Invocation for stopping the exploitation of women
1. … expose all human beings and institutions that are involved with, supporting or not taking action to stop the exploitation of women through the idea that women are inferior to men spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically.
4. Beloved Astrea, cut people free from all dark forces and their own subconscious momentums so they will be free to act to stop the exploitation of women through the idea that women are inferior to men spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically.
5. … expose all human beings and institutions that are involved with, supporting or not taking action to stop the exploitation of women through the idea that women are responsible for the fall from paradise or are created by God in a lower state than men.
9. …expose all human beings and institutions that are involved with, supporting or not taking action to stop the exploitation of women through the idea that women are worthless, are the property of men or should be servants of men either physically or sexually.
13. … expose all human beings and institutions that are involved with, supporting or not taking action to stop the exploitation of women through the idea that women do not deserve equal rights in society or equal opportunities in the workplace, including equal pay.
17. … expose all human beings and institutions that are involved with, supporting or not taking action to stop the exploitation of women through human trafficking, prostitution, pornography or the advertising industry.
21. …expose all human beings and institutions that are involved with, supporting or not taking action to stop the exploitation of women through the idea that all women should live up to a standard for physical beauty that no one could possibly live up to.
25. …expose all human beings and institutions that are involved with, supporting or not taking action to stop the exploitation of women through all denial of women’s potential to balance men and transform a male-dominated society into one that is not dominated by the epic mindset.
29. … expose all human beings and institutions that are involved with, supporting or not taking action to stop the exploitation of women through all ideas that deny the essential humanity of women and thereby deny women’s potential for creating a society based on thatÂÂÂ humanity instead of ideologies and profit.
33. … expose all human beings and institutions that are involved with, supporting or not taking action to stop the exploitation of women through the intent to keep women away from decision-making positions in all areas of society.
Invocation for the spiritual awakening of women
I call forth the judgment:
1. /…/ upon Judaism for suppressing women and spreading the idea that women are responsible for the fall of man.
2. /…/ upon the Catholic church for using the fall of man as a reason for refusing to let women attain positions in all levels of church hierarchy.
3. /…/ upon Hinduism for spreading the idea that girls are worthless and thereby forcing them into marriages.
4. /…/ upon Islam for creating societies where women are treated as second-rate citizens and denied basic human rights.
5. /…/ upon Chinese communism that refuses to let women attain positions in the party and for suppressing women at all levels of society.
6. /…/ upon the large corporations that refuse to give women equal representation in board rooms and equal pay and opportunity at all levels of the business.
7. /…/ upon the universities and other educational institutions that keep women away from important positions.
8. /…/ upon all political parties and institutions that promote societies where women are dependent upon men, including the patriarchal idea that women should obey men.
9. /…/ upon all cultures in which the suppression of women has been promoted for so long that people no longer recognize or question it.
Part 2
Bind all dark forces that are causing violence against women in the form of:
1. /…/ of men beating up women and their children. Cut free all women to remove themselves from such situations.
2. /…/ of women being sold or forced into prostitution. Cut free all women to remove themselves from such situations.
3. /…/ of women being forced into drug use and then prostitution. Cut free all women to remove themselves from such situations.
4. /…/ of women being sold or forced into working as slaves. Cut free all women to remove themselves from such situations.
5. /…/ of women being forced into working in unsafe or unhealthy conditions for low pay. Cut free all women to remove themselves from such situations.
6. /…/ of human trafficking of women and children. Cut free all women to remove themselves from such situations.
7. /…/ of women being directly or indirectly forced into marriages where they are totally dependent upon their husbands. Cut free all women to remove themselves from such situations.
8. /…/ of women being forced to wear specific kinds of dress, wigs, tattoos or limited in what they can wear. Cut free all women to remove themselves from such situations.
9 /…/ of women being denied freedom of movement, the right to drive or other basic rights taken for granted by men. Cut free all women to remove themselves from such situations.
Part 3
I call forth the judgment and the removal from earth of the fallen beings who are using the mechanism:
1. /…/ of perverting the expanding (masculine) force and the contracting (feminine) force.
