Låt svenskarna komma ut ur sina skal och förstå visionen om integration för Östersjöregionen
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Let the Swedes come out of their shell and grasp the vision of integration for the Baltic region
Svensk översättning: Under förberedelse
TOPICS: A vision of the Baltic region - Finding the pearl in the Swedish oyster - Equality cannot be attained through sameness
I AM Saint Germain, and I welcome this opportunity to use my status as a Buddha to anchor an accelerating impetus of Light for a particular purpose, a particular mission. This is a blending of the 7th Ray of Freedom and the 8th Ray of Integration. For, indeed, it is my intention to anchor, through the journey of my two messengers, a Light that rings the Baltic Sea and therefore can build upon the freedom that has been achieved by the nations that border the Baltic Sea—and cause them to step up to a higher vision of how they might integrate themselves into an economic and possibly, in the long term, a political region. [This] might, then, begin the process, that I have spoken about before, of transcending the nation state and the many problems, wars and conflicts that have been generated by nation states over the course of history.
This, then, is the anchoring of the light in the nation of Sweden, but particularly in the southern part, where there is the greater possibility of integration, as there has, along the strait of Öresund, already been the start of a process of integration between Denmark and Sweden. So that the blurring of the national border has taken place, by the building of a bridge and tunnel, that might be supplemented with another bridge, to connect a complete circle for this region. Which might then can be the starting point, that can grow beyond and encompass more of Sweden, all of Denmark, spreading to Germany, Poland, the Baltic nations and Finland. Perhaps even in some future time begin to encompass even Saint Petersburg, as it also borders the very eastern edge of the Baltic Sea.
vision of the Baltic region
Back centuries ago, when land travel was much more difficult than today, the Baltic Sea served as an important link between the nations that border it. Now that
land travel and air travel has become much easier, the sea is to some degree a dividing factor. Nevertheless, from a spiritual level, there is always the possibility that certain geographical features – such as a valley or a sea, or other particular
regions – can serve to unite the peoples that live in that area. An ocean will, of course, always link through the element of the emotions. And this, of course, has the potential to go into the negative emotions or to be transcended into higher positive
Thus, the vision I give is indeed that the nations who border the Baltic Sea have received and attained a certain status, where through their dedication to freedom, they have made great progress in overcoming the lower emotions. And thus, the Baltic Sea then has the possibility of becoming a connecting link for higher positive emotions, based on a sense of freedom and a desire to integrate with those who are, after all, of like mind, even though they speak a different language and come from a somewhat different culture.
Of course, what we especially look to see is an integration between East and West, where indeed the former members, so to speak, of the Soviet Union can become an important link for bridging the gap between East and West that has divided Europe for so long. And if this gap in Europe could be transcended, then it could open up for the potential of bridging East and West on a planetary scale. And therefore, creating even more integration than you see today, where the primary link between East and West is cheap goods produced in China, exported to the West, and western capital going the other way.
Nevertheless, even this has begun a process of integration, for you see that whenever there is an exchange of knowledge and goods and money, it breaks up the old patterns – the old thought patterns, the old emotional patterns – that tend to divide peoples because they think that their culture is superior or is being threatened by another culture.
Finding the pearl in the Swedish oyster
Thus, you will see that there is indeed a potential that, starting in this Öresund region, there can be a greater
integration. And this could become, then, an important impetus for bringing the nation of Sweden out of the shell, the self-created shell, that it has been in for so long.
For my beloved, under the sea, you see a particular shellfish, called the oyster. It has a very hard and rugged shell, that it always attempts to keep closed. Yet if you open the shell, you might find a pearl within the oyster. And certainly, you have a pearl in the Swedish nation, but it is too covered over by the hard shell that the Swedish people have been taking on over the centuries.
This goes back not entirely to the Viking age, where there was more openness and commerce. But it especially started with the Swedish kings in the Middle Ages, who because Sweden holds the Father Flame for Scandinavia, went into a perversion of the Father Flame and thought it was their potential and their right to establish a large empire and thus conquer other nations around the Baltic Sea through force. This, then, has continued even to modern times, where Sweden has maintained its neutrality, even in an economic sense, and has attempted to create a very comfortable society, where security – trygghet – is indeed the byword.
Yet when you know what we of the ascended masters have taught, namely that transcendence is the very force of life, you can see that the intent to create a very comfortable welfare society is in direct opposition to the force of life itself. And thus, the second law of thermodynamics will take effect, unless a country is willing to transcend.
