, Jesus Christ, I use the authority that I have as a being in embodiment on earth to call upon Mother Liberty to reinforce my calls and use my chakras to project the statements in this invocation into the collective consciousness and awaken people to the awareness that will liberate both men and women from all psychological and spiritual thralldom to the fallen beings. Awaken people to the reality that we are spiritual beings and that we can co-create a new future by working with the ascended masters. I especially call for …
[Make your own calls here.]
Part 1
1. Liberty, I call forth the judgment and binding of the collective beast behind the cultures where once a woman has married, she essentially becomes the property of the man because he believes that he now has total control over her and that she should submit to this control.
O Liberty now set me freefrom devil’s curse of poverty.I blame not Mother for my lack,O Blessed Mother, take me back.
O Cosmic Mother Liberty,conduct Abundance Symphony.My highest service I now see,abundance is now real for me.
2. Liberty, I call forth the judgment and binding of the collective beast behind the fact that women around the world have been brought up to submit themselves to this form of control and feel that their men can own them.
O Liberty, from distant shore,I come with longing to be More.I see abundance is a flow,abundance consciousness I grow.
O Cosmic Mother Liberty,conduct Abundance Symphony.My highest service I now see,abundance is now real for me.
3. Liberty, awaken women to see that these control games of seeking ownership, where one side seeks to own the other and the other submits to it, they can outplay themselves in various ways.
O Liberty, expose the lie,that limitations can me tie.The Ma-ter light is not my foe,true opulence it does bestow.
O Cosmic Mother Liberty,conduct Abundance Symphony.My highest service I now see,abundance is now real for me.
4. Liberty, awaken women to see that even in the more developed nations where women have attained much more liberation, there can still be these psychological control games that go on between men and women.
O Liberty, expose the plot,projected by the fallen lot.O Cosmic Mother, I now see,that Mother’s not my enemy.
O Cosmic Mother Liberty,conduct Abundance Symphony.My highest service I now see,abundance is now real for me.
5. Liberty, awaken women to see that the man can attempt to own the woman, but the woman can also develop a certain sense of ownership of her man and of her children. Even in the most advanced nations in the world, women will still talk about “my husband,” “my children,” men talk about “my wife,” “my children.”
O Liberty, with opened eyes,I now reject the devil’s lies.I now embrace the Mother realm,for I see Father at the helm.
O Cosmic Mother Liberty,conduct Abundance Symphony.My highest service I now see,abundance is now real for me.
6. Liberty, awaken women to see that some women carry these separate selves from past lives, and they have this sense of control that “my husband” should behave a certain way.
O Liberty, a chalice pure,my lower bodies are for sure.Release through me your symphony,your gift of Cosmic Liberty.
O Cosmic Mother Liberty,conduct Abundance Symphony.My highest service I now see,abundance is now real for me.
7. Liberty, I call forth the judgment and binding of the collective beast behind cultures where men are still dominant, but the women in that culture feel that the physical appearance and the behavior of men reflect back on them.
O Liberty, the open door,I am for Symphony of More.In chakras mine light you release,the flow of love shall never cease.
O Cosmic Mother Liberty,conduct Abundance Symphony.My highest service I now see,abundance is now real for me.
8. Liberty, I call forth the judgment and binding of the collective beast that makes women feel that if the man appears a certain way, it shows that his woman has not taken care of him and that reflects badly on her.
O Liberty, release the flow,of opulence that you bestow.For I am willing to receive,the Golden Fleece that you now weave.
O Cosmic Mother Liberty,conduct Abundance Symphony.My highest service I now see,abundance is now real for me.
9. Liberty, I call forth the judgment and binding of the collective beast behind the control game of teenagers seeking for a partner.
O Liberty, release the cure,to free the tired and the poor.The huddled masses are set free,by loving Song of Liberty.
O Cosmic Mother Liberty,conduct Abundance Symphony.My highest service I now see,abundance is now real for me.
Part 2
1. Liberty, I call forth the judgment and binding of the collective beast behind men feeling a pressure to be sexually active and women feeling a pressure to be sexually active or to have a certain status through a relationship but it is not a free relationship but a control game.
O Liberty now set me freefrom devil’s curse of poverty.I blame not Mother for my lack,O Blessed Mother, take me back.
O Cosmic Mother Liberty,conduct Abundance Symphony.My highest service I now see,abundance is now real for me.
2. Liberty, awaken women to see that being in a relationship gives you a certain status, and in order to get into a relationship you are seeking to control your potential partner and pull them into the net.
O Liberty, from distant shore,I come with longing to be More.I see abundance is a flow,abundance consciousness I grow.
O Cosmic Mother Liberty,conduct Abundance Symphony.My highest service I now see,abundance is now real for me.
3. Liberty, awaken women to see that once partners enter a relationship because of a control game, they can continue to play these control games over and over again. They shift somewhat as they grow older but it is still a control game.
O Liberty, expose the lie,that limitations can me tie.The Ma-ter light is not my foe,true opulence it does bestow.
O Cosmic Mother Liberty,conduct Abundance Symphony.My highest service I now see,abundance is now real for me.
4. Liberty, awaken women to see that many marriages break up because people can no longer stand the control game. They feel so trapped in this control game that they have to break out of the relationship.
O Liberty, expose the plot,projected by the fallen lot.O Cosmic Mother, I now see,that Mother’s not my enemy.
O Cosmic Mother Liberty,conduct Abundance Symphony.My highest service I now see,abundance is now real for me.
5. Liberty, awaken women to see that in many cases the reason the relationship does not break up is that neither of the two partners can break free of the control games.
O Liberty, with opened eyes,I now reject the devil’s lies.I now embrace the Mother realm,for I see Father at the helm.
O Cosmic Mother Liberty,conduct
Abundance Symphony.My highest service I now see,
abundance is now real for me.
6. Liberty, awaken women to see that those who break up a relationship are not necessarily liberated from the control game.
O Liberty, a chalice pure,my lower bodies are for sure.Release through me your symphony,your gift of Cosmic Liberty.
O Cosmic Mother Liberty,conduct Abundance Symphony.My highest service I now see,abundance is now real for me.
7. Liberty, awaken women to see that when a relationship starts going poorly, it is very easy to project that the problems are caused by your partner, making people feel: “Well, if I only had another partner who was not that way, then I would not have this situation.”
O Liberty, the open door,I am for Symphony of More.In chakras mine light you release,the flow of love shall never cease.
O Cosmic Mother Liberty,conduct Abundance Symphony.My highest service I now see,abundance is now real for me.
8. Liberty, awaken women to see that our experience of a relationship takes place inside our minds! We are not having the experience we are having because of our partners.
O Liberty, release the flow,of opulence that you bestow.For I am willing to receive,the Golden Fleece that you now weave.
O Cosmic Mother Liberty,conduct Abundance Symphony.My highest service I now see,abundance is now real for me.
9. Liberty, awaken women to see that our partner may be playing a control game and trying to control us but that is not what creates our internal experience. Our internal experience is created by our control game.
O Liberty, release the cure,to free the tired and the poor.The huddled masses are set free,by loving Song of Liberty.
O Cosmic Mother Liberty,conduct Abundance Symphony.My highest service I now see,abundance is now real for me.
Part 3
1. Liberty, awaken women to see that we can break up the relationship but we still carry that control game with us, and if we do not overcome those separate selves and resolve it, we might attract another relationship driven by control games.
O Liberty now set me freefrom devil’s curse of poverty.I blame not Mother for my lack,O Blessed Mother, take me back.
O Cosmic Mother Liberty,conduct
Abundance Symphony.My highest service I now see,
abundance is now real for me.
2. Liberty, awaken women to see that even if women have become legally and politically liberated, there is still, at the level of individual relationships, these control games.
O Liberty, from distant shore,I come with longing to be More.I see abundance is a flow,abundance consciousness I grow.
O Cosmic Mother Liberty,conduct Abundance Symphony.My highest service I now see,abundance is now real for me.
3. Liberty, help me see if I personally have these control games. Help me look at this and say: “So what? I had this. I live on earth, so how could I not have it? But it is time to get beyond it. It is time to liberate myself from this. And I do this by using the tools, being willing to look at these selves, identify them, let them die and stop trying to solve the problem that the control game is projecting that I have to solve.”
O Liberty, expose the lie,that limitations can me tie.The Ma-ter light is not my foe,true opulence it does bestow.
O Cosmic Mother Liberty,conduct Abundance Symphony.My highest service I now see,abundance is now real for me.
4. Liberty, cut all women free from these control games and bind the collective beasts that are seeking to perpetuate the control games.
O Liberty, expose the plot,projected by the fallen lot.O Cosmic Mother, I now see,that Mother’s not my enemy.
O Cosmic Mother Liberty,conduct Abundance Symphony.My highest service I now see,abundance is now real for me.
5. Liberty, I call for the judgement and the binding of the fallen beings who started the entire cycle of this control game between men and women and the control game of the epic mindset, often pulling men into fighting for this epic cause.
O Liberty, with opened eyes,I now reject the devil’s lies.I now embrace the Mother realm,for I see Father at the helm.
O Cosmic Mother Liberty,conduct Abundance Symphony.My highest service I now see,abundance is now real for me.
6. Liberty, awaken women to see that when we are engaged in a control game, we can get the feeling that we are winning the game. Yet there is a price we pay for this feeling.
O Liberty, a chalice pure,my lower bodies are for sure.Release through me your symphony,your gift of Cosmic Liberty.
O Cosmic Mother Liberty,conduct Abundance Symphony.My highest service I now see,abundance is now real for me.
7. Liberty, awaken women to see that we cannot engage in a control game without being controlled by the game, or rather by the separate selves, by the collective beasts, ultimately by the fallen beings.
O Liberty, the open door,I am for Symphony of More.In chakras mine light you release,the flow of love shall never cease.
O Cosmic Mother Liberty,conduct Abundance Symphony.My highest service I now see,abundance is now real for me.
8. Liberty, awaken women to see that whenever we seek to control, we are controlled because unless we are being exposed to control, we will not engage in these control games.
O Liberty, release the flow,of opulence that you bestow.For I am willing to receive,the Golden Fleece that you now weave.
O Cosmic Mother Liberty,conduct Abundance Symphony.My highest service I now see,abundance is now real for me.
9. Liberty, help me look at this honestly and say: “Enough, I have had enough of this. I am more than this self and I can let it die because I know that I will be reborn at a higher level of Christhood. I will become a new being in Christ by letting these selves die.”
O Liberty, release the cure,to free the tired and the poor.The huddled masses are set free,by loving Song of Liberty.
O Cosmic Mother Liberty,conduct Abundance Symphony.My highest service I now see,abundance is now real for me.
Part 4
1. Liberty, cut free both men and women, but especially women, to free themselves from these control games or at least become aware of them.
O Liberty now set me freefrom devil’s curse of poverty.I blame not Mother for my lack,O Blessed Mother, take me back.
O Cosmic Mother Liberty,conduct Abundance Symphony.My highest service I now see,abundance is now real for me.
2. Liberty, awaken women to see that women can be the forerunners because those who have been oppressed are the ones who are most likely to start the cycle of stopping the oppression.
O Liberty, from distant shore,I come with longing to be More.I see abundance is a flow,abundance consciousness I grow.
O Cosmic Mother Liberty,conduct Abundance Symphony.My highest service I now see,abundance is now real for me.
3. Liberty, awaken women to see that when we have experienced a certain form of oppression over many lifetimes, we gradually build that determination to free ourselves.
O Liberty, expose the lie,that limitations can me tie.The Ma-ter light is not my foe,true opulence it does bestow.
O Cosmic Mother Liberty,conduct Abundance Symphony.My highest service I now see,abundance is now real for me.
4. Liberty, awaken women to see that this is why women in the modern democracies were the forerunners on a Planetary level for speaking out against the discrimination and suppression of women and demanding greater freedom.
O Liberty, expose the plot,projected by the fallen lot.O Cosmic Mother, I now see,that Mother’s not my enemy.
O Cosmic Mother Liberty,conduct Abundance Symphony.My highest service I now see,abundance is now real for me.
5. Liberty, cut women free so we can receive the opportunity to see the control games, free ourselves from them without having to go through another number of embodiments before we build enough determination.
O Liberty, with opened eyes,I now reject the devil’s lies.I now embrace the Mother realm,for I see Father at the helm.
O Cosmic Mother Liberty,conduct Abundance Symphony.My highest service I now see,abundance is now real for me.
6. Liberty, awaken women to see that the liberation of women is in an upward spiral. Cut women free so it will not take lifetimes or even decades before the most backwards countries in the world have set their women free from this outdated medieval oppression that they are subjected to.
O Liberty, a chalice pure,my lower bodies are for sure.Release through me your symphony,your gift of Cosmic Liberty.
O Cosmic Mother Liberty,conduct Abundance Symphony.My highest service I now see,abundance is now real for me.
7. Liberty, awaken women to see that the enormous range between the most developed nations and the less developed is possible only because of these huge collective beasts that are overpowering the minds of the people in the less developed countries so they cannot see what is so obvious to us.
O Liberty, the open door,I am for Symphony of More.In chakras mine light you release,the flow of love shall never cease.
O Cosmic Mother Liberty,conduct Abundance Symphony.My highest service I now see,abundance is now real for me.
8. Liberty, cut women in Islamic countries free from being hypnotized by these collective beasts. I hereby authorize the ascended masters to use the power you have to go in and bind and consume these beasts, to judge and remove the fallen beings so that this hypnotic effect can be removed.
O Liberty, release the flow,of opulence that you bestow.For I am willing to receive,the Golden Fleece that you now weave.
O Cosmic Mother Liberty,conduct Abundance Symphony.My highest service I now see,abundance is now real for me.
9. Liberty, awaken people so that the scales fall from their eyes and they wake up and say: “But wait a minute, why are we treating women this way? How can we be so far behind these other nations? Why are we holding on to these outdated religious doctrines and laws that define women as second grade citizens?”
O Liberty, release the cure,to free the tired and the poor.The huddled masses are set free,by loving Song of Liberty.
O Cosmic Mother Liberty,conduct Abundance Symphony.My highest service I now see,abundance is now real for me.
Part 5
1. Liberty, bind these collective entities and the fallen beings behind them so people can become free to express the momentum of determination they have built over many lifetimes.
O Liberty now set me freefrom devil’s curse of poverty.I blame not Mother for my lack,O Blessed Mother, take me back.
O Cosmic Mother Liberty,conduct Abundance Symphony.My highest service I now see,abundance is now real for me.
2. Liberty, awaken women to see that once people are determined, a society can quickly shift out of this outdated mindset and begin to see solutions.
O Liberty, from distant shore,I come with longing to be More.I see abundance is a flow,abundance consciousness I grow.
O Cosmic Mother Liberty,conduct Abundance Symphony.My highest service I now see,abundance is now real for me.
3. Liberty, I call forth the judgment and binding of the collective beast that is creating the spell women are under, where they do not want to put any political pressure on these less developed nations.
O Liberty, expose the lie,that limitations can me tie.The Ma-ter light is not my foe,true opulence it does bestow.
Cosmic Mother Liberty,conduct Abundance Symphony.My highest service I now see,
abundance is now real for me.
4. Liberty, help women in the developed nations realize that our position comes with a responsibility where we are meant to promote the liberation of women in the rest of the world and promote many other causes and positive progress.
O Liberty, expose the plot,projected by the fallen lot.O Cosmic Mother, I now see,that Mother’s not my enemy.
O Cosmic Mother Liberty,conduct Abundance Symphony.My highest service I now see,abundance is now real for me.
5. Liberty, awaken women to see that we have not only a right, but an obligation to put political pressure on these nations. We have an obligation to say: “We cannot trade with you if you continue to treat your women this way. We will not buy your oil, we will find alternatives to buying your oil.”
O Liberty, with opened eyes,I now reject the devil’s lies.I now embrace the Mother realm,for I see Father at the helm.
O Cosmic Mother Liberty,conduct Abundance Symphony.My highest service I now see,abundance is now real for me.
6. Liberty, cut free the people in the more developed nations who are willing to apply this political pressure. I call for the binding of the collective beast that is holding us back from saying: “This is our responsibility.”
O Liberty, a chalice pure,my lower bodies are for sure.Release through me your symphony,your gift of Cosmic Liberty.
O Cosmic Mother Liberty,conduct Abundance Symphony.My highest service I now see,abundance is now real for me.
7. Liberty, I call for these spells to be broken, for these collective beasts to be bound or consumed or reduced in strength so that people can be free in their outer minds to take the actions that they are actually prepared to take in the emotional, mental and identity body.
O Liberty, the open door,I am for Symphony of More.In chakras mine light you release,the flow of love shall never cease.
