Truth is not the same as knowledge, not even the same as wisdom or understanding. Why not?
4. Jan, 2017
If you think something is unspiritual
If you think something is unspiritual, it shows that you have a limited sense of self that is based on an impure vision
Serapis Bey - The Mystical Initiations of Intention - Kim Michaels, copyright 2016
Senaste kommentaren
17.01 | 17:26
Hi Andras! You have to ask people under adressen: Sincerely! Powel K.
17.01 | 17:16
AZ ÉNÜNK EREJE - heter boken på ungerska
24.12 | 07:34
Vad heter boken på ungerska ?
21.09 | 11:17
Hej Andrei, błöcker på engelska kan Du bestąlla här:
Hälsningar! Powel K.