So far, the Swedes have walked a very delicate balance between the willingness to transcend and the attempt to create their own little haven on earth. Yet I tell you, that in the coming decades, the Swedes can only fulfill their highest potential by opening up far more to other nations. This might, of course, begin with Denmark, which has always had close ties, even had parts of southern Sweden under the Danish kings. Nevertheless, Sweden also has a potential to reach out to both Norway and Finland, but especially to the Baltic republics.
It is extremely important that Swedes overcome not only their desire to be their own masters in their own country, but also another perversion of the Father Flame, which is the sense of superiority. There are indeed many Swedes who would be surprised if they heard this, for they have become so filled with the idea of creating a society that has equality, that they are not very open to recognizing that the Swedish nation and the Swedish people have a very subtle and unrecognized sense of superiority.
Equality cannot be attained through sameness
Sweden is, of course, the largest and most populous country in Scandinavia. Sweden has the greatest natural resources, and has therefore had a fairly thriving economy. Sweden has had its sense of neutrality
because it was not conquered by Nazi Germany or Soviet Russia. Nevertheless, if the Swedes were to recognize honestly that they do have a sense of superiority, and if they were to decide to transcend this, then Sweden has an immense potential for reaching
out to other nations, especially the Baltic states, which tend to look to the West in their desire to integrate with nations that are as far from the old Soviet culture as possible. A culture, of course, that Russia itself has not even begun to seriously transcend.
And thus, even though some Swedish banks have bought up other banks in the Baltic nations, you will see even there that there has bot been the willingness of the Swedes to acknowledge, that when you go into other countries, you cannot expect other countries to think like you do, to act like you to, to talk like you do. And thus, if you are the one who moves out of your shell, you should be willing to realize that you also need to learn something from these other nations. Instead of expecting them to always adapt to you.
This is not integration, for integration does not require sameness. And this is precisely where the Swedish people have an important lesson to learn. For what they have attempted to create in their nation is a welfare society with great equality. Nevertheless, they have attempted to attain this by to some degree discouraging individuality and individual creative expression, and instead creating people who think the same way, because they have been brought up with the same vision of themselves, of life, of their country, and even of history.
And so, you see that there is great resistance in the Swedish nation to truly integrating with other nations, to integrating with other nations as equals. The Swedes believe they are willing to cooperate, but they do not see – for they are not willing to acknowledge – that true cooperation cannot be attained if you expect the others to cooperate on your terms and according to your culture and vision.
This is not to say that there is anything particularly wrong with Swedish culture and vision. But as everything else, it needs to transcend itself, or it will start to self-destruct. And it can transcend itself only by integrating with other cultures, as of course is the case for every nation. And that is indeed why there is a need for the Swedes to begin to recognize that they have something important to learn from other nations and other cultures.
And if this shift in perception, this shift in self-image and self-awareness could happen, then Sweden would have a very important role to play in the integration around the Baltic Sea, that could have important ramifications for creating a truer, a higher, integration in the European community, and ultimately, as I said, a higher integration on a global level.
Yet for this to happen, the Swedes need to be shaken out of their complacency, their comfortability. And thus, I predict that if the Swedes will not be willing to look at themselves, then certain events in the coming years will indeed shake the Swedes as much as the shooting in Norway shook up the Norwegian people. Of course, it remain, as Jesus so eloquently said, to be seen whether the Norwegians will truly look at themselves, or whether there needs to be other events before they begin the process of honest self-examination.
Thus, I have anchored the impetus of light that I desire to anchor here in southern Sweden. I anchor it here because the potential for integration is greater here than in the capital Stockholm, where you still see the old Swedish isolationist mentality anchored in greater measure. Thus, we must begin where the opening in consciousness is greates.
And therefore, I, Saint Germain, have had my say of what I wanted to say on this side of the Öresund strait. Thus, it is finished, and the Light shall prevail. For the pearl within the oyster is indeed the Light of Saint Germain. For without the Light from above, how shall any nation transcend the old. Thus, guard the pearl, for it is the Pearl of Great Price, for which it is worth it to sell everything that thou hast.
© by Kim Michaels
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17.01 | 17:26
Hi Andras! You have to ask people under adressen: feedback@morepublish.com. Sincerely! Powel K.
17.01 | 17:16
AZ ÉNÜNK EREJE - heter boken på ungerska
24.12 | 07:34
Vad heter boken på ungerska ?
21.09 | 11:17
Hej Andrei, błöcker på engelska kan Du bestąlla här:
Hälsningar! Powel K.