O Cosmic Mother Liberty,conduct Abundance Symphony.My highest service I now see,abundance is now real for me.
8. Liberty, cut people free from the blockage in the emotional body that prevents them from acting on what they already see in their mental bodies.
O Liberty, release the flow,of opulence that you bestow.For I am willing to receive,the Golden Fleece that you now weave.
O Cosmic Mother Liberty,conduct Abundance Symphony.My highest service I now see,abundance is now real for me.
9. Liberty, I call for the binding of these beasts that block people so that they have all the right insights, they know what should be done, but they cannot get themselves to act it out because they are blocked at the emotional level from taking action based on their understanding.
O Liberty, release the cure,to free the tired and the poor.The huddled masses are set free,by loving Song of Liberty.
O Cosmic Mother Liberty,conduct Abundance Symphony.My highest service I now see,abundance is now real for me.
In the name of the I AM THAT I AM, I accept that Archangel Michael, Astrea and Shiva form an impenetrable shield around myself and all constructive people, sealing us from all fear-based energies in all four octaves. I accept that the Light of God is consuming and transforming all fear-based energies that make up the dark forces working against the liberation of women on earth!
25. Invoking an end to violence against women (Part 1)
In the name of the I AM THAT I AM, Jesus Christ, I use the authority that I have as a being in embodiment on earth to call upon Mother Mary to reinforce my calls and use my chakras to project the statements in this invocation into the collective consciousness and awaken people to the awareness that will liberate both men and women from all psychological and spiritual thralldom to the fallen beings. Awaken people to the reality that we are spiritual beings and that we can co-create a new future by working with the ascended masters. I especially call for …
[Make your own calls here.]
Part 1
1. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the dark forces behind the control game where men attempt to control women through money, or rather by denying them money or access to money.
O blessed Mary, Mother mine,there is no greater love than thine,as we are one in heart and mind,my place in hierarchy I find.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
2. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the dark forces behind societies where women cannot have a job, cannot earn a living, and therefore are totally dependent on getting married and staying married in order to survive physically.
I came to earth from heaven sent,as I am in embodiment,I use Divine authority,commanding you to set earth free.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
3. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the fallen beings who have created these beasts that overpower men’s minds so they think women should not have money or they are not capable of using money wisely.
I call now in God’s sacred name,for you to use your Mother Flame,to burn all fear-based energy,restoring sacred harmony.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
4. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the dark forces that make men think they must keep women away from money and keep money away from women so that the men are in control.
Your sacred name I hereby praise,collective consciousness you raise,no more of fear and doubt and shame,consume it with your Mother Flame.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
5. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the collective beast that prevents men from seeing how illogical it is, how untrue it is that women cannot be trusted with money.
All darkness from the earth you purge,your light moves as a mighty surge,no force of darkness can now stop,the spiral that goes only up.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
6. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the dark forces that prevent men from seeing that this is simply a control game that they are caught in, and if you are controlling others, you are controlled yourself.
All elemental life you bless,removing from them man-made stress,the nature spirits are now free,outpicturing Divine decree.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
7. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the dark forces who make men feel that since they are the ones who are earning the money, they should be in control of how it is spent.
I raise my voice and take my stand,a stop to war I do command,no more shall warring scar the earth,a golden age is given birth.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
8. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon men who have this attitude and deliberately keep their women out of the decision making process relating to money.
As Mother Earth is free at last,disasters belong to the past,your Mother Light is so intense,that matter is now far less dense.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
9. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the dark forces that prevent men from seeing that with this attitude they cannot multiply the money they are making, and that is why many of these men are living in poverty and will not get out of poverty precisely because they have that attitude.
In Mother Light the earth is pure,the upward spiral will endure,prosperity is now the norm,God’s vision manifest as form.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
Part 2
1. Mother Mary, awaken men to see that if they would give more equal value to their wives so that their wives were involved in the process of making and spending money, then men and women together could add their momentum and this would result in a higher level of abundance for the family.
O blessed Mary, Mother mine,there is no greater love than thine,as we are one in heart and mind,my place in hierarchy I find.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
2. Mother Mary, awaken men to see that if they work with their wives, then either the man would make more money or the woman would get an income and therefore the entire family would be better off financially than when men are caught in this control game of limiting women through money.
I came to earth from heaven sent,as I am in embodiment,I use Divine authority,commanding you to set earth free.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
3. Mother Mary, awaken people to see that one of the major aspects of the progress we have seen in the more developed nations is that women have been able to get an education, to get reasonably paid jobs, and to get equal pay with men.
I call now in God’s sacred name,for you to use your Mother Flame,to burn all fear-based energy,restoring sacred harmony.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
4. Mother Mary, awaken people to see that this is an extremely important development in terms of giving women more independence, more freedom and the ability to remove themselves from an abusive relationship because they can survive financially.
Your sacred name I hereby praise,collective consciousness you raise,no more of fear and doubt and shame,consume it with your Mother Flame.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
5. Mother Mary, cut free the women around the world who feel trapped in an abusive relationship. Help them know how they can get out of that relationship and keep themselves and their children alive if they are not in that relationship.
All darkness from the earth you purge,your light moves as a mighty surge,no force of darkness can now stop,the spiral that goes only up.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,
all matter does now scintillate.
6. Mother Mary, cut free women who endure abuse so they will not go into a downward spiral, but will be able to change their situation in this lifetime or the next.
All elemental life you bless,removing from them man-made stress,the nature spirits are now free,outpicturing Divine decree.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
7. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the dark forces who make women feel they are not worthy to have money, not worthy to earn money, and therefore they subconsciously push abundance away from them.
I raise my voice and take my stand,a stop to war I do command,no more shall warring scar the earth,a golden age is given birth.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
8. Mother Mary, cut free women throughout the world from this financial dependence on men so they can change their personal situation and change their societies.
As Mother Earth is free at last,disasters belong to the past,your Mother Light is so intense,that matter is now far less dense.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
9. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment and binding of the beasts that want to keep money away from women and keep women dependent on men for the money they need in order to survive.
In Mother Light the earth is pure,the upward spiral will endure,prosperity is now the norm,God’s vision manifest as form.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
Part 3
1. Mother Mary, awaken women in the affluent nations so they will take a hard look at their clothes-buying habits and find out where the clothes is made and under what conditions people work in order to produce the clothes.
O blessed Mary, Mother mine,there is no greater love than thine,as we are one in heart and mind,my place in hierarchy I find.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,
all matter does now scintillate.
2. Mother Mary, awaken women in the affluent nations to refuse buying clothes that was made in factories where men take advantage of women and make them work under poor conditions for low pay while skimming off all of the profit.
I came to earth from heaven sent,as I am in embodiment,I use Divine authority,commanding you to set earth free.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
3. Mother Mary, awaken women in the affluent nations to refuse buying clothes from stores that are owned by men, from corporations owned by men or from importers owned by men so that men make all the money.
I call now in God’s sacred name,for you to use your Mother Flame,to burn all fear-based energy,restoring sacred harmony.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
4. Mother Mary, awaken women in the affluent nations to refuse buying clothes if there is a huge gap between what a particular woman made from making that particular dress, and what men made from her labor.
Your sacred name I hereby praise,collective consciousness you raise,no more of fear and doubt and shame,consume it with your Mother Flame.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
5. Mother Mary, awaken women in the affluent nations to create a movement of women who express solidarity with their sisters in less affluent nations, and who demand to know how their clothes was made and who made the profit.
All darkness from the earth you purge,your light moves as a mighty surge,no force of darkness can now stop,the spiral that goes only up.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
6. Mother Mary, awaken women in the affluent nations to demand that the women making their clothes work under good conditions and are paid well according to the cost of living in their countries.
All elemental life you bless,removing from them man-made stress,the nature spirits are now free,outpicturing Divine decree.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
7. Mother Mary, awaken women in the affluent nations to form a force of women who will boycott the stores that are not open and forward about where the clothes are made and under which conditions these women are working.
I raise my voice and take my stand,a stop to war I do command,no more shall warring scar the earth,a golden age is given birth.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
8. Mother Mary, awaken people to create factories owned and run by women, as a cooperative, not as a traditional business, but where there is a shared ownership and women share in the income of the business.
As Mother Earth is free at last,disasters belong to the past,your Mother Light is so intense,that matter is now far less dense.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
9. Mother Mary, awaken women in the affluent nations to put political pressure on not only companies but even nations where entire nations could be forced to change.
In Mother Light the earth is pure,the upward spiral will endure,prosperity is now the norm,God’s vision manifest as form.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
Part 4
1. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the dark forces behind the garment industry in Bangladesh, China, Vietnam and other nations.
O blessed Mary, Mother mine,there is no greater love than thine,as we are one in heart and mind,my place in hierarchy I find.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
2. Mother Mary, awaken people to see that they cannot continue to sell their products in the modern nations unless they give the women working in the garment industry reasonable working conditions and reasonable pay.
I came to earth from heaven sent,as I am in embodiment,I use Divine authority,commanding you to set earth free.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,
the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
3. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the dark forces behind the garment industry that is driven by profit and the women in the affluent nations who look for the cheapest possible clothes and they don’t care where it is made and under which conditions.
I call now in God’s sacred name,for you to use your Mother Flame,to burn all fear-based energy,restoring sacred harmony.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
4. Mother Mary, awaken women to go for quality, to not buy more than they need, and to be concerned about the conditions under which the clothes was made so they do not support this exploitation of women.
Your sacred name I hereby praise,collective consciousness you raise,no more of fear and doubt and shame,consume it with your Mother Flame.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
5. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the dark forces that prevent people from seeing that it truly is an exploitation of women, an abuse of women and a violence against women that is going on in the garment industry and in other industries as well.
All darkness from the earth you purge,your light moves as a mighty surge,no force of darkness can now stop,the spiral that goes only up.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
6. Mother Mary, awaken women in the affluent nations so they are willing to support businesses in the less affluent nations that give work to women, but they demand that women get reasonable conditions and reasonable pay.
All elemental life you bless,removing from them man-made stress,the nature spirits are now free,outpicturing Divine decree.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
7. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the dark forces behind the control games where men are using violence to control women.
I raise my voice and take my stand,a stop to war I do command,no more shall warring scar the earth,a golden age is given birth.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,
the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
8. Mother Mary, awaken people to see that we cannot explain all violence against women by control games. Some violence is driven by control games, where men are using violence as a way to control the women in their lives, but not all violence can be explained by this.
As Mother Earth is free at last,disasters belong to the past,your Mother Light is so intense,that matter is now far less dense.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
9. Mother Mary, awaken women in the more developed nations to use their freedom to consider the issue of violence against women, to show solidarity and look at women in other countries and the violence against women there.
In Mother Light the earth is pure,the upward spiral will endure,prosperity is now the norm,God’s vision manifest as form.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
Part 5
1. Mother Mary, awaken people to see that even in the most developed nations, there is some violence against women that cannot be explained by control games.
O blessed Mary, Mother mine,there is no greater love than thine,as we are one in heart and mind,my place in hierarchy I find.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
2. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the dark forces behind men who are using violence because they want to punish women.
I came to earth from heaven sent,as I am in embodiment,I use Divine authority,commanding you to set earth free.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
3. Mother Mary, awaken people to see that an aspect of control games is that you want to punish those that will not allow themselves to be controlled. But violence against women cannot be explained by punishment alone.
I call now in God’s sacred name,for you to use your Mother Flame,to burn all fear-based energy,restoring sacred harmony.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,
the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
4. Mother Mary, awaken people to see that when men rape women, we cannot explain this in most cases as a control game. When we look at a man or even a group of men who are raping a woman, there is more to it.
Your sacred name I hereby praise,collective consciousness you raise,no more of fear and doubt and shame,consume it with your Mother Flame.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
5. Mother Mary, awaken people to see that we cannot improve conditions without being willing to look at a problem. When we look at men who are raping women, we see that there is more to this than just sexual desire. There is an anger, there is even a stronger feeling of a hatred that is directed against women.
All darkness from the earth you purge,your light moves as a mighty surge,no force of darkness can now stop,the spiral that goes only up.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
6. Mother Mary, awaken people to see that when a man is beating up a woman, there is no rational exPlanation so we need to look for an irrational exPlanation.
All elemental life you bless,removing from them man-made stress,the nature spirits are now free,outpicturing Divine decree.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
7. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the dark forces causing the anger and hatred that is seen in many situations where women are abused in various ways.
I raise my voice and take my stand,a stop to war I do command,no more shall warring scar the earth,a golden age is given birth.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
8. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the dark forces behind the fundamentalist Muslim preachers or imams who are promoting Sharia Law and who are supporting the suppression of women, the limitation of women.
As Mother Earth is free at last,disasters belong to the past,your Mother Light is so intense,that matter is now far less dense.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,
the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
9. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the Muslim clergy whose attitude to women, and whose support for the suppression of women, is driven by anger and hatred that does not come from the man because the man has been taken over by it.
In Mother Light the earth is pure,the upward spiral will endure,prosperity is now the norm,God’s vision manifest as form.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
In the name of the I AM THAT I AM, I accept that Archangel Michael, Astrea and Shiva form an impenetrable shield around myself and all constructive people, sealing us from all fear-based energies in all four octaves. I accept that the Light of God is consuming and transforming all fear-based energies that make up the dark forces working against the liberation of women on earth!
26. Invoking an end to violence against women (Part 2)
In the name of the I AM THAT I AM, Jesus Christ, I use the authority that I have as a being in embodiment on earth to call upon Mother Mary to reinforce my calls and use my chakras to project the statements in this invocation into the collective consciousness and awaken people to the awareness that will liberate both men and women from all psychological and spiritual thralldom to the fallen beings. Awaken people to the reality that we are spiritual beings and that we can co-create a new future by working with the ascended masters. I especially call for …
[Make your own calls here.]
Part 1
1. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the men who have allowed their minds, the four levels of the mind, to be taken over by a collective entity of anger against women.
O blessed Mary, Mother mine,there is no greater love than thine,as we are one in heart and mind,my place in hierarchy I find.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
2. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the collective entity of anger against women.
I came to earth from heaven sent,as I am in embodiment,I use Divine authority,commanding you to set earth free.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
3. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the collective entity of hatred against women.
I call now in God’s sacred name,for you to use your Mother Flame,to burn all fear-based energy,restoring sacred harmony.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
4. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the collective entities of anger against women, hatred against women, who have taken over men’s minds when they are weak.
Your sacred name I hereby praise,collective consciousness you raise,no more of fear and doubt and shame,consume it with your Mother Flame.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
5. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the dark forces causing men to be in a frustrated state of mind, feeling they are living under deep pressure, they are insecure, they are uncertain about their future.
All darkness from the earth you purge,your light moves as a mighty surge,no force of darkness can now stop,the spiral that goes only up.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
6. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the dark forces causing men to feel this enormous pressure upon them, being overwhelmed by this, and in order to get some kind of relief, they take out their anger against their wives.
All elemental life you bless,removing from them man-made stress,the nature spirits are now free,outpicturing Divine decree.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
7. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the men who are taken over by this anger entity and they direct the anger against their wives.
I raise my voice and take my stand,a stop to war I do command,no more shall warring scar the earth,a golden age is given birth.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
8. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the men who abuse their wives and then start self-loathing and now they are feeling even more frustrated, and then the pressure starts building and the cycle repeats all over again.
As Mother Earth is free at last,disasters belong to the past,your Mother Light is so intense,that matter is now far less dense.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
9. Mother Mary, I call for the binding and the consuming of these collective entities, for men to be cut free from them, and for women to be cut free from the collective entities that overpower women’s minds so that they endure this kind of violence.
In Mother Light the earth is pure,the upward spiral will endure,prosperity is now the norm,God’s vision manifest as form.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
Part 2
1. Mother Mary, awaken people to see that when women are continually abused by men, these women have been taken over by collective entities that cause women to submit to this kind of abuse.
O blessed Mary, Mother mine,there is no greater love than thine,as we are one in heart and mind,my place in hierarchy I find.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
2. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the dark forces who make women feel that they have no alternative, that they cannot object, that they cannot say no, that they cannot walk away. They see no option for themselves other than to endure it for the time that it lasts and then move on with life as if nothing happened.
I came to earth from heaven sent,as I am in embodiment,I use Divine authority,commanding you to set earth free.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
3. Mother Mary, cut free women who are trapped in this situation so they can mount the determination to a do something about it, such as talk to their husbands and draw a line and say no.
I call now in God’s sacred name,for you to use your Mother Flame,to burn all fear-based energy,restoring sacred harmony.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
4. Mother Mary, cut free women to see how they could potentially help their husbands, or how they could remove themselves from their husbands and still survive.
