Ett urval grundläggande texter av Kim Michaels (mestadels på engelska)
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Are you a new visitor?
If you are a new visitor, we recommend that you start by reading the book The Power of Self or Det minsta du bör veta om livet. These books are practical guides to knowing the Self and it explains all of the fundamental and basic concepts that you need in order to make the most efficient use of this website and the teachings presented here.
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Anders Breiviks massaker i Norge sett ur andligt perspektiv
Chapter 1 of the book Bokens 1:a kapitel
In this section you find the basic teachings of the ascended masters described in a very concise way. Familiarizing yourself with these teachings will give you a better foundation for understanding the answers given on the rest of the website.
– Why you need a new world view
– The hierarchy of ascended masters
– How are the answers on this website brought forth?
– A basic understanding of how the universe was created
– Understanding the four levels of the material realm
– Understanding our basic choices
– Understanding duality and non-duality
– The path offered by the ascended masters
– An overview of the seven rays
– The importance of using spiritual tools
– Are you moving away from God or toward God? The stages of spiritual development
Under the bellow unit names, you will find the following sections. From each of them we have selected a few questions that may arouse your special interest:
– 36 ideas for transcending your world view
– The spirizual cause behind shooting sprees and other forms of violence
– Explaining the concept of God to a young child or to an adult who is not spiritually inclined
Spritual Movements
– About organizations inspired or sponsored by the ascended masters
Spritual Expirience
– How can a spiritual seeker best interpret dreams?
– God has not created your suffering
– Jesus'
opinion regarding the role of women
Karma and reincarnation
Karma does not predestine everything, there is still room for individual choice
Reincarnation and spirituality
Death and Dying
– Foundational teachings on crop circles, UFOs and other phenomena
Dark Forces
– The Brotherhood of Light and the brotherhood of darkness
– Exposing dark spirits and protecting yourself
– Celebration of light at the time of Halloween
– The treatment of farm animals and eating meat
– Can we have good physical health?
– Transcend a compartmentalized approach to health and nutrition
Relationships, General
– Foundational teachings on how to respond when others abuse you
Relationships, Love
– How to find the “right” partner for life
– Foundational teachings on marriage and divorce
– When to leave an abusive relationship
– Foundational teachings on the relationship between teenagers and parents
– Foundational teachings on raising children
Healing, Physical
– The power is within you to heal any imperfection
Healing, Psychological
– A non-pacifying approach to disease and dying
– The spiritual cause of allergies
– Healing severe trauma and childhood abuse
– Foundational teachings on healing your psychology
Mental Illness
– Many people have the seeds of schizophrenia within them
– Having as much sex as you want?
– Foundational teachings on (homo) sexuality
– How both men and women can develop a more mature attitude to sex
Movies and Music
– More teachings about rock music
– Music to enhance
your spiritual growth
– Appropriate reading material for correct spirituality
Changing Society
- Take democracy to the next level
– Are violent revolutions and protests necessary?
– The need to teach children how to master the psyche
– Why haven’t spiritual movements had a greater impact on society?
World Changes
– The world will not end on any date in the near future
– The ascended masters have the power to change the world; we have the authority
– How a relatively small number of people can affect an entire nation
Historical Persons
– Going into the mind of a dictator
– Why do many rich and famous people self-destruct?
– Where are Stalin and Lenin today?
– Mother Teresa - did she become an ascended being?
– Why democracies cannot survive without FREE speech
Money, the Economy
– Living the abundant life in your consciousness
– Why bad people have money and good people don’t
– Science has become as corrupted by duality as medieval Christianity
– How evolution and genes have been used as an excuse by people who will not change themselves
Political Issues
– Foundational teachings on abortion
– In the Aquarian age, we must rethink our approach to nature, government, corporations and God
Power Elite
– Power Elite 1: Understanding separateness, selfishness and sainthood
– Why information is the key to overthrowing the power elite
– How global warming and other environmental issues are being used by the power elite
– How ascended master students should deal with the power elite
Man-made Atrocities
– The psychological cause behind the Holocaust and other human atrocities
Natural Disasters
– How humanity has created all imbalances in nature
The Americas
– Colombia, poverty, drugs and economic problems
Asia and Australia
– The unification of Korea is closer than you think
– Be patient about North Korea
– Is China a threat to the world?
– The fate of the Tibetan people
– Will the light come from Scandinavia?
– Let the Swedes come out of their shell and grasp the vision of integration for the Baltic region
– Anchoring the Flame of Integration in the nexus of Scandinavia and Europe
– Let us rise above the fighting over land!
– Claim your Freedom in Europe!
– God government versus human government
Middle East
– Why do Jews and Arabs hate each other?
– God’s chosen people: fact and fiction
– Resolving the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians
– The State of Israel is a test for all people
– New answer on Israel and conspiracy theories
– Question about Vladimir Putin
– A curtain of light to protect nations from the former Soviet block
– Transforming the nations of the Soviet block
– How
to be free of the Soviet Union
United States
- Spiritual meaning of Donald Trump’s election
– A higher form of democracy in America
– A second American revolution is needed
– The U.S. political system is outdated and constitutional reforms are needed
Purpose of Life
– Overcoming
the sense of having no purpose in life
– What is my purpose
in life?
Free Will
– Your own past choices can indeed override your ability to make future choices
– Is the soul physical, spiritual or both?
– Why no evidence that the soul exists after death?
Lower Self – Ego
– Foundational teachings on human prejudice and discrimination
– At some point, you will have to break the pact your ego has made with the devil
Higher Self
– “Signs from God” means your Christ self is trying to reach you
Walking the Path
– The path is a state of constant self-observation
– Walking the spiritual path without suffering
– The role of humor on the spiritual path
Spiritual Teachers
– Why do people need the ascended masters?
– Look for a spiritual teacher who challenges you instead of telling you what your ego wants to hear
– Having an earthly guru versus seeking a direct relationship with the ascended masters
– A teaching about how the ascended masters seek to help us transcend our illusions
– Autobiography of a
Spiritual Student
Spiritual Practices
– Only one spiritual teaching and technique?
Spiritual Tools
– Correct
use of psychic abilities and astrology
– How
to guarantee that you will NOT get results from using spiritual tools
– How to react when your spiritual work does not produce the physical results you desire
- The importance of making calls
– Many religions can be a foundation for Christhood
– 10,000 people have Christhood on inner levels
– Overcoming the fear of being the Christ in action
Christ Discernment
– No magical key can give you Christ discernment - it is a matter of practice
Speaking Out
– Recommending teachings to other people
– Speak with love or heal your psychology first
– How to stop descending and start ascending
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Nu rekommenderar vi Dig att läsa:
Anders Breiviks massaker i Norge sett ur andligt perspektiv
Senaste kommentaren
17.01 | 17:26
Hi Andras! You have to ask people under adressen: Sincerely! Powel K.
17.01 | 17:16
AZ ÉNÜNK EREJE - heter boken på ungerska
24.12 | 07:34
Vad heter boken på ungerska ?
21.09 | 11:17
Hej Andrei, błöcker på engelska kan Du bestąlla här:
Hälsningar! Powel K.