2. /…/ of controlling humanity by creating an artificial conflict between men and women.
3. /…/ of defining roles for men that make them the superior sex and roles for women that make them the inferior sex.
4. /…/ of taking advantage of male psychology by manipulating men into the epic mindset and thereby using men to create war and conflict.
5. /…/ of taking advantage of female psychology by manipulating women into the epic mindset where they either support the men or feel they can do nothing about conflict.
6. /…/ of defining men as the dominant sex and women as the passive sex, and who are absolutely determined to keep women away from decision making positions in society.
7. /…/ of the hypnotic state where men and women accept their roles and accept the current dualistic relationship between the sexes.
8. /…/ of promoting hatred of the mother and hatred of women and causing both men and women to accept this.
9. /…/ of manipulating the Women’s Liberation movement into going too far into the opposite dualistic extreme, so that instead of liberating women they define a new dualistic role for women.
Part 4
Awaken women:
1. /…/ to the fact that it is both our responsibility and our opportunity to challenge a male-dominated society because men are too hypnotized by the fallen beings and cannot see how they have been manipulated.
Awaken women to see:
2. /…/ the opportunity for a spiritual awakening of women that will open our eyes to universal spiritual ideas for explaining the current conditions on earth.
3. /…/ that it is impossible to understand why things are the way they are unless we are aware of the incredible manipulation that certain narcissistic beings have carried out on this planet.
4. /…/ that the relationship between men and women is not created that way by God nor is it a result of evolution. It is the result of a deliberate and malicious manipulation by fallen beings who do not care about men or women.
5. /…/ that women are not suppressed by men because men are malicious. Women are suppressed by men because men are manipulated by fallen beings who are indeed malicious.
6. /…/ that the liberation of women cannot happen by making women independent of men. The suppression of women started because men and women were artificially separated by the fallen beings, and reinforcing this separation will not liberate women.
7. /…/ that women have a historic opportunity for liberating society from the lies of the fallen beings. Only few men are open to this, whereas many more women are open to new and liberating ideas.
8. /…/ that the fallen beings manipulated men and women into accepting themselves as dualistic polarities, dualistic opposites and this is the cause of conflict between the sexes.
9. /…/ the opportunity for restoring the correct view that men and women have interdependent originations, and the key to liberating both is to establish a non-dualistic, balanced relationship between the sexes.
Part 5
Awaken women:
1. /…/ from the lie that women are spiritually inferior to men and should “remain silent in the churches” and should not be allowed in decision making positions in religious institutions.
2. /…/ to the reality that a male-dominated religion is unbalanced and can only lead to conflict, as has been proven abundantly by history.
3. /…/ to see that it is not the answer to create religious or spiritual movements that are dominated by women, but to create movements where both sexes work in harmony.
4. /…/ to the reality that because the earth is dominated by the dualistic mindset, men and women need to balance each other in order to achieve the highest potential for spiritual movements.
5. /…/ from the lie that the Mother Realm or the female energy is an enemy of spiritual growth. Help women see that a balanced relationship with the Mother Realm is the key to growth.
6. /…/ to the reality that the female energy is equally as spiritual as the male energy but that none of them are enough in themselves.
7. /…/ to the reality that the highest spiritual result is achieved by balancing the male and female energies, in both the individual, in spiritual movements and in society.
8. /…/ to the fact that balance and harmony between male and female energies can be achieved only through union with the universal Christ mind, which is neither male nor female.
9. /…/ to the fact that due to the long domination of unbalanced religions, women are the key to restoring balance between male and female energies in spiritual movements and society. This is a historic opportunity.
Senaste kommentaren
17.01 | 17:26
Hi Andras! You have to ask people under adressen: Sincerely! Powel K.
17.01 | 17:16
AZ ÉNÜNK EREJE - heter boken på ungerska
24.12 | 07:34
Vad heter boken på ungerska ?
21.09 | 11:17
Hej Andrei, błöcker på engelska kan Du bestąlla här:
Hälsningar! Powel K.