Your sacred name I hereby praise,collective consciousness you raise,no more of fear and doubt and shame,consume it with your Mother Flame.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
5. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the segment of men who are violent against women because their minds are overpowered by these collective entities.
All darkness from the earth you purge,your light moves as a mighty surge,no force of darkness can now stop,the spiral that goes only up.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
6. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon men who have not taken responsibility for themselves psychologically, who know nothing about the spiritual path and therefore feel trapped.
All elemental life you bless,removing from them man-made stress,the nature spirits are now free,outpicturing Divine decree.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
7. Mother Mary, awaken people to see that for some men we cannot fully explain their violence by saying that their minds are taken over by collective entities. Their anger is reinforced by the entities, but it is not exclusively coming from the entities because these men have it inside themselves.
I raise my voice and take my stand,a stop to war I do command,no more shall warring scar the earth,a golden age is given birth.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
8. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon men who have created these separate selves that are angry with women, that hate women.
As Mother Earth is free at last,disasters belong to the past,your Mother Light is so intense,that matter is now far less dense.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
9. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon men who are not physically violent with women, but from their own beings they direct anger and hatred against women.
In Mother Light the earth is pure,the upward spiral will endure,prosperity is now the norm,God’s vision manifest as form.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
Part 3
1. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the fallen beings who started this anger and hatred against women and who have spread it to men who are not fallen beings.
O blessed Mary, Mother mine,there is no greater love than thine,as we are one in heart and mind,my place in hierarchy I find.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
2. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the fallen beings who chose to elevate men to the position of superiority. They chose to create this male personal God, such as the Old Testament God, and in doing so, they opened up the possibility of suppressing women.
I came to earth from heaven sent,as I am in embodiment,I use Divine authority,commanding you to set earth free.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
3. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the fallen beings who have anger against God but who cannot express it on earth because they have created this male God who is supposedly the Supreme God of the universe.
I call now in God’s sacred name,for you to use your Mother Flame,to burn all fear-based energy,restoring sacred harmony.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
4. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the fallen beings who cannot get men to express anger against God and who have gotten men to express anger against women, against the feminine energy and polarity, even against the entire matter realm.
Your sacred name I hereby praise,collective consciousness you raise,no more of fear and doubt and shame,consume it with your Mother Flame.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
5. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the fallen beings who have given rise to the concept of “hatred of the mother,” hatred of the mother realm, hatred of women, whether they are mothers or not.
All darkness from the earth you purge,your light moves as a mighty surge,no force of darkness can now stop,the spiral that goes only up.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
6. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the fallen beings who have created false religions and gurus that promote hatred of the matter realm, hatred of the mother realm, hatred of the physical matter world, hatred of the human body.
All elemental life you bless,removing from them man-made stress,the nature spirits are now free,outpicturing Divine decree.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
7. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the false gurus in India who are promoting the view that the matter realm and the physical body and the lusts and the desires of the body, are an enemy of spirituality, an enemy of men attaining their spiritual goals.
I raise my voice and take my stand,a stop to war I do command,no more shall warring scar the earth,a golden age is given birth.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
8. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the fallen beings and false religions who promote the view that women are a temptation for men, that women are less spiritual or are susceptible to temptation, using the desires of the body as a temptation for men, tempting them away from a more spiritual lifestyle.
As Mother Earth is free at last,disasters belong to the past,your Mother Light is so intense,that matter is now far less dense.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
9. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the dark forces behind the anger against women, against the mother realm, against the matter world, that originally comes from the fallen beings.
In Mother Light the earth is pure,the upward spiral will endure,prosperity is now the norm,God’s vision manifest as form.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
Part 4
1. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon men who are not fallen beings, but who have taken into their beings this anger and hatred against the matter realm, against their own physical bodies and against women.
O blessed Mary, Mother mine,there is no greater love than thine,as we are one in heart and mind,my place in hierarchy I find.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
2. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon men who are violent against women because they have internalized this anger and hatred against women, men who have a desire to punish women, to hurt them, to put them down as raw physical destruction.
I came to earth from heaven sent,as I am in embodiment,I use Divine authority,commanding you to set earth free.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
3. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon men who may seem as if they are trying to control women psychologically, but beyond the control game these men are using psychological means to express anger and hatred towards women.
I call now in God’s sacred name,for you to use your Mother Flame,to burn all fear-based energy,restoring sacred harmony.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
4. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon men who seek to punish women, hurt them, destroy their souls if they can because they have such a hatred that they actually want to destroy women.
Your sacred name I hereby praise,collective consciousness you raise,no more of fear and doubt and shame,consume it with your Mother Flame.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
5. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon men who have taken this into a greater extreme, who serve in various positions where they promote ideas that suppress women, ideas that are a form of violence against women and that have no rational exPlanation.
All darkness from the earth you purge,your light moves as a mighty surge,no force of darkness can now stop,the spiral that goes only up.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
6. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the fallen beings behind ideas that are only created to justify this anger and hatred against women even though they are cleverly disguised.
All elemental life you bless,removing from them man-made stress,the nature spirits are now free,outpicturing Divine decree.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
7. Mother Mary, awaken people to see that the Sharia law promoted by fundamentalist Islam has no rationality behind it. There may be certain arguments, certain reasoning, but it is not rational, consistent or logical.
I raise my voice and take my stand,a stop to war I do command,no
more shall warring scar the earth
a golden age is given birth.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
8. Mother Mary, awaken people to see that Sharia law is not based on any reality. It is camouflaged as a religious scripture or doctrine, but the driving force behind it is anger and hatred against women.
As Mother Earth is free at last,disasters belong to the past,your Mother Light is so intense,that matter is now far less dense.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
9. Mother Mary, awaken people to see that there is no rational reason for the fact that millions of women live in very hot climates, but they have to wear black clothing that covers their entire body. It is anger and hatred against women.
In Mother Light the earth is pure,the upward spiral will endure,prosperity is now the norm,God’s vision manifest as form.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
Part 5
1. Mother Mary, awaken people to see that there is no rational reason for saying that the entire downfall of the human race and that all of the unpleasant conditions seen on earth is caused by women. It is nothing but an expression of pure anger and hatred against women, camouflaged as a religious scripture and doctrine.
O blessed Mary, Mother mine,there is no greater love than thine,as we are one in heart and mind,my place in hierarchy I find.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
2. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon men who are violent against women out of this raw anger and hatred. I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon men who have an even greater anger and hatred against women, but they are camouflaging it as some benign reason, often a religion.
I came to earth from heaven sent,as I am in embodiment,I use Divine authority,commanding you to set earth free.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
3. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon materialists who are absolutely convinced that women are biologically different than men, that the female brain is wired in a different way and that evolution has given women a certain role.
I call now in God’s sacred name,for you to use your Mother Flame,to burn all fear-based energy,restoring sacred harmony.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
4. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon men who are physically violent out of anger and hatred and men that are psychologically or spiritually violent against women also out of hatred.
Your sacred name I hereby praise,collective consciousness you raise,no more of fear and doubt and shame,consume it with your Mother Flame.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
5. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon men who have had this anger and hatred for a long time and who have been the driving force behind all of the suppression, discrimination and violence against women by being the physical anchor point for it.
All darkness from the earth you purge,your light moves as a mighty surge,no force of darkness can now stop,the spiral that goes only up.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
6. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon men who have had this anger for so long that they are not likely to be willing to give this up and start the upward path towards Christhood. Therefore, they need to be removed from the Planet.
All elemental life you bless,removing from them man-made stress,the nature spirits are now free,outpicturing Divine decree.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
7. Mother Mary, as an ascended master student, I hereby make the decision that as far as I am concerned, this anger and hatred is no longer acceptable on Planet earth.
I raise my voice and take my stand,a stop to war I do command,no more shall warring scar the earth,a golden age is given birth.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
8. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother and I give you the authority to take the steps necessary to remove the outlet for this anger and hatred by confronting these people with the need to either change or to be removed from the earth.
As Mother Earth is free at last,disasters belong to the past,your Mother Light is so intense,that matter is now far less dense.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
9. Mother Mary, cut free more and more women to awaken from this hypnotic state, identify this anger and hatred, and decide that it is unacceptable for them.
In Mother Light the earth is pure,the upward spiral will endure,prosperity is now the norm,God’s vision manifest as form.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
Part 6
1. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother and I give you the authority to confront these men with the reality that if they will not choose life, then they must go to another Planet.
O blessed Mary, Mother mine,there is no greater love than thine,as we are one in heart and mind,my place in hierarchy I find.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
2. Mother Mary, awaken women to see that there is an upward spiral on earth and women are becoming increasingly liberated. We have reached the point where women deserve to be liberated from this anger and hatred from this small group of men.
I came to earth from heaven sent,as I am in embodiment,I use Divine authority,commanding you to set earth free.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
3. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon these men so they can be confronted with the choice to either be willing to lose their mortal selves and follow Christ towards eternal life or to lose their opportunity to embody on this Planet.
I call now in God’s sacred name,for you to use your Mother Flame,to burn all fear-based energy,restoring sacred harmony.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,
all matter does now scintillate.
4. Mother Mary, cut free women from feeling any kind of anger or hatred against these people but to neutrally decide that it is time for this to end on our Planet.
Your sacred name I hereby praise,collective consciousness you raise,no more of fear and doubt and shame,consume it with your Mother Flame.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
5. Mother Mary, cut free women to see that we cannot truly talk about the liberation of women without talking about some of these very destructive forces that are seeking to keep women in bondage.
All darkness from the earth you purge,your light moves as a mighty surge,no force of darkness can now stop,the spiral that goes only up.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
6. Mother Mary, cut free women to see that if we continue to do the same thing and expect different results, we are insane. Although much progress has been made, certain problems have not gone away. We cannot continue to do the same thing and expect that these very severe abuses of women will go away.
All elemental life you bless,removing from them man-made stress,the nature spirits are now free,outpicturing Divine decree.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
7. Mother Mary, cut free women to see that we need to look for something different, namely the knowledge of dark forces that spread anger and hatred against women beyond any rational exPlanation.
I raise my voice and take my stand,a stop to war I do command,no more shall warring scar the earth,a golden age is given birth.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
8. Mother Mary, cut free women to rise up and make the determination: enough is enough, thereby authorizing the ascended masters to step in and use your power to remove these forces from the earth.
As Mother Earth is free at last,disasters belong to the past,your Mother Light is so intense,that matter is now far less dense.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
9. Mother Mary, cut free a critical mass of women to awaken to the determination that we have had enough of this, and it is time that this entire phenomenon of violence against women is removed from the earth. Help women accept that there is a new opportunity to redefine what it means to be a woman on Planet earth.
In Mother Light the earth is pure,the upward spiral will endure,prosperity is now the norm,God’s vision manifest as form.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
In the name of the I AM THAT I AM, I accept that Archangel Michael, Astrea and Shiva form an impenetrable shield around myself and all constructive people, sealing us from all fear-based energies in all four octaves. I accept that the Light of God is consuming and transforming all fear-based energies that make up the dark forces working against the liberation of women on earth!
28. Liberating women from sexual exploitation (Part 1)
In the name of the I AM THAT I AM, Jesus Christ, I use the authority that I have as a being in embodiment on earth to call upon Elohim Astrea to reinforce my calls and use my chakras to project the statements in this invocation into the collective consciousness and awaken people to the awareness that will liberate both men and women from all psychological and spiritual thralldom to the fallen beings. Awaken people to the reality that we are spiritual beings and that we can co-create a new future by working with the ascended masters. I especially call for …
[Make your own calls here.]
Part 1
1. Astrea, awaken people to see that for over 90% of the men on this Planet, sex is an addiction.
Astrea, loving Being white,your Presence is my pure delight,your sword and circle white and blue,the astral Plane is cutting through.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
2. Astrea, awaken people to see that even though the modern democracies have made considerable progress, certain problems are accelerating and one of these problems is addictions.
Astrea, calm the raging storm,so purity will be the norm,my aura filled with blue and white,with shining armor, like a knight.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
3. Astrea, awaken people to the need to ask why these societies see a rise in addictions when they see so much progress in other areas.
Astrea, come and cut me free,from every binding entity,let astral forces all be bound,true freedom I have surely found.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
4. Astrea, awaken people to see that over the last hundred years people have become more free politically and economically, but an addiction does not make people more free. An addiction takes away people’s freedom.
Astrea, I sincerely urge,from demons all, do me purge,consume them all and take me higher,I will endure your cleansing fire.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
5. Astrea, awaken people to see that many societies are seeing a rise in people’s political and economic freedom but at the same time, they are seeing a decrease in people’s psychological freedom, even in some ways their physical freedom because an addiction can take away their freedom.
Astrea, do all spirits bind,so that I am no longer blind,I see the spirit and its twin,the victory of Christ I win.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
6. Astrea, awaken people to see that we cannot explain this if we insist on doing what science has been insisting on doing, namely providing a materialistic exPlanation for everything.
Astrea, clear my every cell,from energies of death and hell,my body is now free to grow,each cell emits an inner glow.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
7. Astrea, awaken people to see that we will never be able to explain addiction, nor will we be able to help people free themselves from addiction, through a materialistic approach.
Astrea, clear my feeling mind,in purity my peace I find,with higher feeling you release,I co-create in perfect peace.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
8. Astrea, awaken people to see that we can analyze the body from a purely materialistic viewpoint, but we will never be able to explain macrocosmic phenomena through microcosmic elements.
Astrea, clear my mental realm,my Christ self always at the helm,I see now how to manifest,the matrix that for all is best.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
9. Astrea, awaken people to see that a human being is not a collection of cells, molecules, atoms or subatomic particles. A human being is more than a collection of parts. The whole is more than the sum of the parts because a human being is a being, not a machine, not a device, not an object.
Astrea, with great clarity,I claim a new identity,etheric blueprint I now see,I co-create more consciously.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
Part 2
1. Astrea, awaken people to see that we cannot explain addictive behavior by only looking at human beings as objects. Cut free the large group of people who are close to breaking through so they can look at how human beings have been objectified.
Astrea, loving Being white,your Presence is my pure delight,your sword and circle white and blue,the astral Plane is cutting through.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
2. Astrea, awaken people to see that sex has been used to abuse, limit and trap women because women are objectified. They become sexual objects.
Astrea, calm the raging storm,so purity will be the norm,my aura filled with blue and white,with shining armor, like a knight.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
3. Astrea, awaken people to see that soldiers who go to war are not looked at as individual people or human beings. They are just objects that can be moved around and sacrificed in order to achieve some epically important goal.
Astrea, come and cut me free,from every binding entity,let astral forces all be bound,true freedom I have surely found.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
4. Astrea, awaken people to see that when science takes a materialistic approach, science is objectifying human beings. The materialistic approach to science has been and is still objectifying human beings.
Astrea, I sincerely urge,from demons all, do me purge,consume them all and take me higher,I will endure your cleansing fire.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
5. Astrea, awaken people to see that in the modern democracies, this is the foundation for all other areas where human beings are objectified, including seeing women as sexual objects.
Astrea, do all spirits bind,so that I am no longer blind,I see the spirit and its twin,the victory of Christ I win.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
6. Astrea, awaken people to see that an addiction takes away a person’s freedom and it does this first of all at the psychological level.
Astrea, clear my every cell,from energies of death and hell,my body is now free to grow,each cell emits an inner glow.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
7. Astrea, awaken people to see that when a man is addicted to sex, he loses his psychological freedom because there is something in his psyche that compels him to have sex.
Astrea, clear my feeling mind,in purity my peace I find,with higher feeling you release,I co-create in perfect peace.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
8. Astrea, awaken people to see that this is not something he freely, neutrally chooses to do. He is compelled to do it by some force that overtakes his conscious will. He cannot choose to say stop. This is the same with alcoholics or drug addicts, they have lost their freedom of will.
Astrea, clear my mental realm,my Christ self always at the helm,I see now how to manifest,the matrix that for all is best.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
9. Astrea, awaken people to see that this should be a great concern to all modern democracies who take pride in seeing themselves as free societies that give people the greatest possible personal freedom.
Astrea, with great clarity,I claim a new identity,etheric blueprint I now see,I co-create more consciously.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
Part 3
1. Astrea, awaken people to see that it is cognitive dissonance that we see the rise in political, economic freedom and at the same time see the rise in this psychological addiction that takes away people’s freedom.
Astrea, loving Being white,your Presence is my pure delight,your sword and circle white and blue,the astral Plane is cutting through.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
2. Astrea, awaken people to see that materialistic science cannot explain this because it comes up against the limitations of the materialistic approach. We can analyze hormones, the nervous system, brain chemistry, genetic material but what we discover are a side effect at the physical level of a deeper cause.
Astrea, calm the raging storm,so purity will be the norm,my aura filled with blue and white,with shining armor, like a knight.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
3. Astrea, awaken people to see that a human being is an energy system and we have an energy field around the body. Energy flows through this energy system from the spiritual realm into the identity body, then into the mental body, then into the emotional body and then into the physical.
Astrea, come and cut me free,from every binding entity,let astral forces all be bound,true freedom I have surely found.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
4. Astrea, awaken people to see that everything that happens at the physical level is not a cause in and of itself. It is the effect of causes at the emotional, mental and identity level. If we do not understand this basic reality, we cannot explain addiction.
Astrea, I sincerely urge,from demons all, do me purge,consume them all and take me higher,I will endure your cleansing fire.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
5. Astrea, awaken people to see that what happens in an addiction is not purely physical. Something happens at the emotional level that overpowers the person’s conscious will.
Astrea, do all spirits bind,so that I am no longer blind,I see the spirit and its twin,the victory of Christ I win.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
6. Astrea, awaken people to see that in an addiction, there is such a surge of a particular form of energy that comes from the emotional body of that person into the conscious mind that it overpowers the conscious mind and it neutralizes the conscious will.
Astrea, clear my every cell,from energies of death and hell,my body is now free to grow,each cell emits an inner glow.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
7. Astrea, awaken people to see that the surge of energy overrides the conscious will, and the person has no power to stop this emotional impulse and it must act upon it.
Astrea, clear my feeling mind,in purity my peace I find,with higher feeling you release,I co-create in perfect peace.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
8. Astrea, awaken people to see that the emotional level is not the highest level of the human energy system, for there is also a mental component and an identity level component.
Astrea, clear my mental realm,my Christ self always at the helm,I see now how to manifest,the matrix that for all is best.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
9. Astrea, awaken people to see that an addiction starts at the identity level by the way the person looks at itself and what kind of being it is. It then also has a component at the mental level where it looks at how it relates to the world, what it can do, what it is allowed to do and not do.
Astrea, with great clarity,I claim a new identity,etheric blueprint I now see,I co-create more consciously.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
Part 4
1. Astrea, awaken people to see that this sets the matrix for the production of certain energies in the emotional body, which can then overpower the conscious mind at the physical level. Unless we understand this, we cannot explain an addiction.
Astrea, loving Being white,your Presence is my pure delight,your sword and circle white and blue,the astral Plane is cutting through.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
2. Astrea, awaken the people who can develop the technology that can make the human energy field visible and who can interpret the measurements made.
Astrea, calm the raging storm,so purity will be the norm,my aura filled with blue and white,with shining armor, like a knight.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
3. Astrea, awaken people to see that the human energy field has certain centers that allow energy to flow through the four lower bodies.
Astrea, come and cut me free,from every binding entity,let astral forces all be bound,true freedom I have surely found.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
4. Astrea, awaken people to see that if we are to explain sexual addiction, we need to be aware that the base chakra is located in line with the genitals because this is where the life energy streams through and can then be directed into the sexual organs and expressed as sexual energy.
Astrea, I sincerely urge,from demons all, do me purge,consume them all and take me higher,I will endure your cleansing fire.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
5. Astrea, awaken people to see that when a person is addicted to sex, it is because something has happened in that person’s base chakra. There is a disturbance and imbalance in the base chakra.
Astrea, do all spirits bind,so that I am no longer blind,I see the spirit and its twin,the victory of Christ I win.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
6. Astrea, awaken people to see that this means that the person’s sexual desires have been multiplied beyond a natural limit. This can cause the base chakra to spin in the opposite direction of what is natural. It is causing a pollution in the base chakra.
Astrea, clear my every cell,from energies of death and hell,my body is now free to grow,each cell emits an inner glow.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
7. Astrea, awaken people to see that as a person’s sexual desire grows, the base chakra begins to pulsate with red light and this can cause the person at the conscious level to feel this irrepressible urge to have sex.
Astrea, clear my feeling mind,in purity my peace I find,with higher feeling you release,I co-create in perfect peace.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
8. Astrea, awaken people to see that the cause of sexual addiction is that it is possible for human beings to create semi-conscious entities that we have created collectively over time.
Astrea, clear my mental realm,my Christ self always at the helm,I see now how to manifest,the matrix that for all is best.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
9. Astrea, awaken people to see that there are entities both in the emotional realm, in the mental realm and in the identity realm. In the emotional realm, there are these collective entities that are created in relation to sex.
Astrea, with great clarity,I claim a new identity,etheric blueprint I now see,I co-create more consciously.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
Part 5
1. Astrea, awaken people to see that when people are vulnerable to this, these collective entities can invade a person’s energy field, the sex entity can invade a person’s base chakra.
Astrea, loving Being white,your Presence is my pure delight,your sword and circle white and blue,the astral Plane is cutting through.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
2. Astrea, awaken people to see that a collective entity is created over a long period of time by individual human beings feeding energy into it. The sex entity is not created by the pure sexual drive, it is created by a perverted sexual drive, which has also been going on for a very long time on this Planet.
Astrea, calm the raging storm,so purity will be the norm,my aura filled with blue and white,with shining armor, like a knight.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
3. Astrea, awaken people to see that when a collective entity reaches a certain strength, a certain amount of accumulated energy, then the entity is able to overpower many people’s energy field and chakras.
Astrea, come and cut me free,from every binding entity,let astral forces all be bound,true freedom I have surely found.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
4. Astrea, awaken people to see that the sex entity has such a tremendous pool of energy that it can direct this energy at an individual person’s base chakra. Most people have no defense against this, they are not aware that these entities exist, they are not aware that their chakras can be subjected to this very strong energy.
Astrea, I sincerely urge,from demons all, do me purge,consume them all and take me higher,I will endure your cleansing fire.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
5. Astrea, awaken people to see that the entity can single out a specific person, direct a tremendous energy burst at that person’s base chakra and it disturbs the functioning of the base chakra. The chakra begins to spin in an opposite direction and have this red-hot energy that interferes with the base chakra.
Astrea, do all spirits bind,so that I am no longer blind,I see the spirit and its twin,the victory of Christ I win.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
6. Astrea, awaken people to see that all of a sudden the person’s sexual desires become amplified so that the person feels this very strong compulsion to have sex. As the person engages in this energy, then the person is expressing energy through its base chakra.
Astrea, clear my every cell,from energies of death and hell,my body is now free to grow,each cell emits an inner glow.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
7. Astrea, awaken people to see that when we engage in this sexual expression that is initiated by the collective entity, some of our vital energy can feed the entity.
Astrea, clear my feeling mind,in purity my peace I find,with higher feeling you release,I co-create in perfect peace.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
8. Astrea, awaken people to see that the entity is directing some of its energy into a person’s base chakra, but as the person then acts upon this energy, the entity gains back more energy than it sent. The entity is literally stealing vital energy from the person.
Astrea, clear my mental realm,my Christ self always at the helm,I see now how to manifest,the matrix that for all is best.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
9. Astrea, awaken people to see that in order to survive and multiply itself, the entity must get human beings to misqualify the energy with a lower vibration, a fear-based vibration that the entity can absorb.
Astrea, with great clarity,I claim a new identity,etheric blueprint I now see,I co-create more consciously.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
In the name of the I AM THAT I AM, I accept that Archangel Michael, Astrea and Shiva form an impenetrable shield around myself and all constructive people, sealing us from all fear-based energies in all four octaves. I accept that the Light of God is consuming and transforming all fear-based energies that make up the dark forces working against the liberation of women on earth!
29. Liberating women from sexual exploitation (Part 2)
In the name of the I AM THAT I AM, Jesus Christ, I use the authority that I have as a being in embodiment on earth to call upon Elohim Astrea to reinforce my calls and use my chakras to project the statements in this invocation into the collective consciousness and awaken people to the awareness that will liberate both men and women from all psychological and spiritual thralldom to the fallen beings. Awaken people to the reality that we are spiritual beings and that we can co-create a new future by working with the ascended masters. I especially call for …
[Make your own calls here.]
Part 1
1. Astrea, awaken people to acknowledge that they often feel depleted of energy after they engage in sex.
Astrea, loving Being white,your Presence is my pure delight,your sword and circle white and blue,the astral Plane is cutting through.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
2. Astrea, awaken people to see that we have the Conscious You, which enables us to step back, look at ourselves and consciously choose to change our behavior. This is what enables us to free ourselves from an addiction.
Astrea, calm the raging storm,so purity will be the norm,my aura filled with blue and white,with shining armor, like a knight.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
3. Astrea, awaken people to see that freeing ourselves requires that we are able and willing to step back, look at the addictive behavior, identify that it takes away our freedom, that we do not want this and therefore make the decision to change it.
Astrea, come and cut me free,from every binding entity,let astral forces all be bound,true freedom I have surely found.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
4. Astrea, awaken people to see that some people are not overpowered by the sex entity because they do not allow lower sexual energy to enter their base chakra.
Astrea, I sincerely urge,from demons all, do me purge,consume them all and take me higher,I will endure your cleansing fire.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
5. Astrea, awaken people to see that they do not allow it because they have some awareness at the mental level and they have a sense of identity at the identity level that blocks the emotional energy from gaining entrance into their base chakra.
Astrea, do all spirits bind,so that I am no longer blind,I see the spirit and its twin,the victory of Christ I win.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
6. Astrea, awaken people to see that in order for the sex entity at the emotional level to invade a person’s base chakra, there has to be an opening, there has to be some energy in the person’s base chakra that the entity can use.
Astrea, clear my every cell,from energies of death and hell,my body is now free to grow,each cell emits an inner glow.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
7. Astrea, awaken people to see that the energy in the base chakra comes from the mental level. The person has certain beliefs about sex and sexuality at the mental level and it has a certain identity at the identity level.
Astrea, clear my feeling mind,in purity my peace I find,with higher feeling you release,I co-create in perfect peace.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
8. Astrea, awaken people to see that we are vulnerable to the sex entity when we are seeing ourselves a certain way, perhaps as sexual beings and feeling at the mental level that it is necessary for a man to be sexually active to get satisfaction of his sexual desires in any way he can.
Astrea, clear my mental realm,my Christ self always at the helm,I see now how to manifest,the matrix that for all is best.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
9. Astrea, awaken people to see that in order to explain sex addiction, we also need to look at the mental level and the beliefs and attitudes that people have about sex.
Astrea, with great clarity,I claim a new identity,etheric blueprint I now see,I co-create more consciously.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
Part 2
1. Astrea, awaken people to see that the Christian religion has projected this schizophrenic, ambivalent view of sex into the population. The Christian religion has portrayed sex as being wrong or sinful, therefore as something that should be restricted.
Astrea, loving Being white,your Presence is my pure delight,your sword and circle white and blue,the astral Plane is cutting through.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
2. Astrea, awaken people to see that today many people in the modern democracies look at this as being primitive and belonging to an old age, thinking the sexual revolution has set people free from restrictions.
Astrea, calm the raging storm,so purity will be the norm,my aura filled with blue and white,with shining armor, like a knight.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
3. Astrea, awaken people to see that even before the Christian religion, there has been a collective sex entity at the emotional level. Christianity has had a two-sided effect in terms of making people more or less vulnerable to the sex entity.
Astrea, come and cut me free,from every binding entity,let astral forces all be bound,true freedom I have surely found.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
4. Astrea, awaken people to see that the Christian religion has caused a considerable suppression of the sex drive and sexual energies and this created a pressure in many people’s base chakras. It caused many people to try to suppress their sex drive, but forceful suppression means that energies keep accumulating.
Astrea, I sincerely urge,from demons all, do me purge,consume them all and take me higher,I will endure your cleansing fire.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
5. Astrea, awaken people to see that eventually these people would become vulnerable to the sex entity. They would give in to their sexual desires and then they would feel very bad about it afterwards, which created another collective entity particular to the Christian religion.
Astrea, do all spirits bind,so that I am no longer blind,I see the spirit and its twin,the victory of Christ I win.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
6. Astrea, awaken people to see that the Christian religion enabled some people to not so forcefully repress their sexual desires, but to, even at the mental level, not give in to them so they did not allow the energy to build up in their base chakras.
Astrea, clear my every cell,from energies of death and hell,my body is now free to grow,each cell emits an inner glow.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
7. Astrea, awaken people to see that when the Christian influence was stronger fewer people were addicted to sex. There were also fewer instances of the sexual abuse of women through rape or sexual harassment.
Astrea, clear my feeling mind,in purity my peace I find,with higher feeling you release,I co-create in perfect peace.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
8. Astrea, awaken people to see that when societies became less dominated by the Christian view of sex, when we had the so-called sexual revolution, we see an increase in sexual addiction because now people feel free to express their sexual desires.
Astrea, clear my mental realm,my Christ self always at the helm,I see now how to manifest,the matrix that for all is best.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
9. Astrea, awaken people to see that the sexual revolution has given rise to many things that seek to magnify the sex drive, such as pornography, Viagra or drugs that are used to rape women.
Astrea, with great clarity,I claim a new identity,etheric blueprint I now see,I co-create more consciously.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
Part 3
1. Astrea, awaken people to see that we have seen a rise in prostitution, human trafficking, women being lured into or sold into prostitution, or being forced into drug addiction in order to make them willing to do prostitution.
Astrea, loving Being white,your Presence is my pure delight,your sword and circle white and blue,the astral Plane is cutting through.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
2. Astrea, awaken people to see that the net result in the modern democracies of the so-called sexual revolution is an increase of sexual addiction.
Astrea, calm the raging storm,so purity will be the norm,my aura filled with blue and white,with shining armor, like a knight.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
3. Astrea, awaken people to see that a sexual addiction takes away men’s freedom because now they cannot choose whether they want to have sex or not. They feel compelled by the addiction to have sex.
Astrea, come and cut me free,from every binding entity,let astral forces all be bound,true freedom I have surely found.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
4. Astrea, awaken people to see that this causes men to look at women as sexual objects. The immediate cause of the sexual objectification of women is this increase in sexual addiction in men.
Astrea, I sincerely urge,from demons all, do me purge,consume them all and take me higher,I will endure your cleansing fire.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
5. Astrea, awaken people to see that when a man is not addicted to sex, he does not look at women as sexual objects. He looks at women as individuals and as human beings.
Astrea, do all spirits bind,so that I am no longer blind,I see the spirit and its twin,the victory of Christ I win.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
6. Astrea, awaken people to see that when a man is not sexually addicted, he does not want to have sex with any woman under any circumstance. He is seeking a deeper connection with another human being who has a different energetic polarity than he has, which then can balance his own energetic polarity.
Astrea, clear my every cell,from energies of death and hell,my body is now free to grow,each cell emits an inner glow.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
7. Astrea, awaken people to see that there is a deeper purpose to sex. When a man is not addicted to sex, he primarily seeks a connection with a woman and we cannot have a connection with an object.
Astrea, clear my feeling mind,in purity my peace I find,with higher feeling you release,I co-create in perfect peace.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
8. Astrea, awaken people to see that we can only have a genuine connection with another human being, and we can only have that when we look at that other person as a human being, which means we are sensitive to the other person’s needs and desires.
Astrea, clear my mental realm,my Christ self always at the helm,I see now how to manifest,the matrix that for all is best.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
9. Astrea, awaken people to see that men would never force a woman to have sex in order to get a deeper connection with that woman because when there is force involved, the connection is gone.
Astrea, with great clarity,I claim a new identity,etheric blueprint I now see,I co-create more consciously.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
Part 4
1. Astrea, awaken people to see that sexual addiction in men is the immediate cause of the sexual objectification of women. When men are addicted to sex, they are compelled by the addiction.
Astrea, loving Being white,your Presence is my pure delight,your sword and circle white and blue,the astral Plane is cutting through.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
2. Astrea, awaken people to see that we cannot say they want to have sex, but they are compelled to have sex and that is why they are looking for an object who can fulfill that physical or emotional gratification, which is a temporary gratification.
Astrea, calm the raging storm,so purity will be the norm,my aura filled with blue and white,with shining armor, like a knight.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
3. Astrea, awaken people to see that when men have a deeper connection with a woman, it happens at the mental and identity level. It does not happen at the emotional and physical level.
Astrea, come and cut me free,from every binding entity,let astral forces all be bound,true freedom I have surely found.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
4. Astrea, awaken people to see that men cannot have a deeper emotional connection with women when they are addicted, when their base chakras are disturbed by a lower sexual energy.
Astrea, I sincerely urge,from demons all, do me purge,consume them all and take me higher,I will endure your cleansing fire.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
5. Astrea, awaken people to see that unless we understand this and unless we address this, we will not be able to overcome the sexual objectification of women.
Astrea, do all spirits bind,so that I am no longer blind,I see the spirit and its twin,the victory of Christ I win.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
6. Astrea, awaken people to see that in the modern democracies women have more political rights and economic opportunities, but at the same time we see an increase in the sexual objectification of women, which is abusive and a form of violence against women.
Astrea, clear my every cell,from energies of death and hell,my body is now free to grow,each cell emits an inner glow.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
7. Astrea, awaken people to see that the number of rapes, the amount of pornography, the amount of sexual harassment of women is growing, and unless we address this problem, the political and economic liberation of women will be nullified by this sexual objectification of women.
Astrea, clear my feeling mind,in purity my peace I find,with higher feeling you release,I co-create in perfect peace.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
8. Astrea, awaken people to realize: We have a problem here that we must do something about, but what we have done so far, the Christian paradigm, the materialist paradigm has not diminished the problem. Therefore, we must reason we cannot solve it through these paradigms.
Astrea, clear my mental realm,my Christ self always at the helm,I see now how to manifest,the matrix that for all is best.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
9. Astrea, awaken people to see that either we declare that we are powerless to solve the problem and admit that we are powerless to protect our women against sexual exploitation or we must find another approach.
Astrea, with great clarity,I claim a new identity,etheric blueprint I now see,I co-create more consciously.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
Part 5
1. Astrea, cut women free to see that there is something here that needs to be addressed. We need to find a different way to look at it so we can explain why this is happening.
Astrea, loving Being white,your Presence is my pure delight,your sword and circle white and blue,the astral Plane is cutting through.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
2. Astrea, awaken people to see that the sexual exploitation of women through the objectification of women has an emotional component. When men go to prostitutes, look at pornography or rape women, there is an objectification of women.
Astrea, calm the raging storm,so purity will be the norm,my aura filled with blue and white,with shining armor, like a knight.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
3. Astrea, awaken people to see that the 90 plus percent of men who are addicted to sex in their emotional bodies, they look at women as sexual objects and really nothing else.
Astrea, come and cut me free,from every binding entity,let astral forces all be bound,true freedom I have surely found.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
4. Astrea, awaken people to see that the emotional level view comes from the mental. At the mental level we find a variety of activities that are aimed at objectifying women.
Astrea, I sincerely urge,from demons all, do me purge,consume them all and take me higher,I will endure your cleansing fire.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
5. Astrea, I call forth the judgment of Christ upon the dark forces behind ideas and thoughts that in subtle ways promote the objectification of women.
Astrea, do all spirits bind,so that I am no longer blind,I see the spirit and its twin,the victory of Christ I win.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
6. Astrea, I call forth the judgment of Christ upon the dark forces behind the advertising industry, how women are portrayed in ways aimed at arousing men’s sexual desire.
Astrea, clear my every cell,from energies of death and hell,my body is now free to grow,each cell emits an inner glow.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
7. Astrea, I call forth the judgment of Christ upon the dark forces behind the idea that women should be sexually appealing to men, that women should be evaluated based on their sexual attractiveness.
Astrea, clear my feeling mind,in purity my peace I find,with higher feeling you release,I co-create in perfect peace.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
8. Astrea, I call forth the judgment of Christ upon the dark forces behind the beauty industry that has created this standard for how a beautiful woman looks.
Astrea, clear my mental realm,my Christ self always at the helm,I see now how to manifest,the matrix that for all is best.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
9. Astrea, I call for the binding of the beasts created at the mental and emotional level that are projecting at women that they should live up to this other-worldly standard of beauty.
Astrea, with great clarity,I claim a new identity,etheric blueprint I now see,I co-create more consciously.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
In the name of the I AM THAT I AM, I accept that Archangel Michael, Astrea and Shiva form an impenetrable shield around myself and all constructive people, sealing us from all fear-based energies in all four octaves. I accept that the Light of God is consuming and transforming all fear-based energies that make up the dark forces working against the liberation of women on earth!
30. Liberating women from sexual exploitation (Part 3)
In the name of the I AM THAT I AM, Jesus Christ, I use the authority that I have as a being in embodiment on earth to call upon Elohim Astrea to reinforce my calls and use my chakras to project the statements in this invocation into the collective consciousness and awaken people to the awareness that will liberate both men and women from all psychological and spiritual thralldom to the fallen beings. Awaken people to the reality that we are spiritual beings and that we can co-create a new future by working with the ascended masters. I especially call for …
[Make your own calls here.]
Part 1
1. Astrea, I call forth the judgment of Christ upon the dark forces behind the use of computer technology to make women artificially set a standard of beauty that no real woman could live up to.
Astrea, loving Being white,your Presence is my pure delight,your sword and circle white and blue,the astral Plane is cutting through.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
2. Astrea, I call forth the judgment of Christ upon the dark forces behind the industry that is based on projecting this belief that women should look a certain way and that it is perfectly normal and acceptable that women should dress like what they see in the advertisements, movies or TV series.
Astrea, calm the raging storm,so purity will be the norm,my aura filled with blue and white,with shining armor, like a knight.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
3. Astrea, I call forth the judgment of Christ upon the dark forces behind the industry that is projecting that women should appear sexually attractive to men, they should appeal to men’s sex drive, and this supposedly gives a woman a certain status in the eyes of many people.
Astrea, come and cut me free,from every binding entity,let astral forces all be bound,true freedom I have surely found.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
4. Astrea, I call forth the judgment of Christ upon the dark forces behind the ideas at the identity level that cause women to identify themselves based on their sexual attractiveness. They identify themselves as sexual beings who should be attractive to men, who should be available to men.
Astrea, I sincerely urge,from demons all, do me purge,consume them all and take me higher,I will endure your cleansing fire.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
5. Astrea, I call forth the judgment of Christ upon the dark forces that give women a certain self-image that makes them feel superior because of their sex-appeal.
Astrea, do all spirits bind,so that I am no longer blind,I see the spirit and its twin,the victory of Christ I win.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
6. Astrea, I call forth the judgment of Christ upon the dark forces that make some women feel powerful because they could make any man want to have sex with them. Then, by denying the sex after the man wants it, they gain a perverted sense of power.
Astrea, clear my every cell,from energies of death and hell,my body is now free to grow,each cell emits an inner glow.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
7. Astrea, I call forth the judgment of Christ upon the dark forces behind women who have used sex appeal to gain a sense of power or gain political positions and political influence.
Astrea, clear my feeling mind,in purity my peace I find,with higher feeling you release,I co-create in perfect peace.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
8. Astrea, I call forth the judgment of Christ upon the dark forces who use the women’s liberation movement to make some women believe that women should use any means to gain power in a male-dominated society and if sex works, then why not use it?
Astrea, clear my mental realm,my Christ self always at the helm,I see now how to manifest,the matrix that for all is best.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
9. Astrea, I call forth the judgment of Christ upon the dark forces behind causing women to objectify themselves in order to gain influence in a male-dominated society.
Astrea, with great clarity,I claim a new identity,etheric blueprint I now see,I co-create more consciously.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
Part 2
1. Astrea, awaken people to see that if we believe that a woman should be beautiful according to a standard defined in our particular society and culture, then already there at the identity level we are objectifying women.
Astrea, loving Being white,your Presence is my pure delight,your sword and circle white and blue,the astral Plane is cutting through.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
2. Astrea, I call forth the judgment of Christ upon the dark forces behind the industry that is projecting at women that they can be in control of their physical appearance.
Astrea, calm the raging storm,so purity will be the norm,my aura filled with blue and white,with shining armor, like a knight.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
3. Astrea, help all women realize there is a limit to how much we can improve our physical appearance with these means that are available because we cannot change your genetic inheritance. Thus, this belief objectifies women.
Astrea, come and cut me free,from every binding entity,let astral forces all be bound,true freedom I have surely found.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
4. Astrea, awaken people to see that the beauty industry creates an image, and an image is an object. It projects this image onto all women and it projects that they should strive to live up to it, and if they cannot, they should feel bad about this.
Astrea, I sincerely urge,from demons all, do me purge,consume them all and take me higher,I will endure your cleansing fire.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
5. Astrea, I call forth the judgment of Christ upon the dark forces behind the projection that women should live up to this image that makes them attractive to men.
Astrea, do all spirits bind,so that I am no longer blind,I see the spirit and its twin,the victory of Christ I win.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
6. Astrea, I call forth the judgment of Christ upon the dark forces that make women feel they should have men making advances towards them and feeling they should give in to this.
Astrea, clear my every cell,from energies of death and hell,my body is now free to grow,each cell emits an inner glow.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
7. Astrea, cut women free so they do not get into relationships that are abusive because they are so compelled to give in to the first man that comes and makes advances towards them.
Astrea, clear my feeling mind,in purity my peace I find,with higher feeling you release,I co-create in perfect peace.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
8. Astrea, cut women free to evaluate: “Is this the kind of man I want a relationship with? Is this the kind of man I even want to have sex with? Is this the kind of man I want to have a long-term relationship with? Is this the kind of man I want to start a family with and that I potentially want to live with the rest of my life?”
Astrea, clear my mental realm,my Christ self always at the helm,I see now how to manifest,the matrix that for all is best.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
9. Astrea, I call forth the judgment of Christ upon the dark forces behind women being put in a position where they are constantly subjected to this sexual aggression from men, often feeling they cannot defend themselves against it.
Astrea, with great clarity,I claim a new identity,etheric blueprint I now see,I co-create more consciously.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
Part 3
1. Astrea, I call forth the judgment of Christ upon the dark forces behind women feeling increasingly powerless to stop this sexual harassment, to stop this sexual exploitation, these aggressive advances from men.
Astrea, loving Being white,your Presence is my pure delight,your sword and circle white and blue,the astral Plane is cutting through.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
2. Astrea, cut free a critical mass of women from the ideal that they should be sexually attractive to men, so they can say: “We need to stop this. This has gone too far.”
Astrea, calm the raging storm,so purity will be the norm,my aura filled with blue and white,with shining armor, like a knight.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
3. Astrea, I call forth the judgment of Christ upon the fallen beings who in the process of manipulating men and women have used the sex drive.
Astrea, come and cut me free,from every binding entity,let astral forces all be bound,true freedom I have surely found.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
4. Astrea, I call forth the judgment of Christ upon the fallen beings who have put out these ideas, even philosophies and religions, that inflate the sex drive of men artificially, to project that men should be sexual conquerors, that they should have sex with as many women as possible.
Astrea, I sincerely urge,from demons all, do me purge,consume them all and take me higher,I will endure your cleansing fire.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
5. Astrea, I call forth the judgment of Christ upon the fallen beings who created the male archetype of this strong masculine man who is the sexual conqueror who can make any woman give in to his advances or even make any woman want to have sex with him, because he is the alpha male and he is the one that she wants to have children with.
Astrea, do all spirits bind,so that I am no longer blind,I see the spirit and its twin,the victory of Christ I win.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
6. Astrea, I call forth the judgment of Christ upon the fallen beings who created the female archetype that the woman is the passive recipient of the man’s sexual advances, that she should accept this in order to carry on the human race because she should be available to have children and therefore propagate the race.
Astrea, clear my every cell,from energies of death and hell,my body is now free to grow,each cell emits an inner glow.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
7. Astrea, cut people free to see that this has no reality to it whatsoever. There is no spiritual reality to it. There is not even a physical, evolutionary reality to it because animals do not have sex all the time.
Astrea, clear my feeling mind,in purity my peace I find,with higher feeling you release,I co-create in perfect peace.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
8. Astrea, cut people free to see that animals are only sexually active for the purpose of having offspring and then the rest of the year, sex does not even enter their minds, so why is it not that way in humans?
Astrea, clear my mental realm,my Christ self always at the helm,I see now how to manifest,the matrix that for all is best.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
9. Astrea, cut people free to see that if humans were biological animals, then we would have the same approach to sex that all animals have. Since human beings clearly do not, human beings must be more than animals.
Astrea, with great clarity,I claim a new identity,etheric blueprint I now see,I co-create more consciously.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
Part 4
1. Astrea, cut people free to see that if human beings are not exclusively driven by their biological drives, then human sexual activity cannot be exclusively a biological activity.
Astrea, loving Being white,your Presence is my pure delight,your sword and circle white and blue,the astral Plane is cutting through.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
2. Astrea, cut people free to see that sex is driven by something in the psychology, meaning that people can be manipulated and the sex drive can be artificially accelerated and multiplied to the point where the sex drive controls people’s behavior and takes away the unique aspect of being human, namely that we have free conscious will.
Astrea, calm the raging storm,so purity will be the norm,my aura filled with blue and white,with shining armor, like a knight.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
3. Astrea, cut people free to see that what is unique to humans is the freedom of will, the conscious will to make decisions about our actions, about our feelings, about our mental beliefs and about our sense of identity.
Astrea, come and cut me free,from every binding entity,let astral forces all be bound,true freedom I have surely found.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
4. Astrea, cut people free to see that without freedom of will, we are not really humans, we are not living up to the potential for a human being, but neither are we animals, we are something in between. We are a mechanized creation or a more conscious animal, but still not fully self-aware.
Astrea, I sincerely urge,from demons all, do me purge,consume them all and take me higher,I will endure your cleansing fire.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
5. Astrea, cut people free to see there are fallen beings, there are narcissistic beings, who are only seeking to manipulate the rest of the population. They do not exist just in the physical realm, but they also exist in the other three realms and they have a very complex agenda of manipulating human beings.
Astrea, do all spirits bind,so that I am no longer blind,I see the spirit and its twin,the victory of Christ I win.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
6. Astrea, cut people free to see that these fallen beings are behind all forms of human manipulation, but especially the use of sex and the sexual tension between men and women. They have artificially inflated that tension, partly in order to control people, partly in order to just create chaos and conflict.
Astrea, clear my every cell,from energies of death and hell,my body is now free to grow,each cell emits an inner glow.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
7. Astrea, cut people free to see that concerning the increase in sexual exploitation of women and sexual harassment, there is no epic agenda behind it, but there are certain fallen beings who are using this to just create chaos.
Astrea, clear my feeling mind,in purity my peace I find,with higher feeling you release,I co-create in perfect peace.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
8. Astrea, cut people free to see that the fallen beings did not want the modern democracies to emerge. They preferred a more dictatorial form of government, and they are using anything they can to create chaos and disorder that might break down these societies.
Astrea, clear my mental realm,my Christ self always at the helm,I see now how to manifest,the matrix that for all is best.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
9. Astrea, cut people free to see that there is no rational, biological or spiritual reason that women should allow themselves to become sexual objects. It is simply a destructive movement, a destructive drive and we need to become aware of this and resist it.
Astrea, with great clarity,I claim a new identity,etheric blueprint I now see,I co-create more consciously.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
Part 5
1. Astrea, cut women free to stand up and say: “Enough! We have had enough of being appointed as sexual objects and we will not stand for this anymore.”
Astrea, loving Being white,your Presence is my pure delight,your sword and circle white and blue,the astral Plane is cutting through.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
2. Astrea, bind the fallen beings and consume the collective entities behind the creation of the archetype for the powerful man, the man who is able to lead, as a man who is sexually active, and should not be confining his sexual activity to just one woman so having a mistress is perfectly acceptable.
Astrea, calm the raging storm,so purity will be the norm,my aura filled with blue and white,with shining armor, like a knight.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
3. Astrea, cut people free to see that this archetype of the powerful man who is the leader, objectifies women. Women are simply objects for men’s sexual exploitation, to satisfy men’s sexual desire.
Astrea, come and cut me free,from every binding entity,let astral forces all be bound,true freedom I have surely found.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
4. Astrea, cut people free to see that the majority of politicians, people in the media, many scientists, many actors, writers and other influential people believe in and accept this archetype for the male leader: the important man, the powerful man.
Astrea, I sincerely urge,from demons all, do me purge,consume them all and take me higher,I will endure your cleansing fire.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
5. Astrea, cut people free to see that in order to change the sexual objectification of women, we need to get the decision makers, most of whom are men, to agree to this. We cannot get them to agree to this when their minds are taken over by this male archetype that wants to objectify women.
Astrea, do all spirits bind,so that I am no longer blind,I see the spirit and its twin,the victory of Christ I win.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
6. Astrea, cut free the women in embodiment who are able to promote this process and drive the shifts in society, so there will be a raising of awareness. Cut free women to begin to speak out about topics they have never spoken out about before. Cut free men to respond to this.
Astrea, clear my every cell,from energies of death and hell,my body is now free to grow,each cell emits an inner glow.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
7. Astrea, cut people free to create a new women’s liberation movement that goes much deeper and demands more than political and economic freedom, more than equality, but also demands psychological freedom.
Astrea, clear my feeling mind,in purity my peace I find,with higher feeling you release,I co-create in perfect peace.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
8. Astrea, cut people free to see that when a woman is made a sexual object, her psychological freedom is taken away. When a man is sexually addicted and therefore wants to objectify women, his psychological freedom is taken away as well.
Astrea, clear my mental realm,my Christ self always at the helm,I see now how to manifest,the matrix that for all is best.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
9. Astrea, cut people free to see the need to not only liberate women psychologically, but also to liberate men. There is a historic opportunity for women to be the driving force in the liberation of society at the psychological level and creating a new revolution in society that is aimed at bringing psychological freedom.
Astrea, with great clarity,I claim a new identity,etheric blueprint I now see,I co-create more consciously.
Astrea, come accelerate,with purity I do vibrate,release the fire so blue and white,my aura filled with vibrant light.
In the name of the I AM THAT I AM, I accept that Archangel Michael, Astrea and Shiva form an impenetrable shield around myself and all constructive people, sealing us from all fear-based energies in all four octaves. I accept that the Light of God is consuming and transforming all fear-based energies that make up the dark forces working against the liberation of women on earth!
32. Freeing women from the power elite (Part 1)
In the name of the I AM THAT I AM, Jesus Christ, I use the authority that I have as a being in embodiment on earth to call upon Mother Mary to reinforce my calls and use my chakras to project the statements in this invocation into the collective consciousness and awaken people to the awareness that will liberate both men and women from all psychological and spiritual thralldom to the fallen beings. Awaken people to the reality that we are spiritual beings and that we can co-create a new future by working with the ascended masters. I especially call for …
[Make your own calls here.]
Part 1
1. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the fallen beings and collective entities behind the trend that sex has become a dirty and impure activity with many perversions and degradations.
O blessed Mary, Mother mine,there is no greater love than thine,as we are one in heart and mind,my place in hierarchy I find.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
2. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the fallen beings and collective entities behind the fact that the entire concept of sexuality has been pulled down to a much lower level than it was a generation ago.
I came to earth from heaven sent,as I am in embodiment,I use Divine authority,commanding you to set earth free.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
3. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the fallen beings and collective entities behind the fact that the more free people have become to express their sexuality, the more “dirty” the expression of that sexuality has become and the more abusive it has become, especially towards women.
I call now in God’s sacred name,for you to use your Mother Flame,to burn all fear-based energy,restoring sacred harmony.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
4. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the fallen beings and collective entities who have deliberately done everything they could to pull sex down to being a purely physical activity, and being a lower activity.
Your sacred name I hereby praise,collective consciousness you raise,no more of fear and doubt and shame,consume it with your Mother Flame.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
5. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the fallen beings and collective entities that have pulled sex down because the more impure an activity becomes, the more addictive it becomes.
All darkness from the earth you purge,your light moves as a mighty surge,no force of darkness can now stop,the spiral that goes only up.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
6. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the fallen beings and collective entities that have pulled sex down because the more impure an activity becomes, the more it can force people to release energy.
All elemental life you bless,removing from them man-made stress,the nature spirits are now free,outpicturing Divine decree.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
7. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the fallen beings and collective entities who have no sensitivity to life, no compunctions about forcing people to release the energy that they need in order to survive and in order to do what they want to do.
I raise my voice and take my stand,a stop to war I do command,no more shall warring scar the earth,a golden age is given birth.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
8. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the fallen beings and collective entities who want to detract people from their higher goals in life, who want to control the population by preventing people from activating the higher chakras.
As Mother Earth is free at last,disasters belong to the past,your Mother Light is so intense,that matter is now far less dense.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
9. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the fallen beings and collective entities who want to prevent people from walking the path to Christhood and become a threat to the fallen beings.
In Mother Light the earth is pure,the upward spiral will endure,prosperity is now the norm,God’s vision manifest as form.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,
all matter does now scintillate.
Part 2
1. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the fallen beings and collective entities who want to get as many people as possible to concentrate the energy in the base chakra as a diversion so there is not enough energy to rise to the higher chakras.
O blessed Mary, Mother mine,there is no greater love than thine,as we are one in heart and mind,my place in hierarchy I find.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
2. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the fallen beings and collective entities who want to get men to spend most of their attention on sex and their time and energy engaging in sex or fantasizing about it, pulling the energy out through the base chakra so there is very little left to activate the other chakras.
I came to earth from heaven sent,as I am in embodiment,I use Divine authority,commanding you to set earth free.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
3. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the fallen beings and collective entities who are promoting the idea that sex is contrary to our spiritual growth, is an enemy of our spiritual goals, the limitation of our spiritual growth.
I call now in God’s sacred name,for you to use your Mother Flame,to burn all fear-based energy,restoring sacred harmony.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
4. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the fallen beings and collective entities behind the fact that Catholic priests are not allowed to marry and therefore should not have sex.
Your sacred name I hereby praise,collective consciousness you raise,no more of fear and doubt and shame,consume it with your Mother Flame.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
5. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the fallen beings and collective entities behind the fact that in many religions monks, nuns and spiritual people live a life of renunciation.
All darkness from the earth you purge,your light moves as a mighty surge,no force of darkness can now stop,the spiral that goes only up.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
6. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the fallen beings and collective entities behind the ideal that spiritual growth means that you cannot have sex.
All elemental life you bless,removing from them man-made stress,the nature spirits are now free,outpicturing Divine decree.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
7. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the fallen beings and collective entities who seek to prevent as many people as possible from following the spiritual path so they do not become a threat to the fallen beings.
I raise my voice and take my stand,a stop to war I do command,no more shall warring scar the earth,a golden age is given birth.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
8. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the fallen beings and collective entities who have sought to inflate the sexual desire of most people in order to force them into the choice between having sex or pursuing the spiritual path.
As Mother Earth is free at last,disasters belong to the past,your Mother Light is so intense,that matter is now far less dense.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
9. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the fallen beings and collective entities who get people to think they have to give up sex in order to pursue spiritual growth, so many people do not want to walk the spiritual path.
In Mother Light the earth is pure,the upward spiral will endure,prosperity is now the norm,God’s vision manifest as form.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
Part 3
1. Mother Mary, awaken people to see that from a spiritual, ascended master perspective, there is nothing inherently impure or anti-spiritual about sex. We are in physical bodies on earth and one of the activities we can do with these physical bodies is to have sex.
O blessed Mary, Mother mine,there is no greater love than thine,as we are one in heart and mind,my place in hierarchy I find.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
2. Mother Mary, awaken people to see that from an ascended master perspective, there is nothing inherently impure about many bodily activities. Although sex can become a dirty activity, there is nothing inherently impure about it.
I came to earth from heaven sent,as I am in embodiment,I use Divine authority,commanding you to set earth free.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
3. Mother Mary, awaken people to see that it is entirely possible to be sexually active and walk the spiritual path, including the path to Christhood or Buddhahood.
I call now in God’s sacred name,for you to use your Mother Flame,to burn all fear-based energy,restoring sacred harmony.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
4. Mother Mary, awaken people to see that dependent on our level of consciousness, there is a certain amount of energy that descends from our I AM Presences into our four lower bodies. In order to make spiritual progress, some of that energy must rises up and activate the higher chakras.
Your sacred name I hereby praise,collective consciousness you raise,no more of fear and doubt and shame,consume it with your Mother Flame.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
5. Mother Mary, awaken people to see that the question is how much of the energy we are receiving is used in physical activities and how much of is left over to activate the higher chakras.
All darkness from the earth you purge,your light moves as a mighty surge,no force of darkness can now stop,the spiral that goes only up.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
6. Mother Mary, awaken people to see that it is not necessary to renounce all worldly or physical activities in order to pursue spiritual growth. We have to find a balance so some of the energy can rise to the higher chakras and activate them.
All elemental life you bless,removing from them man-made stress,the nature spirits are now free,outpicturing Divine decree.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
7. Mother Mary, awaken people to see that the ideal for the Aquarian Age is not that spiritual people live an ascetic lifestyle, but that we live an active life in society while still pursuing spiritual growth.
I raise my voice and take my stand,a stop to war I do command,no more shall warring scar the earth,a golden age is given birth.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
8. Mother Mary, awaken people to find a balanced approach so they take care of the physical needs in such a way that they have energy left over that can rise to the other chakras.
As Mother Earth is free at last,disasters belong to the past,your Mother Light is so intense,that matter is now far less dense.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
9. Mother Mary, awaken people to see that many of us can make faster spiritual growth by living an active life in society, living in a relationship, because this brings out our reactionary patterns so we have a chance to see them.
In Mother Light the earth is pure,the upward spiral will endure,prosperity is now the norm,God’s vision manifest as form.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
Part 4
1. Mother Mary, awaken people from the state of mind where we think we are spiritual, we think we are in harmony but it is simply because nothing stirs up our unresolved psychology so we do not see it.
O blessed Mary, Mother mine,there is no greater love than thine,as we are one in heart and mind,my place in hierarchy I find.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
2. Mother Mary, awaken people to see that partners who are dedicated to helping each other grow spiritually, can purify their sexual desires, can purify their base chakras so they can protect themselves, cut themselves free from these collective entities.
I came to earth from heaven sent,as I am in embodiment,I use Divine authority,commanding you to set earth free.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
3. Mother Mary, awaken people to see that partners can resolve their separate selves relating to sex, because all of us will have such separate selves because of the manipulation by the fallen beings. Thereby we can be sexually active in a way that does not detract from our spiritual growth.
I call now in God’s sacred name,for you to use your Mother Flame,to burn all fear-based energy,restoring sacred harmony.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
4. Mother Mary, awaken people to see that we came to earth because our I AM Presences had a positive goal and wanted to experience something on earth and wanted to experience themselves in this environment.
Your sacred name I hereby praise,collective consciousness you raise,no more of fear and doubt and shame,consume it with your Mother Flame.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
5. Mother Mary, awaken people to see that the purpose is not to get out of here as quickly as possible. The purpose is to have certain experiences on earth because they actually advance the spiritual growth of our I AM Presences.
All darkness from the earth you purge,your light moves as a mighty surge,no force of darkness can now stop,the spiral that goes only up.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
6. Mother Mary, awaken people to see that the entire, idea that human beings can be looked at as mere objects, comes from the fallen beings.
All elemental life you bless,removing from them man-made stress,the nature spirits are now free,outpicturing Divine decree.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
7. Mother Mary, awaken people to see that before fallen beings came to earth, human beings did not objectify each other. People had the basic humanity, the essential humanity, where even though we see ourselves as a subject surrounded by objects, we are still aware that human beings are not objects.
I raise my voice and take my stand,a stop to war I do command,no more shall warring scar the earth,a golden age is given birth.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
8. Mother Mary, awaken people to see that when we realize that what we do to another person will generate certain thoughts and feelings in that person, we are open to the motto of all spiritual teachings: “Do unto others as you want them to do to you.”
As Mother Earth is free at last,disasters belong to the past,your Mother Light is so intense,that matter is now far less dense.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
9. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the fallen beings who have rebelled against the upward movement of self-transcendence, where we are moving out of any tendency to look at ourselves as fixed entities.
In Mother Light the earth is pure,the upward spiral will endure,prosperity is now the norm,God’s vision manifest as form.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
Part 5
1. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the fallen beings who rebelled against this process and in doing so objectified themselves, because they objectified the self that they would not give up, that they would not let die in order to follow Christ.
O blessed Mary, Mother mine,there is no greater love than thine,as we are one in heart and mind,my place in hierarchy I find.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
2. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the fallen beings who objectified everything else, they objectified the ascended masters, they objectified God, they objectified everything around them.
I came to earth from heaven sent,as I am in embodiment,I use Divine authority,commanding you to set earth free.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
3. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the fallen beings who came to earth with a mindset that the human beings on earth are just objects for them.
I call now in God’s sacred name,for you to use your Mother Flame,to burn all fear-based energy,restoring sacred harmony.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
4. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the fallen beings who are completely self-centered, they are narcissists, psychopaths or sociopaths because they are completely focused on themselves and what they want, completely insensitive to what they do to others, how that affects other people.
Your sacred name I hereby praise,collective consciousness you raise,no more of fear and doubt and shame,consume it with your Mother Flame.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
5. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the fallen beings who have created a total objectification of human beings. They have an agenda, they have certain desires and they want to have power, they want to set themselves up as having as much power as can possibly be gained on earth.
All darkness from the earth you purge,your light moves as a mighty surge,no force of darkness can now stop,the spiral that goes only up.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
6. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the fallen beings who want to get the human population to submit to them as their leaders so that people will blindly follow the command of the leader.
All elemental life you bless,removing from them man-made stress,the nature spirits are now free,outpicturing Divine decree.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
7. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother upon the fallen beings who are completely insensitive to whether millions of people are killed because they have absolutely no compassion or any kind of problem with this happening. For the fallen beings, human beings are nothing but objects.
I raise my voice and take my stand,a stop to war I do command,no more shall warring scar the earth,a golden age is given birth.
O Mother Mary, generate,the
song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,
all matter does now scintillate.
8. Mother Mary, awaken women in the modern democracies to see that it is not realistic, nor reasonable to blame the suppression of women on men in general. Help these women move out of being negative towards men in general.
As Mother Earth is free at last,disasters belong to the past,your Mother Light is so intense,that matter is now far less dense.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
9. Mother Mary, awaken women to realize that we need to be more nuanced, we need to be more discerning, we need to be smarter and not say that women are suppressed by men in general.
In Mother Light the earth is pure,the upward spiral will endure,prosperity is now the norm,God’s vision manifest as form.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
In the name of the I AM THAT I AM, I accept that Archangel Michael, Astrea and Shiva form an impenetrable shield around myself and all constructive people, sealing us from all fear-based energies in all four octaves. I accept that the Light of God is consuming and transforming all fear-based energies that make up the dark forces working against the liberation of women on earth!
33. Freeing women from the power elite (Part 2)
In the name of the I AM THAT I AM, Jesus Christ, I use the authority that I have as a being in embodiment on earth to call upon Mother Mary to reinforce my calls and use my chakras to project the statements in this invocation into the collective consciousness and awaken people to the awareness that will liberate both men and women from all psychological and spiritual thralldom to the fallen beings. Awaken people to the reality that we are spiritual beings and that we can co-create a new future by working with the ascended masters. I especially call for …
[Make your own calls here.]
Part 1
1. Mother Mary, awaken women to the need to identify that throughout history and even today, women are suppressed by a specific group of people who form an elite who think they are better able to lead the population than the average person.
O blessed Mary, Mother mine,there is no greater love than thine,as we are one in heart and mind,my place in hierarchy I find.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
2. Mother Mary, awaken women to see that we have been suppressed by a small elite who have an elitist mindset, they have an almost unlimited desire for power and for privilege, and once they have that power and privilege, they are very reluctant to give it up.
I came to earth from heaven sent,as I am in embodiment,I use Divine authority,commanding you to set earth free.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
3. Mother Mary, awaken women to see that the force on earth that has historically and today suppressed women is the power elite.
I call now in God’s sacred name,for you to use your Mother Flame,to burn all fear-based energy,restoring sacred harmony.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
4. Mother Mary, awaken women to see that in order to truly liberate women, we need to liberate women from the influence of the power elite.
Your sacred name I hereby praise,collective consciousness you raise,no more of fear and doubt and shame,consume it with your Mother Flame.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
5. Mother Mary, awaken women to see that even the modern democracies have a power elite that has a less obvious control of the population, for example as an economic power elite that has control over the financial system.
All darkness from the earth you purge,your light moves as a mighty surge,no force of darkness can now stop,the spiral that goes only up.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
6. Mother Mary, awaken women to see that there is a power elite, but they are not using military or political power in an open way, they are using it indirectly by the influence they have because they control the money and the money system.
All elemental life you bless,removing from them man-made stress,the nature spirits are now free,outpicturing Divine decree.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
7. Mother Mary, awaken women to see that many among the opinion makers in society have an elitist mindset and the members of this power elite have a very derogatory attitude to women.
I raise my voice and take my stand,a stop to war I do command,no more shall warring scar the earth,a golden age is given birth.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
8. Mother Mary, awaken women to see that power elites have a certain goal that they want to achieve and the people in their nation are simply objects for achieving that goal. We are not real human beings, we are just objects.
As Mother Earth is free at last,disasters belong to the past,your Mother Light is so intense,that matter is now far less dense.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
9. Mother Mary, awaken women to see that the power elites of history, and even today, have looked at women as objects who are there to produce children that can become soldiers and workers who can do all the dirty work for the elite.
In Mother Light the earth is pure,the upward spiral will endure,prosperity is now the norm,God’s vision manifest as form.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
Part 2
1. Mother Mary, awaken women to see that members of the power elite want soldiers to wage war and they want workers to do all the practical work for them. That gives them a privileged position and that gives them an economic benefit so that they can reap most of the wealth that is produced by people’s labor.
O blessed Mary, Mother mine,there is no greater love than thine,as we are one in heart and mind,my place in hierarchy I find.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
2. Mother Mary, awaken women to see that many among this power elite, they look at women as primarily there to raise children. They have created these religions, political ideologies and more subtle beliefs that say that women should stay at home, they should focus on being mothers and taking care of their husbands.
I came to earth from heaven sent,as I am in embodiment,I use Divine authority,commanding you to set earth free.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
3. Mother Mary, awaken women to see that the business elite in many countries are on an epic cause to grow that business to the biggest possible size and to take over the competitors.
I call now in God’s sacred name,for you to use your Mother Flame,to burn all fear-based energy,restoring sacred harmony.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
4. Mother Mary, awaken women to see that the elite needs men who are willing to work hard, and these men need women at home taking care of the household and children. This is the role that this power elite wants women to be confined to.
Your sacred name I hereby praise,collective consciousness you raise,no more of fear and doubt and shame,consume it with your Mother Flame.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
5. Mother Mary, awaken women to see that the power elite also wants women to be available for sexual exploitation, not necessarily by themselves, but also for the men who are working for them.
All darkness from the earth you purge,your light moves as a mighty surge,no force of darkness can now stop,the spiral that goes only up.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
6. Mother Mary, awaken women to see that women are in a unique position, because we are the most likely to be open to these ideas, to be open to see the need to liberate ourselves, and thereby also liberate men and society from this narcissistic power elite.
All elemental life you bless,removing from them man-made stress,the nature spirits are now free,outpicturing Divine decree.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
7. Mother Mary, awaken women to accept the idea of a narcissistic power elite that has ruled this Planet as far as we can look back in history. Help women see that it is high time to do something about this and liberate women from being confined to these roles where they are simply objects serving this cause of the power elite.
I raise my voice and take my stand,a stop to war I do command,no more shall warring scar the earth,a golden age is given birth.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
8. Mother Mary, awaken women to see that we can see through the epic mindset, whereas men are more likely to be pulled into fighting for these epic causes, being willing to sacrifice their lives or being willing to kill other people to promote an epic cause.
As Mother Earth is free at last,disasters belong to the past,your Mother Light is so intense,that matter is now far less dense.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
9. Mother Mary, awaken women to see that men cannot free this Planet from the epic mindset and the epic causes, and therefore women have a historic opportunity to lift society beyond warfare and conflict.
In Mother Light the earth is pure,the upward spiral will endure,prosperity is now the norm,God’s vision manifest as form.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
Part 3
1. Mother Mary, awaken women to the need for us to simply say “Stop!” when our husbands cannot say stop, and say: “Why are you working so much? Is it really worth it? Do we need that money? Do you really need that promotion? Do you need really need to spend your entire life working in this corporate environment and then you die two years after you retire?”
O blessed Mary, Mother mine,there is no greater love than thine,as we are one in heart and mind,my place in hierarchy I find.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
2. Mother Mary, awaken women to see that we are more open to spiritual growth than men. Men are more focused on physical activities and women are more open to spiritual activities.
I came to earth from heaven sent,as I am in embodiment,I use Divine authority,commanding you to set earth free.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
3. Mother Mary, awaken women to see that we are approaching a very important turning point in history where women can really shift the focus of society, shift the focus of relationships.
I call now in God’s sacred name,for you to use your Mother Flame,to burn all fear-based energy,restoring sacred harmony.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
4. Mother Mary, awaken women to be the forerunners for a movement that steps back and looks at society and says: “Where are we going? What are we doing? If we continue doing what we are doing now, where will that take us? And is that really where we want to go?”
Your sacred name I hereby praise,collective consciousness you raise,no more of fear and doubt and shame,consume it with your Mother Flame.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
5. Mother Mary, awaken women to ask if economic growth is a goal in itself? Should we just continue to try to get richer and richer, should we continue mindlessly accumulating material goods indefinitely?
All darkness from the earth you purge,your light moves as a mighty surge,no force of darkness can now stop,the spiral that goes only up.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
6. Mother Mary, awaken women to say: “What’s the purpose of having a comfortable material lifestyle? What can we do with it?”
All elemental life you bless,removing from them man-made stress,the nature spirits are now free,outpicturing Divine decree.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,
all matter does now scintillate.
7. Mother Mary, awaken women to say: “Well, there has to be a higher purpose for this. It can’t be in order to just be more and more comfortable, or to travel, or to have bigger cars, or more summer houses, there must be a real purpose here.”
I raise my voice and take my stand,a stop to war I do command,no more shall warring scar the earth,a golden age is given birth.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
8. Mother Mary, awaken women to see that the purpose is self-actualization, self-improvement, personal growth, a raising of consciousness.
As Mother Earth is free at last,disasters belong to the past,your Mother Light is so intense,that matter is now far less dense.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
9. Mother Mary, awaken women to shift the focus of an entire country to say: “It isn’t the purpose of our society to provide more and more material wealth and goods. The purpose is to have a better quality of life and we get that only through learning about the human psychology, what makes us happy, what makes us feel fulfilled.”
In Mother Light the earth is pure,the upward spiral will endure,prosperity is now the norm,God’s vision manifest as form.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
Part 4
1. Mother Mary, awaken women to see that the rise in mental illness in many modern nations is a sign that many people are ready to pursue self-actualization, but they do not know what to do with it, society does not give them any help.
O blessed Mary, Mother mine,there is no greater love than thine,as we are one in heart and mind,my place in hierarchy I find.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
2. Mother Mary, awaken women to be the forerunners for this shift and to focus on personal growth, quality of life and gaining some sense of purpose in life.
I came to earth from heaven sent,as I am in embodiment,I use Divine authority,commanding you to set earth free.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
3. Mother Mary, awaken women to see that many of the men who are caught in the corporate rat race are looking at their wives as objects who are there to give them sex and raise the children.
I call now in God’s sacred name,for you to use your Mother Flame,to burn all fear-based energy,restoring sacred harmony.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
4. Mother Mary, awaken women to say: “This simply isn’t enough for us. Enough is enough, but this is not enough. And we have had enough of not having enough. We want more in a relationship.”
Your sacred name I hereby praise,collective consciousness you raise,no more of fear and doubt and shame,consume it with your Mother Flame.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
5. Mother Mary, awaken women to see that there has to be a purpose for a relationship and it is not to accumulate material possessions. It is personal growth, self-actualization.
All darkness from the earth you purge,your light moves as a mighty surge,no force of darkness can now stop,the spiral that goes only up.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
6. Mother Mary, awaken women to see that the real purpose of a relationship is to help each other improve ourselves. We grow together, we stimulate each others growth, we help each other, we support each other, that is the higher purpose of a relationship.
All elemental life you bless,removing from them man-made stress,the nature spirits are now free,outpicturing Divine decree.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
7. Mother Mary, awaken women to see that this can be a completely earth-shattering revolution in societies, something the power elite will not know what to do about.
I raise my voice and take my stand,a stop to war I do command,no more shall warring scar the earth,a golden age is given birth.
Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,
the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
8. Mother Mary, awaken women to see that when this breaks through to a certain level, it will have an impact on society, and the power elite cannot stop it because they cannot wrap their minds around why someone would want this.
As Mother Earth is free at last,disasters belong to the past,your Mother Light is so intense,that matter is now far less dense.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
9. Mother Mary, awaken women to see that there is a force that wants to stop spiritual growth, that wants to prevent anyone on earth from reaching a higher level of consciousness, especially personal Christhood.
In Mother Light the earth is pure,the upward spiral will endure,prosperity is now the norm,God’s vision manifest as form.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
Part 5
1. Mother Mary, awaken women to see that the primary weapon used by this force is the projection that our personal spiritual growth depends upon circumstances outside ourselves.
O blessed Mary, Mother mine,there is no greater love than thine,as we are one in heart and mind,my place in hierarchy I find.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
2. Mother Mary, awaken women from the illusion that our spiritual growth depends on a male partner. Help women see that there is no real force, no spiritual force, that has made our personal growth dependent on anything outside ourselves.
I came to earth from heaven sent,as I am in embodiment,I use Divine authority,commanding you to set earth free.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
3. Mother Mary, awaken women to see that personal growth takes place inside our minds and depends only on our willingness to look at our psychology and resolve what needs to be resolved.
I call now in God’s sacred name,for you to use your Mother Flame,to burn all fear-based energy,restoring sacred harmony.
Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,
the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
4. Mother Mary, awaken women to make ourselves truly independent persons and say: “My inner growth depends on a process inside myself, and I can find a balance between growth and my daily life.
Your sacred name I hereby praise,collective consciousness you raise,no more of fear and doubt and shame,consume it with your Mother Flame.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
5. Mother Mary, awaken women to look at the man in their lives and say: “That man must be fulfilling some need that I have, otherwise I would not have magnetized myself to this situation. I am in this situation because this man fulfilled some need that I have.”
All darkness from the earth you purge,your light moves as a mighty surge,no force of darkness can now stop,the spiral that goes only up.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
6. Mother Mary, awaken women to see their psychological needs and use practical tools to either resolve those needs or make peace with having them.
All elemental life you bless,removing from them man-made stress,the nature spirits are now free,outpicturing Divine decree.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
7. Mother Mary, awaken women to overcome all deficit needs so they can relate to their partners in a different way and overcome tension so they can talk to their partners more openly.
I raise my voice and take my stand,a stop to war I do command,no more shall warring scar the earth,a golden age is given birth.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
8. Mother Mary, awaken women to look at the needs of their partners and either fulfill them or help their partners grow beyond them.
As Mother Earth is free at last,disasters belong to the past,your Mother Light is so intense,that matter is now far less dense.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
9. Mother Mary, awaken women to see that by focusing on healing their psychology, they will change the dynamic of their relationships and overcome the tension that blocks open communication.
In Mother Light the earth is pure,the upward spiral will endure,prosperity is now the norm,God’s vision manifest as form.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
Part 6
1. Mother Mary, awaken women so they can create relationships where both partners are aware that they want to improve themselves, they want to experience self-actualization and are supporting each other in doing this.
O blessed Mary, Mother mine,there is no greater love than thine,as we are one in heart and mind,my place in hierarchy I find.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
2. Mother Mary, awaken women to see that the next revolution for women starts at home, meaning the psyche. The next revolution of women will be, must be, can only be, a psychological revolution.
I came to earth from heaven sent,as I am in embodiment,I use Divine authority,commanding you to set earth free.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
3. Mother Mary, awaken women to start looking at ourselves, seeking to improve our own psychology, finding a higher approach, a deeper approach to this and start to pursue spiritual growth.
I call now in God’s sacred name,for you to use your Mother Flame,to burn all fear-based energy,restoring sacred harmony.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
4. Mother Mary, awaken women to get on a positive path of personal growth and then help to put men on that path.
Your sacred name I hereby praise,collective consciousness you raise,no more of fear and doubt and shame,consume it with your Mother Flame.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
5. Mother Mary, awaken women to help the modern democracies shift into not being so focused on material welfare, but being focused on psychological, spiritual, psycho-spiritual welfare.
All darkness from the earth you purge,your light moves as a mighty surge,no force of darkness can now stop,the spiral that goes only up.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
6. Mother Mary, awaken women to see that this is the only way that human beings can become happy, fulfilled, have peace of mind, have a sense of purpose and see that life actually is a process that moves us somewhere.
All elemental life you bless,removing from them man-made stress,the nature spirits are now free,outpicturing Divine decree.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
7. Mother Mary, awaken women to see that life is a gift. It is not something to be resented or resisted; it is not something to be lived mindlessly, it is truly a gift.
I raise my voice and take my stand,a stop to war I do command,no more shall warring scar the earth,a golden age is given birth.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
8. Mother Mary, awaken women to free modern societies from the heavy burden created by the power elite that for ordinary people life is a struggle to be endured, not enjoyed.
As Mother Earth is free at last,disasters belong to the past,your Mother Light is so intense,that matter is now far less dense.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
9. Mother Mary, awaken women to see that it is time for women to rise over the roles that turn our lives into a struggle so we can truly embrace and enjoy life and make maximum use of our opportunity to transcend ourselves.
In Mother Light the earth is pure,the upward spiral will endure,prosperity is now the norm,God’s vision manifest as form.
O Mother Mary, generate,the song that does accelerate,the earth into a higher state,all matter does now scintillate.
In the name of the I AM THAT I AM, I accept that Archangel Michael, Astrea and Shiva form an impenetrable shield around myself and all constructive people, sealing us from all fear-based energies in all four octaves. I accept that the Light of God is consuming and transforming all fear-based energies that make up the dark forces working against the liberation of women on earth!
35. Invoking our spiritual liberation
In the name of the I AM THAT I AM, Jesus Christ, I use the authority that I have as a being in embodiment on earth to call upon Gautama Buddha to reinforce my calls and use my chakras to project the statements in this invocation into the collective consciousness and awaken people to the awareness that will liberate both men and women from all psychological and spiritual thralldom to the fallen beings. Awaken people to the reality that we are spiritual beings and that we can co-create a new future by working with the ascended masters. I especially call for …
[Make your own calls here.]
Part 1
1. Gautama Buddha, help people awaken to see that when the Conscious You is sent from the I AM Presence into the four levels of the material realm, it is neither male nor female.
All darkness from the earth you purge,your light moves as a mighty surge,no force of darkness can now stop,the spiral that goes only up.
Gautama, Flame of Cosmic Peace,unruly thoughts do hereby cease,we radiate from you and methe peace to still Samsara’s Sea.
2. Gautama Buddha, help people awaken to see that over time, as the Conscious You takes embodiment in both male and female bodies, it creates certain selves.
Gautama, in your Flame of Peace,the struggling self I now release,the Buddha Nature I now see,it is the core of you and me.
Gautama, Flame of Cosmic Peace,unruly thoughts do hereby cease,we radiate from you and methe peace to still Samsara’s Sea.
3. Gautama Buddha, help people awaken to see that these selves are often created in reaction to the fallen beings and various forms of manipulation or violence that people are exposed to on earth.
Gautama, I am one with thee,Mara’s demons do now flee,your Presence like a soothing balm,my mind and senses ever calm.
Gautama, Flame of Cosmic Peace,unruly thoughts do hereby cease,we radiate from you and methe peace to still Samsara’s Sea.
4. Gautama Buddha, help people awaken to see that we create certain selves that define how we see being a woman and how we see being a man.
Gautama, I now take the vow,to live in the eternal now,with you I do transcend all time,to live in present so sublime.
Gautama, Flame of Cosmic Peace,unruly thoughts do hereby cease,we radiate from you and methe peace to still Samsara’s Sea.
5. Gautama Buddha, help people awaken to see that the Conscious You of a man is not different from the Conscious You of a woman, but the separate selves of a man are different from the separate selves of a woman.
Gautama, I have no desire,to nothing earthly I aspire,in non-attachment I now rest,passing Mara’s subtle test.
Gautama, Flame of Cosmic Peace,unruly thoughts do hereby cease,we radiate from you and methe peace to still Samsara’s Sea.
6. Gautama Buddha, help people awaken to see that at a certain level of consciousness, where a lifestream is not ready to acknowledge the freedom to define itself any way it wants, it can be helpful to go into a predefined role and play out that role as an actor in a theater.
Gautama, I melt into you,my mind is one, no longer two,immersed in your resplendent glow,Nirvana is all that I know.
Gautama, Flame of Cosmic Peace,unruly thoughts do hereby cease,we radiate from you and methe peace to still Samsara’s Sea.
7. Gautama Buddha, help people awaken to see that even the roles that have been defined by the fallen beings can be helpful for a time, but given that these roles are defined from duality and are defined deliberately to make it possible for the fallen beings to manipulate us, then these roles will also imprison us.
Gautama, in your timeless space,I am immersed in Cosmic Grace,I know the God beyond all form,to world I will no more conform.
Gautama, Flame of Cosmic Peace,unruly thoughts do hereby cease,we radiate from you and methe peace to still Samsara’s Sea.
8. Gautama Buddha, help women awaken to see that in order to fully liberate women, we must be liberated from the roles for women defined on this Planet.
Gautama, I am now awake,I clearly see what is at stake,and thus I claim my sacred rightto be on earth the Buddhic Light.
Gautama, Flame of Cosmic Peace,unruly thoughts do hereby cease,we radiate from you and methe peace to still Samsara’s Sea.
9. Gautama Buddha, help women awaken to see that we must be liberated to see and identify ourselves as spiritual beings that are not androgynous or gender neutral, but are beyond gender.
Gautama, with your thunderbolt,we give the earth a mighty jolt,I know that some will understand,and join the Buddha’s timeless band.
Gautama, Flame of Cosmic Peace,unruly thoughts do hereby cease,we radiate from you and methe peace to still Samsara’s Sea.
Part 2
1. Gautama Buddha, help women awaken to see that this is how we can gain freedom to look at the predefined roles for women that we were brought up to take on and evaluate: “Do I want to continue to act out that role?”
All darkness from the earth you purge,your light moves as a mighty surge,no force of darkness can now stop,the spiral that goes only up.
Gautama, Flame of Cosmic Peace,unruly thoughts do hereby cease,we radiate from you and methe peace to still Samsara’s Sea.
2. Gautama Buddha, help women awaken to see that when we are making the deliberate choice to continue the role, rather than having been programmed to take it on, then we are no longer identified fully with the role. We are not trapped in it, we do not think the role defines us as spiritual beings.
Gautama, in your Flame of Peace,the struggling self I now release,the Buddha Nature I now see,it is the core of you and me.
Gautama, Flame of Cosmic Peace,unruly thoughts do hereby cease,we radiate from you and methe peace to still Samsara’s Sea.
3. Gautama Buddha, help women awaken to see that once we see through the role, we have the option to transcend it and redefine what it means to be a woman on earth.
Gautama, I am one with thee,Mara’s demons do now flee,your Presence like a soothing balm,my mind and senses ever calm.
Gautama, Flame of Cosmic Peace,unruly thoughts do hereby cease,we radiate from you and methe peace to still Samsara’s Sea.
4. Gautama Buddha, help women awaken to see that we might define a different role for what it means to be a woman and act out that role for a time.
Gautama, I now take the vow,to live in the eternal now,with you I do transcend all time,to live in present so sublime.
Gautama, Flame of Cosmic Peace,unruly thoughts do hereby cease,we radiate from you and methe peace to still Samsara’s Sea.
5. Gautama Buddha, help women awaken to see that there is a stage where we are no longer defining any role, we are no longer acting out any role, we are no longer being women, we are spiritual beings who happen to be in female bodies.
Gautama, I have no desire,to nothing earthly I aspire,in non-attachment I now rest,passing Mara’s subtle test.
Gautama, Flame of Cosmic Peace,unruly thoughts do hereby cease,we radiate from you and methe peace to still Samsara’s Sea.
6. Gautama Buddha, help women awaken to see the potential to break new ground in the collective consciousness so that other women can begin to break free of these roles that have been defined on earth.
Gautama, I melt into you,my mind is one, no longer two,immersed in your resplendent glow,Nirvana is all that I know.
Gautama, Flame of Cosmic Peace,unruly thoughts do hereby cease,we radiate from you and methe peace to still Samsara’s Sea.
7. Gautama Buddha, help people awaken to see that there are no roles for women on earth that are natural. The fallen beings have manipulated every aspect of life on this Planet and there is no role for men or women that is not affected by the fallen beings.
Gautama, in your timeless space,I am immersed in Cosmic Grace,I know the God beyond all form,to world I will no more conform.
Gautama, Flame of Cosmic Peace,unruly thoughts do hereby cease,we radiate from you and methe peace to still Samsara’s Sea.
8. Gautama Buddha, help women awaken to see that women in general want a better life, we want a better life than we are having right now. We feel a tension because we know that the outer circumstances we experience could be better than what they are, we feel that it is not right that they have not improved.
Gautama, I am now awake,I clearly see what is at stake,and thus I claim my sacred rightto be on earth the Buddhic Light.
Gautama, Flame of Cosmic Peace,unruly thoughts do hereby cease,we radiate from you and methe peace to still Samsara’s Sea.
9. Gautama Buddha, help women awaken to see that we are attuned to the Mother Flame, to the Mother consciousness. This is the consciousness that gives birth to something new.
Gautama, with your thunderbolt,we give the earth a mighty jolt,I know that some will understand,and join the Buddha’s timeless band.
Gautama, Flame of Cosmic Peace,unruly thoughts do hereby cease,we radiate from you and methe peace to still Samsara’s Sea.
Part 3
1. Gautama Buddha, help people awaken to see that the Mother is attuned to the Christ principle that defines the intervals for growth and the process of growth. She is also attuned to the practical reality in the physical octave.
All darkness from the earth you purge,your light moves as a mighty surge,no force of darkness can now stop,the spiral that goes only up.
Gautama, Flame of Cosmic Peace,unruly thoughts do hereby cease,we
radiate from you and me
the peace to still Samsara’s Sea.
2. Gautama Buddha, help people awaken to see that the Mother consciousness knows that there is a certain process, a certain upward spiral for improvements that could have happened on earth in very practical, concrete outer improvements.
Gautama, in your Flame of Peace,the struggling self I now release,the Buddha Nature I now see,it is the core of you and me.
Gautama, Flame of Cosmic Peace,unruly thoughts do hereby cease,we radiate from you and methe peace to still Samsara’s Sea.
3. Gautama Buddha, help people awaken to see that the Mother Flame knows that at this particular time, there was a potential that this particular new circumstance could have been born. It is comparable to knowing that a child could have been born on that day but it was delayed.
Gautama, I am one with thee,Mara’s demons do now flee,your Presence like a soothing balm,my mind and senses ever calm.
Gautama, Flame of Cosmic Peace,unruly thoughts do hereby cease,we radiate from you and methe peace to still Samsara’s Sea.
4. Gautama Buddha, help women awaken to see that almost all of us sense this, even if many are not consciously aware of what it is we sense.
Gautama, I now take the vow,to live in the eternal now,with you I do transcend all time,to live in present so sublime.
Gautama, Flame of Cosmic Peace,unruly thoughts do hereby cease,we radiate from you and methe peace to still Samsara’s Sea.
5. Gautama Buddha, help women awaken to see that for many of us, this is not a pleasant thing because we feel that something is wrong, something is missing, we are deprived of something, we should not be in these conditions.
Gautama, I have no desire,to nothing earthly I aspire,in non-attachment I now rest,passing Mara’s subtle test.
Gautama, Flame of Cosmic Peace,unruly thoughts do hereby cease,we radiate from you and methe peace to still Samsara’s Sea.
6. Gautama Buddha, help women awaken to see that this gives many of us a tense or negative attitude to life. Sometimes we blame our husbands for the fact that we do not have better conditions, other times we blame ourselves, but there is no reason to blame.
Gautama, I melt into you,my mind is one, no longer two,immersed in your resplendent glow,Nirvana is all that I know.
Gautama, Flame of Cosmic Peace,unruly thoughts do hereby cease,we radiate from you
and me
the peace to still Samsara’s Sea.
7. Gautama Buddha, help women awaken to see that in general we are not satisfied with status quo. From the moment the fallen beings came to earth and chose that men would be the superior sex, and women would be suppressed, from that moment women have not been satisfied with status quo.
Gautama, in your timeless space,I am immersed in Cosmic Grace,I know the God beyond all form,to world I will no more conform.
Gautama, Flame of Cosmic Peace,unruly thoughts do hereby cease,we radiate from you and methe peace to still Samsara’s Sea.
8. Gautama Buddha, help people awaken to see that many men have been satisfied with status quo, especially those who are part of the power elite, who have gained this privileged position. They do not want to change status quo and that is often why the new has not been born.
Gautama, I am now awake,I clearly see what is at stake,and thus I claim my sacred rightto be on earth the Buddhic Light.
Gautama, Flame of Cosmic Peace,unruly thoughts do hereby cease,we radiate from you and methe peace to still Samsara’s Sea.
9. Gautama Buddha, help women awaken to see that the greatest potential for improvement on this Planet is that women become more aware of what we know intuitively: that things could and should be better than what they are, that we are behind the potential, that there is a possibility that something has not been born.
Gautama, with your thunderbolt,we give the earth a mighty jolt,I know that some will understand,and join the Buddha’s timeless band.
Gautama, Flame of Cosmic Peace,unruly thoughts do hereby cease,we radiate from you and methe peace to still Samsara’s Sea.
Part 4
1. Gautama Buddha, help women awaken to see that instead of blaming men in general it is constructive to say: “Listen, we are not waiting for the men anymore. We are not waiting for the men to make change happen. We are making change happen ourselves.”
All darkness from the earth you purge,your light moves as a mighty surge,no force of darkness can now stop,the spiral that goes only up.
Gautama, Flame of Cosmic Peace,unruly thoughts do hereby cease,we radiate from you and methe peace to still Samsara’s Sea.
2. Gautama Buddha, help it is constructive awaken to say: “If the men want to be part of it—fine. But if they do not, we women will come together and make change happen. We will use our attunement to know that things should have been improved and we will improve them, no matter what the men say or do about it.”
Gautama, in your Flame of Peace,the
struggling self I now release,the Buddha Nature I now see,
it is the core of you and me.
Gautama, Flame of Cosmic Peace,unruly thoughts do hereby cease,we radiate from you and methe peace to still Samsara’s Sea.
3. Gautama Buddha, help women awaken to say: “We simply will not let men hold us back, let anything on earth hold us back anymore. We will use our inner attunement. We will acknowledge it, acknowledge its validity, and we will make change happen.”
Gautama, I am one with thee,Mara’s demons do now flee,your Presence like a soothing balm,my mind and senses ever calm.
Gautama, Flame of Cosmic Peace,unruly thoughts do hereby cease,we radiate from you and methe peace to still Samsara’s Sea.
4. Gautama Buddha, help women awaken to see that it is not a matter of demanding that the men should make change happen. It is a matter of women deciding to make change happen according to our vision and our attunement.
Gautama, I now take the vow,to live in the eternal now,with you I do transcend all time,to live in present so sublime.
Gautama, Flame of Cosmic Peace,unruly thoughts do hereby cease,we radiate from you and methe peace to still Samsara’s Sea.
5. Gautama Buddha, help people awaken to see that men and women who have attunement can work together on making change happen. If they can do this, they can achieve more than any of them could achieve alone.
Gautama, I have no desire,to nothing earthly I aspire,in non-attachment I now rest,passing Mara’s subtle test.
Gautama, Flame of Cosmic Peace,unruly thoughts do hereby cease,we radiate from you and methe peace to still Samsara’s Sea.
6. Gautama Buddha, help people awaken to see that from the cosmic perspective, the non-dualistic perspective, the outgoing and the contracting forces are the two aspects of creation.
Gautama, I melt into you,my mind is one, no longer two,immersed in your resplendent glow,Nirvana is all that I know.
Gautama, Flame of Cosmic Peace,unruly thoughts do hereby cease,we radiate from you and methe peace to still Samsara’s Sea.
7. Gautama Buddha, help people awaken to see that men and women have the potential to lock in to these basic creative forces and therefore balance, supplement and magnify each other so that we can achieve more together than we could alone.
Gautama, in your timeless space,I am immersed in Cosmic Grace,I know the God beyond all form,
to world I will no more
Gautama, Flame of Cosmic Peace,unruly thoughts do hereby cease,we radiate from you and methe peace to still Samsara’s Sea.
8. Gautama Buddha, help people awaken to see that we can come to the point where we no longer identify ourselves as men or women, we know we are spiritual beings, we just happen to be in a male or female body but we are working together as spiritual beings.
Gautama, I am now awake,I clearly see what is at stake,and thus I claim my sacred rightto be on earth the Buddhic Light.
Gautama, Flame of Cosmic Peace,unruly thoughts do hereby cease,we radiate from you and methe peace to still Samsara’s Sea.
9. Gautama Buddha, help people awaken to see that from this perspective it is not women who are the key to growth, it is awakened beings who have moved beyond the identification with the body.
Gautama, with your thunderbolt,we give the earth a mighty jolt,I know that some will understand,and join the Buddha’s timeless band.
Gautama, Flame of Cosmic Peace,unruly thoughts do hereby cease,we radiate from you and methe peace to still Samsara’s Sea.
Part 5
1. Gautama Buddha, help people awaken to see the need to liberate this Planet from the influence of the power elite, the fallen beings or the men who are trapped in the mindset of the fallen beings, and cannot or will not see how this mindset is abusing and trapping not only women, but men as well.
All darkness from the earth you purge,your light moves as a mighty surge,no force of darkness can now stop,the spiral that goes only up.
Gautama, Flame of Cosmic Peace,unruly thoughts do hereby cease,we radiate from you and methe peace to still Samsara’s Sea.
2. Gautama Buddha, help people awaken to see that in order to do something to others, we must already have done it to ourselves. In order to abuse someone else, we must have created a self in our own beings based on that consciousness, that abusive matrix.
Gautama, in your Flame of Peace,the struggling self I now release,the Buddha Nature I now see,it is the core of you and me.
Gautama, Flame of Cosmic Peace,unruly thoughts do hereby cease,we radiate from you and methe peace to still Samsara’s Sea.
3. Gautama Buddha, help people awaken to see that even if we are not conscious of something, we can still be affected by it. What men do to women is also affecting themselves even if they are not willing to acknowledge it. That means men are actually even more trapped than women on this Planet.
Gautama, I am one with thee,Mara’s demons do now flee,your Presence like a soothing balm,my mind and senses ever calm.
Gautama, Flame of Cosmic Peace,unruly thoughts do hereby cease,we radiate from you and methe peace to still Samsara’s Sea.
4. Gautama Buddha, help people awaken to see that even though women are trapped, are imprisoned, are being abused, men are even more trapped than women, they are more trapped in these roles and this mindset.
Gautama, I now take the vow,to live in the eternal now,with you I do transcend all time,to live in present so sublime.
Gautama, Flame of Cosmic Peace,unruly thoughts do hereby cease,we radiate from you and methe peace to still Samsara’s Sea.
5. Gautama Buddha, help people awaken to see that men also feel a certain tension, but most men are not consciously aware of it and they project out that the tension is caused by external circumstances. In reality, the tension is internal, is inside the psyche. It is caused by our reaction to external circumstances.
Gautama, I have no desire,to nothing earthly I aspire,in non-attachment I now rest,passing Mara’s subtle test.
Gautama, Flame of Cosmic Peace,unruly thoughts do hereby cease,we radiate from you and methe peace to still Samsara’s Sea.
6. Gautama Buddha, help people awaken to see that if a particular external circumstance that we feel is oppressing us was removed, it does not mean the psychological reactionary pattern was removed, and we would just find another external circumstance to react to.
Gautama, I melt into you,my mind is one, no longer two,immersed in your resplendent glow,Nirvana is all that I know.
Gautama, Flame of Cosmic Peace,unruly thoughts do hereby cease,we radiate from you and methe peace to still Samsara’s Sea.
7. Gautama Buddha, help women awaken to see that the key to liberation is to overcome attachments, psychological attachments. When we walk this path, we come to a point where we have overcome our attachments to being in a female body. It no longer matters, it no longer limits, it no longer defines us that we are in a female body.
Gautama, in your timeless space,I am immersed in Cosmic Grace,I know the God beyond all form,to world I will no more conform.
Gautama, Flame of Cosmic Peace,unruly thoughts do hereby cease,we radiate from you and methe peace to still Samsara’s Sea.
8. Gautama Buddha, help people awaken to see that this is the ultimate liberation of a woman. When the woman is no longer a woman, then we are liberated. When the man is no longer a man, then we are liberated. When the human being is no longer a human being but a spiritual being, then we are liberated.
Gautama, I am now awake,I clearly see what is at stake,and thus I claim my sacred rightto be on earth the Buddhic Light.
Gautama, Flame of Cosmic Peace,unruly thoughts do hereby cease,we radiate from you and methe peace to still Samsara’s Sea.
9. Gautama Buddha, awaken those who have the potential to apply your teaching and take those last steps and attain the state of liberation that you experienced.
Gautama, with your thunderbolt,we give the earth a mighty jolt,I know that some will understand,and join the Buddha’s timeless band.
Gautama, Flame of Cosmic Peace,unruly thoughts do hereby cease,we radiate from you and methe peace to still Samsara’s Sea.
In the name of the I AM THAT I AM, I accept that Archangel Michael, Astrea and Shiva form an impenetrable shield around myself and all constructive people, sealing us from all fear-based energies in all four octaves. I accept that the Light of God is consuming and transforming all fear-based energies that make up the dark forces working against the liberation of women on earth!
Senaste kommentaren
17.01 | 17:26
Hi Andras! You have to ask people under adressen: Sincerely! Powel K.
17.01 | 17:16
AZ ÉNÜNK EREJE - heter boken på ungerska
24.12 | 07:34
Vad heter boken på ungerska ?
21.09 | 11:17
Hej Andrei, błöcker på engelska kan Du bestąlla här:
Hälsningar! Powel K.